The edge of pure land

Chapter 288 Rediscovering the original intention

The deputy pope appeared so mysteriously that no one noticed his arrival at first. Only when he appeared did they realize that the huge main control room was filled with rumors.

Lu Buer's first reaction was to be nervous. After all, he was facing a god this time, and the deputy pope was already old and always on the verge of death.

But he soon found out he was wrong.

Because the deputy pope at this moment is not the old man struggling on the hospital bed yesterday, but a real liger, exuding a ferocious aura, like a young man.

With a click, Gong Yu's right hand was torn apart by the howling wind, and the pale shroud was shattered into powder, but not a drop of blood flowed out, only countless butterflies flying.

The reincarnated body of the god sat on the chair and drew back. The severed wrist spewed out rich dark matter, and returned to normal in an instant: "I didn't expect that you would use drugs to force your way back to the peak? That's right, as the ancients said. Said, the only purpose of Kuchiki's existence is to burn. For people like you who are old and about to die, there is no point in living if you don't give it a try."

The vice-pope strode towards him and said expressionlessly: "Stop pretending to be a wolf in front of me. Your current state is not very good. Although that guy Medanzo is not very reliable, he is in a good mood. When times are bad, it’s really tough.”

Gong Yu put down the coffee cup in his hand and did not answer.

I saw a faint holy light emerging from his body wrapped in the shroud, which looked like the lines of broken porcelain, accompanied by the sound of fragmentation.

It seemed that Medanzo had used magic to fill this guy's body with photons, so that he had to suppress the expanding energy in his body at all times, otherwise he would explode on the spot.

This is also the reason why Gong Yu hides.

It seemed that Metanzo won that battle.

"Child, let's go."

The vice-pope said in a deep voice.

Lu Buerxin said that he couldn't move at all now. His consciousness was groggy and his body was as heavy as lead. He didn't know what kind of ability had affected him.

I saw the deputy pope bit a golden seed on his back molar, his eyes suddenly lit up with a fierce holy light, and he casually touched the center of his eyebrows: "Broken!"

Like a thunderclap, Lu Fuji's mind suddenly became bright, as if he had struggled out of a swamp. It was at this moment that he suddenly realized that his body had been filled with the gloomy death energy at some point. entangled.

He hadn't noticed this weird scene just now.

"The Corruption God of Death has the power of the undead. The legends about ghosts all over the world basically originate from him. When faced with this kind of thing, you must not be obsessed by him. Once you are possessed by death" When eroded, it will slowly transform into a corpse. "The deputy pope protected him and flew back. It was obvious that he was not willing to continue fighting.

"A god personally came out to deal with me, the fourth perfect world, and it really made me look bad. When I die, I will write this incident on my epitaph."

Lu Fuji took a deep breath: "Thank you very much."

"Don't many ancient Internet texts have this kind of loophole? The villain can obviously kill the growing protagonist group in advance, but he just lets them grow up, and in the end they are defeated like a mountain. But the reality is that as long as the opponent notices it, If you show any signs of rising, they will kill you."

The deputy pope stood in front of him, staring at the butterflies flying in the sky with ferocious eyes like a liger. With a wave of his withered right hand, he stirred up a whistling wind, and there was a hint of enthusiasm in the wind: "And old people like us The reason why it exists is to prevent this kind of thing. Young people are the hope of the future, so don’t thank me, this is what I should do.”

Today, he seemed to have come back to his senses, full of energy like a young man, and his voice was full of energy, especially his waving movements were like waving war flags, exuding a sense of solemnity and determination: "I There are also family members, sons and granddaughters, the fields in my hometown, the dogs in the yard...those things still need to be protected by you."

The life energy surged in his body.

His breathing and heart beat like war drums.

The pupils of his eyes lit up golden.

This is... holy riot syndrome!

The butterflies swaying all over the sky were torn apart by the strong wind, and spread like black mist in an instant. There was a faint aura of death and decay, and even screamed.

Black fog rolled in and engulfed the Watcher's Lighthouse.

The broken ruins of time were instantly obscured by black mist. The priests and priests who were supposed to be dead actually stood up twitchingly and turned into rotten walking corpses.

