The edge of pure land

Chapter 285 I caught you

The Pope's words were too shocking.

It was like a thunderclap in Zhou Zhuo and Peng Xianzhi's ears, which frightened the two old men to death, and made their brains blank and lose their ability to think.

"This is impossible. If the divine intelligence really has self-awareness, it is impossible to have rich emotions and personality like real humans. According to the research handed down by the Tianren Organization, the nature of divine power is the law of nature."

Peng Xianzhi's old face showed a trace of emotion, as if because his cognition was overturned, he seemed a little excited: "The Tao Te Ching says that heaven and earth are not benevolent and treat all things as straw dogs. This sentence means that the rules of nature are fair. In terms of Omega's status, He has already integrated into a part of the laws of nature and cannot have self-will."

As a senior scholar who once trained a divine monarch, she is naturally qualified to say this, because she is one of the people who know the civilization of the gods best in the world today.

Secretary Zhou nodded slightly and said, "Theoretically, this is indeed impossible. If Omega has self-awareness, then no matter what he wants to do, no one can stop him... Even the Celestial Organization cannot restrict him."

There is one point that cannot be avoided here, that is, if the Tree of Life really has self-awareness, then he must have no emotions, just like a program that can only execute instructions.

After all, this is an artificial god.

The artificial god was given the order to eliminate the White Walkers at the beginning of its birth. It can be said that he exists to eliminate the dark matter, otherwise there would not have been the battle at the starting point.


The Pope spoke again.

After Medanzo blew up this guy's head, he sat on the table panting. His mission has been completed for now, so he looked at this extremely abstract and weird scene and began to rest.

The Pope cannot take action in a short time. Even if he has an immortal body, he cannot heal such a serious injury in a short time. But strictly speaking, he should be a dead person now. It seems that there is some unknown energy supporting his body that is on the verge of breaking.

The boiling blood surged in his body, as if strengthening his body to an extremely hard level. He was like a blood demon, ferocious and terrifying.

"You are all foxes who have lived for thousands of years, so you don't have to play dumb at this time. Why does the Holy Monarch System exist? Isn't it to guard against the self-awareness of the Tree of Life? It's just that you have always believed that the process of the Tree of Life giving birth to self-awareness is extremely slow, but not impossible. Because the High Priest of Lotus is the best example."

The Pope's broken head was filled with blood and flesh fibers, which sprang up like bamboo shoots after rain and woven together: "Just as you said, if the Tree of Life really gave birth to its own will, then He would become like Lotus before today, and must make a choice between self and power. Of course, even so, His self-will awakened very slowly. You may not believe it, but I have been trying to suppress His consciousness for many years."

The wooden sword had already pierced his heart, so he simply freed his hands and spread them casually: "The existence of the Watcher Lighthouse can also prevent the birth of self-awareness in the Tree of Life. What I want is very simple, that is to try to resurrect my daughter. You may not trust me, but I think you need to consider whether what I said is true."

Peng Xianzhi and Zhou Zhu were silent.

Medanzo raised his right hand panting, made a pistol gesture, and aimed at his teacher from behind: "Old principal, Professor Peng... I think you should know very well who this guy in front of you is. I'm tired of listening to his sophistry." He shrugged: "Instead of believing him, it's better to believe that I am Qin Shihuang. Once the Watcher Lighthouse is built, I don't know whether the consciousness of the Tree of Life will be destroyed, but Li Nuo finally got his freedom. Will he be controlled by others again? And your son-in-law, who you have high hopes for, has the appearance of a sacred monarch. At that time, he will become a puppet manipulated by the Akasha Holy Church at will. And of course I don't care. At most, I will cut myself and abolish my divine power." This sentence is actually a reminder to Lianhua. Because Lianhua knows who has the core of Omega. Now Lu Buer has usurped the core of the two gods Alpha and Omega by himself, and there is no way for him to cut these two powers. Zhou Zhuo and Peng Xianzhi were also silent. The brain was working fast. What Medanzo said made sense. Everything the Pope said was too absurd. No one knew if it was a lie he made up to buy himself time, after all, he had no substantial evidence.

"Whether you believe it or not, I will continue to move forward."

The Pope suddenly said, "The time has come."

Lianhua turned around and looked at the projection screen. In the broken ruins of time, night and day blended together. A military helicopter could be seen whizzing past, and a dark shadow fell in the cabin.


The Pope's adopted daughter.

In fact, adopted daughter is just a nicer excuse, because this woman was actually cultivated as a weapon. She has lived in a laboratory since she was a child, and received the world's top education and training, which almost pathologically improved her thinking logic and combat ability. It was not until she was eighteen years old that she was identified as qualified and was able to contact the outside world.

