The edge of pure land

Chapter 260 After five hundred years, it’s finally my turn to play

The world between the sea and the sky was as silent as the beginning of chaos. Lu Buer once again felt the god in his mind awakening. The blood-red vertical pupil opened, and the seed of the god released endless desires, devouring it like a monster. The power within a woman.

The power of Omega surged out of the bad woman's body like endless flakes of light, poured into his fingertips like a tide, and merged into his body.

At first it was like a gurgling stream, then like a flood bursting its banks, and finally like a tsunami collapsing. When the endless power of Omega poured into his body, his body structure collapsed suddenly, and it made a shattering sound like porcelain, as if On the brink of death.

Blood was oozing from every pore of his body.

In an instant, they all turned into a tragic bloody man.

Speaking of which, this was really the craziest decision he had ever made in his life. When he first abducted the bad woman, he just wanted her curse of origin, but he didn't expect that it was isolated by divine power and could not be recovered.

And when he learned that the Flower of Beginning could lift the shield of divine power, he was already thinking about it, that is, whether the Seed of God could swallow the power of Omega.

If so, what is the cost of doing so.

There is no doubt that Lu Fuji will replace the bad woman and become the target of public criticism, helping her bear all the curses and resentments in the world, and it is very likely that she will be on the run from now on.

There may even be death.

But the problem is, Lu Buer never considers the cost when doing things.

I would rather die standing than live on my knees.

Just when Lu Fuji was about to collapse, the god in his mind seemed to have been nourished by the power of Omega and completed sublimation. He opened a line of blood-red vertical pupils, and the hellish blood-red dyed the noble face. The golden color released an extremely violent aura!

At this moment, the cores of Alpha and Omega completed the fusion. His mind was roaring, and he was overwhelmed by the majestic aura from ancient times. In a trance, he saw the door of heaven opening in front of him, and endless holy light came from the crack in the door. Pour in and destroy everything.

For a moment.

There was a bloody streak on Lu Buer's forehead.

The cool golden pupils lit up, bursting into fragments of fierce light.

And his fingers still stayed on the woman's forehead.

When Omega's power is stripped away.

The curse of origin also spread from Chen Jing's body, swallowed up by the young man's fingertips like a dark flame, and she herself felt a long-lost feeling.

Unfettered and free.

The shackles that had bound her for a long time finally left her, as if they were split open by lightning in a storm, and even the eternal chains on her wrists were broken at this moment.

Shaojun's fate has been cut off.

She was free.

This is what she has dreamed of for many years. It is the best gift she has ever received in her life. It comes from the only boy she has ever liked in her life. So many surprises and coincidences overlap and explode. It removes the haze of death and brings infinite vitality.

It's like the clouds have cleared and the fog has dispersed, revealing the light.

And the source of this light comes from the deer in front of me.

"Oh it's you……"

Chen Jing finally figured it out. It turns out that the humanity of the god of origin does not exist. The so-called inexplicable shortage of divine power is not caused by her. All incredible miracles come from this young man in front of him, the legendary seed of the god. It was in his hands, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to do all this.

Now he has even taken away Omega's soul, which means that he really has to bear all this curse for her.

"Are you stupid? You will die."

Tears finally burst out of this bad woman's eyes, not just because she was moved, but because she felt heartbroken when she saw his miserable appearance.

What she responded to was just a light touch.

Lu Fuji's condition is extremely bad at this moment. The power released after the fusion of Alpha and Omega is extremely contradictory. In his current state, he simply cannot bear it. If he cannot find a solution for a long time, he will definitely be killed. Kill himself.

Let alone fight with this power.

Fortunately, his immortal body became more powerful after absorbing the curse of origin, and was barely able to repair his broken body. Not only that, he could also vaguely glimpse the third conceptual change after transfinite and infinity. It's a huge improvement for him.

The most important thing is that he gained the authority of Shaojun.

In the god's curse system, he has the highest authority.

Now it’s really hard to say who is the main machine and who is the auxiliary machine.

Thinking of this, he actually grinned: "Whether I die or not, that's not something you have to worry about. I'm not an indecisive person, and you are not an indecisive person either. Now that this curse is on me, there's nothing you can do about it. Take it away, right?"

He is as arrogant and hateful as ever.

Chen Jing recalled the first time they met, in that building that was about to collapse. At that time, he was so weak, but she was the superior young master. At that time, he even boasted that he would save her. At that time, Her heart was full of ridicule, because it was not a building that trapped her but the whole world, and a recruit who knew nothing dared to speak so brazenly.

But fate is so wonderful.

At the end of the story, the arrogant guy really shattered the prison of this world with his own hands, giving her the freedom she dreamed of and a new life.

