The edge of pure land

Chapter 261 The Blissful Light of the World Tomorrow!

At the end of the world, Lu Buer dropped his right hand.

As if waving a battle flag.

The white walkers that emerged from the ancient ruins swarmed out, like a surging tide after a dam broke. Their bodies were dripping with dark matter. Each individual was very weak, but they rushed into the dead air in the sea water fearlessly and bit those resentful souls.

He himself sat alone in the stamen of the flower of origin, holding his forehead and enduring severe pain. This was his first time trying to control such a large number of white walkers, and the backlash was unprecedented, enough to make anyone in the world brain dead in an instant.

But because the cores of Alpha and Omega merged, he was able to bear this price in a short period of time. The golden pupil on his forehead trembled violently, and golden blood flowed out.

At this moment, he clearly felt the difference between the two powers.

The power of the God of Origin symbolizes the infinity of immortality.

The power of the Tree of Life is more like the infinity of omnipotence.

The former is the infinity of energy.

The latter is the infinity of technology.

Using martial arts novels as an example is like two extreme opponents.

The former has almost infinite internal strength, but is inferior in skills. When fighting, he can only throw a simple and rough punch. The latter has mastered the most exquisite martial arts moves in the world and has reached the level of skills close to Taoism, but is slightly lacking in magnitude.

One is like a perpetual motion machine that produces infinite energy.

The other is like a calculator with infinite computing power.

These two forces are originally complementary and integrated, but for some reason they were forcibly separated and gradually evolved into two completely different properties.

Origin and end.

Alpha and Omega.

So that's what happened.

Unfortunately, he has no way to share this secret until now. Even he himself can't predict the danger of this battle, so he raised his other hand.

Like a pistol, against his forehead.

As long as the situation is not good, he will kill himself and destroy the cores of Alpha and Omega together. These gods have planned for tens of thousands of years and finally get nothing.

If you win, you make a lot of money, and if you lose, you don't lose.

On the surging sea, the strange man shrouded in death raised his head, and his terrifying black eye holes seemed to be filled with anger. He seemed to roar with reluctance, but those terrifying ghosts were torn apart by the swarming ghosts and could not land on the island at all.

For a moment, a distant song sounded in the sea breeze. Wherever the song of destruction passed, all living things were forcibly dominated and fought each other.

I saw huge narwhals emerging from the turbulent sea water, crashing into the broken waves at an astonishing speed. The song of destruction was emitted by them.

And there seemed to be a huge shadow swimming in the deep sea.

The singer of the abyss!

It is hard to imagine that two gods appeared at the same time in this starting place. Although they are not complete, it is a grand occasion that has never appeared in decades.

But even if the followers of the two gods came together, they were still blocked by the tide of strange ghosts, and they could not invade the lonely island in a short time.

The smile on Lu Buer's lips became more and more crazy, and his golden eyes with blood flowing trembled wildly. He tried to control the tide of decayed ghosts to devour the dark matter of those resentful souls and whales. At present, he could not stop them with just numbers, and he must try to improve his combat effectiveness.

His aliens must evolve.

In a short moment, he didn't know how many brain cells died. The high load on his brain almost made him collapse. He couldn't suppress the low roar in his throat and trembled all over.

At this moment, someone landed on the island.

That person was Yin Ma.

Lu Buer raised his bloodshot eyes tiredly, stared at him, and said word by word: "You thought I couldn't do it, but now I have done it, and this is my answer."

This time, Yin Mae did not sneer at him coldly, but looked at him deeply and said calmly: "Yes, this is your answer, it's fucking amazing."

The old man who had experienced the catastrophe before the era and wasted five hundred years said in an unbelievable tone: "I really can't imagine that your parents, who are so gentle and elegant, would give birth to a lunatic like you. I don't like you, and I don't want to hand the world over to you, but just now, I was impressed by your courage."

His tone was a little excited, and a hint of fanatical hope appeared in his cold eyes. He trembled and said: "Yes, facing the gods, why do we always sacrifice? Why do we always tolerate? Why can't we... win once?"

Lu Buer looked at him coldly.

"Today, I'll help you."

Yin Mae walked behind him and pressed his temples with both hands.

In fact, Lu Buer didn't like the old man either. He should have rejected such actions, but for some reason he had a strange feeling.

It seemed that the old man often did this to his parents five hundred years ago.

"The ritual begins."

Yin Mae said calmly: "Soul resonance."

For a moment, Lu Buer felt a pure and gentle spirit merge into his brain, instantly healing all his brain damage, and even the huge load of controlling the alien tide was shared, and he no longer felt any pain.