Obviously, this was a plan originally formulated by the Akashic Holy Cult to cultivate a holy monarch for itself, but it was only terminated because of the emergence of the Three Golden Sages.

Therefore, Sasha has always been sleeping in the dormant chamber as a secret weapon. It was not until recently that she was released from the seal in order to snipe the young master in the Tower of Babel.

Of course, the Pope did not think that his adopted daughter could defeat the arrogant young man among her peers with her strength, so she had to use other methods.

There was a loud bang.

Sasha gushed out blood as she fell, and instantly completed her self-strengthening. She casually pulled out a sword, and the blade trembled slightly, like a bee.

This was an extremely fast knife. The boundary between night and day seemed to be torn apart. Only a fleeting flash of light passed by, as if the highway was divided into two!

Creation system, blood numerology.

The truth-level alien magic from the Hundred-Armed Giant, the Arm of Violence!

As one of the four major evolutionary chains of gods, the Hundred-Armed Giant's authority is the ability to unlimitedly strengthen his body. Assuming that he does not expand himself without any restrictions, he can even possess a star with a mass comparable to that of a star. like body.

Not only that, his life structure will continue to diversify, possessing countless extremely complex traits to adapt to various extreme environments.

Therefore, Sasha's sword was almost unstoppable in the territory of the Sixth Mercy World. A ray of sword light fell from the sky and fell towards the flamboyant red-haired boy.

At this moment, Lu Fuji didn't seem to notice at all. He still grabbed the screaming enemy in his hand and tried to burn it to charcoal with the rolling thunder.

Elder was also unaware that reinforcements had arrived, and the barrier of telekinesis had been condensed to the extreme, but it was still torn apart by the majestic plasma, and his whole body was convulsing with electricity.

In fact, it is quite remarkable to be able to hold on to this point. Elder also used telekinesis to strengthen his body, otherwise he would have been a charred corpse at this moment.

The total strength displayed by Lu Fuji at this moment is probably around the peak of the Sixth Mercy World. Although it seems at first glance that the endurance is insufficient, the explosive power is indeed extremely terrifying.

There was a click.

Lu Fuji was cut in half with a knife!

After Sasha succeeded with the knife, he used his hands to release his inertia and knelt on the ground half-kneeling. His golden hair was swaying, as if he couldn't believe that he had defeated the target so easily.

This scene was also projected on the rooftop of the Hengxing Technology Building, as if everything had become a foregone conclusion, but everyone's expressions changed slightly.

The corners of the Pope's mouth twitched slightly.

Lian Hua saw her boyfriend split in half with her own eyes, but her beautiful eyes did not show any murderous intent. Instead, they were as bright and moving as the stream illuminated by the morning light.


Zhou Zhou turned around and said, "He is done?"

Peng Xianzhi shook his head: "I don't know either. I just helped him complete his promotion, but how to integrate those powers later is beyond my scope of help."


Metazord coughed tiredly, but his expression was so elated: "Of course I taught you. Integrating the systems you have mastered is the ultimate way out for evolvers. However, Boss Lu's dark matter body is rather special. . As we all know, White Walkers at the same level are stronger than Evolutionaries in terms of strength, speed, and defense.”

He paused: "At this moment, this kid has integrated the dark matter body into his own body, driving double the numerology at the same time, exerting the power of electromagnetic force to the extreme."

Of course, the premise of all this is divine magic.

Therefore, Sasha's knife actually failed.

What was torn apart by the blade was just the afterimage of Lu Fuji.

On that windy and sandy highway, Sasha raised his head between darkness and light, and realized the problem because the target in front of him had disappeared.

Even Elder disappeared without a trace.

What kind of top speed is that?

Sasha felt slightly frightened.

Suddenly, a voice sounded behind her.

"Did you fire that shot?"

I saw Lu Fuji flashing behind her with thousands of strands of electric light. He picked up a charred body in his hand, first raised it high above his head, and then smashed it down!


The asphalt pavement collapsed.

Elder's scorched body sank deeply into the pit, and the carbonized flesh and blood cracked inch by inch. It was gradually repaired by weak telekinesis, and even the fluctuations in divine power were almost annihilated.

Sasha disappeared without a trace.

Lu Fuji lost his target.

At this moment he heard a roar from behind.

Without hesitation, he turned around and stretched out his right hand.


The extremely sharp slashes came to an abrupt end.

Sasha maintained the posture of wielding the sword, but the sword could not move at all.

Lu Fuji grabbed the incoming blade lightly, his flamboyant red hair swaying in the wind and sand, revealing his cool eyes: "I've caught you."

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