Even Sasha and El twitched and rolled, struggling to get up from the ground like zombies, their pale eyes covered with bloodshot eyes, and they looked up to the sky and roared.

In the mist, Gong Yu's elegant voice drifted in the wind: "Vice-Pope, are you really as noble as you say? Why do I think you are trying to atone for your sins? You must know that you were the Vice-Pope... Back then How could the Holy Cult of Akasha’s research on my corpse be without your approval? You are also a greedy person, so don’t be pretentious here.”

Lu Fuji was stunned for a moment. At this moment, he had retreated to the highway. He raised his eyes and looked at the majestic back of the old man in front of him, thinking that the other party was trying to sow discord.

Unexpectedly, the deputy pope still raised his hand to protect him, summoning a roaring hurricane to tear through the dark fog, and forcibly opened a passage: "Yes, I am also a guilty person. I was also involved in what happened back then. . Most of the sins in this world are caused by greed. The ascension incident in the North Pole was due to greed, and the Akasha Holy Cult’s research on the reincarnation of the gods was also due to greed, which led to the invasion of the corrupt god of death, leading to a series of events. horrible disaster."

Lu Buer's eyes trembled slightly, but he stopped talking.

The vice-pope casually tore the resurrected corpses into bloody powder and said calmly: "Yes, in fact, I had guessed it a long time ago, but it was too late. I admit that I am not a talented person. It wasn’t until Longque was seriously injured that I realized the seriousness of the problem and that we had made a huge mistake.”

As the black mist surged, Gong Yu's face was condensed. The reincarnation of the god mocked condescendingly: "You have been studying Constantine's legacy for many years, but you don't know that I have already deciphered the code and taken away the real legacy." Treasure. I am his good friend. Who can be faster than me? I really wanted to laugh when I watched you studying hard all those years."

Pretending to be a corpse is indeed a terrifying thing.

Especially the person who faked the corpse was Gong Yu.

It can only be said that the Corrupt God of Death is indeed a master of heaven, and he chose a very important person as his reincarnation, thus creating the era of the Three Golden Sages.

He successfully blended into the human world and made everyone laugh.

"Yes, we are indeed stupid, but don't you also make wedding clothes for others? Chu Shiqing, you should know best what it is."

The vice-pope did not look back and whispered: "My child, I must admit my mistake to you. The bitter fruit today is actually caused by me. The survey of the Holy Mountain is actually a remedy. I I once hoped that Long Que would not go to the Holy Mountain, but it was his destiny after all, and I couldn't stop him. At that time, I actually didn't understand why he was willing to leave so willingly, letting the church's mistakes and letting God go. Invasion."

He paused: "Later I understood, because he entrusted his will to you. He does not need to return to the top, because you are the peak that has never been reached. I regretted it very much at that time, and failed to protect that child. As for letting him be seriously injured."

Lu Fuji was silent for a moment. The survey operation of the Holy Mountain was a lifelong shadow for him. Even if he finally started the creation ceremony and forcibly reversed the outcome, he still hated it.

What he hates is himself.

He was too weak at that time.

If possible, he hoped to fight alongside that man.

"But what I regret most is that I concealed it from him. I told you that the church had locked the reincarnation of the God of Origin many years ago. But at that time, I also longed to return to the top, and I also longed The power of creation ceremony.”

The vice-pope said in a deep voice: "We have always paid close attention to Long Ling, but we didn't know that a huge disaster was brewing silently. We sent a very strong elite team during the Long sister and brother's holy mountain survey operation However, they disappeared mysteriously in that mountain. Now that I think about it, it must be Gong Yu and Chu Shiqing who were secretly causing trouble. When we realized that the team was completely wiped out, the tragedy had already happened... We were unable to undo it."

"That is to say, you promoted him a lot later because you felt guilty." Lu Buer was protected by him and walked into the depths of the black mist. He saw the strong wind tearing at the dead air all over the sky, as if roaring.

"Yes, my conscience is reminding me that I am guilty. That's why I condoned him, allowed him to clean up the Holy Family in Linhai City, and allowed him to go on a killing spree. I even revealed some of my investigations to him, intentionally or unintentionally, This led to his disrepute.”