The strange dark wind no longer howled, and the screams between the sea and the sky also disappeared with the wind. The holy light falling from the sky became gentle, illuminating Chen Jing's tear-stained face.

Her red hair swayed in the wind and fell on the boy's face.

Lu Fuji raised his hand for the first time, fiddled with her soft forehead, and said softly: "From now on, you no longer need to pray to heaven. The place where the caged bird will eventually fly is not the sea, but the sea." The free sky. I remember what Long Que said to Long Ling when we were in the Holy Mountain... Just look into the distance, don't cry and don't look back. That's where you should look for the greenery and flowers at the end of the world. The place."

It was clear that freedom was right in front of her, but Chen Jing was reluctant to take a step from here. Her voice was like a lake disturbed by rain, and she was as angry as a gossamer: "What should I do?"

Lu Fuji was silent for a second.

"Of course I have to bear the price of being tempted by you."


The strong wind howled, and Chen Jing was pushed off the Flower of Beginning.

Her eyes were blank.

The Golden Martial God gathered in mid-air, held this beautiful girl in his arms, and blew air with his thunder wings, flying through the darkness and flying into the sky.

Lu Buer turned around decisively, thinking to himself that he was really a scumbag. He had obviously been trying to suppress his affection for this bad woman all the way, but he still failed in the end.

So what.

Just take responsibility for what men do.

I saw the golden eyes on his forehead shed blood as hot as lava. The authority of Alpha and Omega was operating, and the dark matter and divine power merged: "Run away, the farther away the better, although I alone can't do it for you." How long will it take, but this time... I have thousands of troops."

The blood-stained right hand was raised, as if it could touch the sky.

Lu Fuji doesn't know magic.

Of course, he doesn’t understand dark magic either.

That almost miraculous power was too complicated for him.


Even if he understood it, he couldn't do it in his current conflicting state.

Therefore, his operation was extremely simple and stupid, because he just divided the combination of dark matter and divine power in his body into countless parts, which fell like a heavy rain on the sea of ​​flowers on the island.

"My Father is in heaven..."

No, that's not right.

How could those humble prayers be worthy of his.

Therefore, Lu Buer endured the pain of his body breaking apart, and his soft voice echoed between the sea and the sky: "My destiny is in heaven, may my name be holy, my country be present, and all my wishes be fulfilled."

Countless golden streams of light rose into the sky from the sea of ​​flowers, and gathered above his head like thousands of currents returning to the sea. After the endless dark matter was transformed, countless black crystals condensed, almost like a huge black lotus. Covering the sky, it was majestic.

It is true that Lu Fuji is not proficient in divine arts. He just used that power to simulate the ability of the God Seed to swallow dark matter and feed back the black crystal, while performing multi-threaded operations.

With just such an application, he was shaken to pieces by the conflict between divine power and dark matter, his consciousness became blurred, and his vision gradually turned black.


Lu Fuji, covered in blood, fell to his knees.

Looking up at the sky.


A crisp snap of fingers.

The huge black lotus burst.

Black crystals fell from the sky like a rainstorm, covering the entire island's sea of ​​flowers.

On the empty beach, Yin Hao was stunned.

Because the countless resentful souls approaching the island let out angry and frightening screams, and even the strange rotten face that emerged between the sea and the sky stopped roaring.

The wind blew the sea of ​​flowers in the place of origin, and every flower in bud withered. The ghosts who had been sleeping for thousands of years opened their eyes and breathed the fresh air like newborn babies. Looking at the world with curious eyes, every one of them is very weak, but such a large number is like a black tide of corpses.

The most important thing is that they can also devour each other and evolve.

These ghosts who broke out of the cage did not follow their primitive instincts to kill and devour each other. Instead, they knelt before the young man at the top of the Flower of Beginning like devout believers.

It's like ministers worshiping their king.

This spectacular scene fell in the eyes of Chen Jing, who was already far away. He was indeed the only man she had fallen in love with in her life. He was always so high-spirited and majestic no matter when and where he was. Even though he was weak at the moment, he was the only one who dominated her. His aura was like that of a king.

He is such a person.

If there is a mountain in front of him, he will blast it away.

If there is a sea in front of him, he will split it.

Even if he is alone at the end of the world, he can stand at the end of the world and summon his thousands of troops to declare war on the gods with the most proud attitude.

"After five hundred years, I have finally waited for this day."

Lu Buer spread his hands and stared at the gods coming from the sea with an extremely arrogant look. A ferocious smile appeared on his lips: "Tear them to pieces!"

The White Walkers let out a high-pitched roar and rushed away like thousands of troops!

At this moment, he seemed to be...the King of the White Walkers!

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