On the other hand, Yin Hao, an old man who was about to die, bleeded from all his orifices in an instant and let out a shrill scream, as if billions of steel needles had penetrated his brain.

Pain doesn't just disappear.

It will only transfer.

Lu Fuji just wanted to break free.

Then the old man's roar was heard.

"leave me alone!"

Yin Hao roared at the top of his lungs: "My life and death has nothing to do with you. I have waited five hundred years for this opportunity. I don't want anything... I just want to beat them once! I just want to win once! I I don’t want to run away, I don’t want to run away anymore!”

The old man's roar seemed to convey endless humiliation and desolation. In fact, no one knew how he escaped the pursuit of the gods five hundred years ago and flew a fighter plane alone when his teammates and students were almost wiped out. After crossing the vast sea, we came to this island.

Experienced a long sleep and endured endless loneliness.

As a watcher, silently observe the world.

Watching the world I once loved gradually slip into the abyss.

But still unable to do anything.

Only then did Lu Fuji understand that he was a warrior.

Even if you don't like his character.

But I have to admit it.

This is a true warrior.

And this warrior no longer has a place to call home. He spent so many years here just to protect Omega's secrets, but now that his mission has been completed, his only wish is revenge and trying to win. This battle.

The moment Lu Fuji resonated with his soul, he also felt his loneliness and vicissitudes over the years, as well as the deep fear hidden deep in his heart.

Five hundred years ago in Linhai City, the empty highway on the outskirts was accompanied by the strange man in the shroud who was attacked by the spirit of death, and the corpses of his companions who died tragically beside him.

Faced with that unstoppable force, he could only roar.

Only roaring brings courage.

He would not be so frightened that he would kneel down and beg for mercy.

Fight with a roar, die with a roar.

Every comrade roared like this and fought to the death.

Yin Hao also roared.

But he could only roar and run away. No matter how much he wanted to turn around and fight, he had to run away because he was the last member of the Tianshen scientific expedition team and the team could not be completely destroyed in the hands of the gods.

He had to live, live with that secret.

After hundreds of years of slumber, everything in the world has changed. In fact, he could have just left the place of origin and spent his old age in peace, but he did not do that. His life was already over. He was slaughtered by the gods in that place. In the rainy night, his energy and spirit had been destroyed.

Now it's like a walking corpse.

Hold on to the beliefs of the past.

But now the wildfire in Yin Hao's heart was awakened.

I'm talking like a teenager.

Like a prairie fire, it burns up.


Lu Fuji raised his eyes: "We...defeat them!"

The golden eyes on his forehead trembled violently.

The White Walkers who swarmed out received the order and madly devoured the dark matter of the resentful souls and giant whales. They drank blood and flesh and roared to evolve. Their skinny bodies were stretched by strong muscles, and their armor and wings were made of thorns. It broke out of the body, glowing with scorching lines.

Dead ghost.

Thorn ghost.

Blazing ghost.

They roared and fought, pouring out their anger and moving forward bravely.

But this alone is not enough.

Because part of the Corrupted Death God and the Abyss Singers were still there, they invaded like an unstoppable natural disaster, tearing a hole in the White Walker tide.

"We have been fighting the gods for thousands of years, and the only weapon in our hands is courage. Countless times of history have proven that when you move forward with courage, the world will make way for you. You will find that you are never alone. , you have thousands of troops behind you.”

Yin Hao roared: "He's coming!"

As if in response to their roar.

There was a resounding snap in the sky in the dark night, and endless light illuminated the world, and darkness could no longer hide, as if dawn was approaching at the break of dawn.

There is a figure floating in the endless light!


In fact, Lu Fujian no longer counted on him at this point. He thought that he would be plotted against him again after meeting his old friend, and that he was already finished by this time.

"This is the strongest evolver in history."

Yin Hao said in a deep voice: "His kingdom is coming!"

In the light between the sea and the sky, Medanzo's hands were in the lotus sign, his pale hair was swaying in the sea breeze, his black suit and white shirt were swaying in the wind, his slim pants were blown into ripple-like folds by the wind, and his crocodile leather shoes It was stained with blood and dirt.

One can imagine how he traveled all the way here.

"Hey, it looks like Boss Lu has done something big. In that case, I'll help you again. Don't forget to help me fill up the mana after you're done."

This arrogant man looked up at the sky and closed his eyes as if intoxicated. His soft voice became solemn and solemn: "The incomplete kingdom unfolds..."

The seal in his hand condensed: "Blissful Light Tomorrow on Earth!"

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