The Vice-Pope retreated step by step, leaving him with only a ferocious back: "I thought this would calm his anger, but I was wrong. His murderous nature became more and more serious, and eventually even the gods and Buddhas in the sky could not To defuse his murderous intention, this also brought disaster to him. But what I felt most guilty about was that in the end... he had guessed that I was also his enemy."

Lu Fuji fell into silence. He was already very tired at this time. After suddenly learning the truth, he felt as if his whole body had been drained and he almost fell down.

The vice-pope supported him and said softly: "But even so, Longque still regarded me as his teacher. From that moment on, I suddenly realized that I was not a complete failure in those years. . In the last journey of his life, he really reconciled with himself. Of course, the most important reason is that he met you. As long as he gives you time, you will continue to fulfill his unfulfilled wishes. You are essentially the same kind of people.”

The wind is getting louder and louder.

But the wailing in the wind became more and more terrifying.

The Vice-Pope has actually been using the sound of wind to cover up the wails in the black fog, and has also tried his best to annihilate the deathly air spreading in the fog, but in the end he still cannot stop the invasion of that kind of power.

Lu Fuji still inhaled the breath of death, his consciousness was hazy, his body became stiff and heavy, and he even felt like he would transform into a corpse at any time.

If he was in his prime, it wouldn't be like this.

But now he is very weak and his numerology cannot function.

Not to mention the White Walkers.

"Kid, hold on!"

The vice-pope shouted loudly: "My biggest regret in my life is that I failed to protect the dragon bird. So this time, I will never let anything happen to you. Although you are not my student, in my eyes, you are like It’s like he was reincarnated.”

Lu Fuji was suddenly stunned.

Because he felt the warmth behind him.

The old man's hand was pressed on his back, and a warm and generous force shined into his body like the sunshine in spring, dispelling the dead energy that penetrated into his bone marrow and bringing life again.

That is the power of magic.

As a powerful figure in the Holy Religion of Akasha, the Vice-President still holds some ulterior taboos even though he has been sidelined due to certain actions over the years.

For example, he can forcefully temporarily gain divine power through certain means.

This is like a high priest temporarily gifting his divine power to his students.

But the real surprise was the aura of the vicar general.

An extremely powerful force is burning!

That kind of power is very familiar to Shika Fuji!

Burning Sky Bones!


The highway where night and day meet echoes with the violent roar of dragons, and a giant red dragon is seen entrenching itself between the sky and the earth, spewing out endless fierce winds!

This is White Walker magic.

The Archdeacon's White Walkers.

No wonder Longque can go so far on the road of ghost magic. It turns out that this old man has been helping behind the scenes all these years. The old man is not as unbearable as he said. If he is not seriously injured, he may be qualified to create his own. kingdom!

By the way, Lu Buer remembered.

The reason why the Vice-Pope was seriously injured and fell from his rank was because he had retreated to cover the army and ordinary people, but he could have chosen not to do so.

"After the Tree of Life lost its core, it has been trying to create a new one, but it has never met the requirements. In other words, there is more than one copy of Omega's core. One of them is in the hands of the Celestial Being Organization, and the other is in the hands of the Celestial Being Organization. One copy was usurped by Mei Danzuo. In other words, there may be two copies of the defective product, but there is only one copy of the genuine product. This is why Gong Yu will target you. Gong Yu believes that Mei Danzuo took away the genuine product. , gave you his own defective product.”

The vice-pope looked back at him and suddenly smiled: "Remember this and don't be too nervous in the future. Gong Yu doesn't know where the authentic product has gone."

Lu Fuji felt that the old man's life energy was burning crazily, like a piece of rotten wood that ignited a raging mountain fire after being struck by thunder.

The vice-pope turned around, and the spine on his back became red and hot. The fierce foehn wind roared past on the highway, and the dark matter body of the Dragon of Candlelight roared.

"Initially, I was also one of the executives of Aurora Technology, just like Su Shi. After I broke out of my cocoon, I also became a soldier. But after I changed careers, I forgot my original intention. At that time, I joined What is the purpose of the Akashic Religion? Of course it is to correct the mistakes of the Akashic Religion. But after many years, I gradually lost my original intention.”

The vice-pope raised his head: "But now, I want to get it back."

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