The edge of pure land

Chapter 364 Followers of the Candle Day Dragon

Amid the deafening sound of artillery fire, Ye Cheng swiftly shuttled through the blowing sand. His body was covered with a layer of ice armor as thin as a cicada's wing, which could help him resist the damage caused by alchemical ammunition. At this time, he heard screams from all directions.

Screams mixed in the artillery fire.

Obviously, his subordinates were already dealing with the militants around them.

These militants were the Evolutionary Guild in Egypt. Its predecessor was an extremist organization active in the Sinai Peninsula at the end of the 20th century. It had planned and launched many terrorist attacks. It was itself a religious fanatic and was once violently swept away. Later, after the new era began, this group of people plunged into the third site and established a new home.

No, it's better to say it's plunder than to say it's established.

Originally, the people living in the third site were a group of primitive survivors. They were Copts who voluntarily entered the restricted area because of their religious beliefs five hundred years ago. They were the true descendants of ancient Egypt.

But the real rulers of Egypt are always the sacrificial groups dominated by the gods. Even during the period of Hellenization and Roman rule, they have always been highly active in secret, maintaining their social status and keeping their culture and blood pure.

As for the primitive survivors, they were just slaves or inferiors enslaved by them in ancient times, so they naturally didn't care.

But the main reason why the Tianren Organization supports the armed forces in the restricted area to expel these primitive survivors is actually to seal the secret of the Land of Meteoric Dragons.

These primitive survivors have lived in the restricted area for five hundred years, and they can always find something from the local ancient ruins. The exploration of integrating into nature over the years has actually made them develop an extremely special religious belief, that is, the worship of dragons.

You must know that there are no dragons in the strict sense in the mythology of ancient Egypt.

To be more precise, there are no real Eastern dragons.

The primitive survivors in Egypt worship Eastern dragons?

Obviously, they have touched the secrets of the Land of Meteoric Dragons.

In order to keep it secret, the Tianren Organization must expel them.

Supporting the armed forces in the restricted area is the best way.

After all, the Tianren Organization is not always active in the restricted area.

What was unexpected was that these armed forces supported by the Tianren Organization would actually rebel. Sure enough, people would do some irrational things under extreme fear. After these people were infected with the disease, they were eager to find a way to treat it.

Therefore, they set their sights on the Tianren Organization.


An alchemical rocket fell, but it was frozen into ice in mid-air by the diffuse cold fog and fell to the ground like a hard stone.

Ye Cheng followed up and crushed it with one foot, and an ice cone burst out at will, killing an armed member hiding behind the sand dunes. The absolute low temperature froze him into an ice sculpture.

He raised his hand and set up a huge ice shield, and rushed forward against the dense rain of bullets. The sound of bullets hitting the ice was so dense, like a rainstorm.

Deep in the sandstorm is a fortress made of boulders, surrounded by dilapidated barbed wire and broken sandbags, military facilities everywhere, and large energy equipment.

The militants called for gathering in the base.

With Ye Cheng's order, the celestials rushed forward like ghosts, jumped into the hail of bullets, and landed heavily behind the sand pile, killing people.

There was no cover, but they were unscathed.

Every fall of the celestials caused a huge explosion, and the evolvers from the local armed forces were terrified. It turned out that all alchemical weapons seemed so ridiculous in front of absolute strength, and the opponent only needed the purest violence to crush them.

The sun on the horizon became particularly bright at some point, and golden rays of sunlight crisscrossed the battlefield to prevent sneak attacks by the White Walkers during the battle.

This is a simplified version of the Sun God Matrix.

"At 10 o'clock, 57 meters away, firepower clearing completed."

"At 7 o'clock, 94 meters away, heavy firepower found!"

"At 12 o'clock, 102 meters away, request support!"

The cold voices of the heavenly people came one after another.

The militants hiding behind the bunkers sometimes couldn't even see the enemy's movements clearly. They were close to the enemy in a blink of an eye. The barrel of the heavy machine gun was cut off with a knife, and they lost their firepower.

Then the dagger pierced their throats, and the blood flowed.

"Request... support!"

Some militants fell in the sand and desperately called for their teammates.

There was no mercy in the eyes of the heavenly people. The resistance of these armed forces was no different from a gnat trying to shake a tree. They claimed to be descendants of God and held the huge power inherited from ancient times. Naturally, they would not care about these tiny inferiors.

They can support this group of people.

They can also kill this group of people.

"Are these people crazy?"

A celestial being said calmly: "They actually dared to resist us."

"Who knows?"

Someone answered: "Maybe they are crazy."

They sped up and crossed the battlefield, like a swift buffalo, breaking through the air and knocking open the piles of sandbags with brute force.

"Request to increase firepower coverage..."

The militants hiding behind the sandbags were shaken into a bloody mist by the huge impact force before they could finish their words, but fortunately their message had been delivered.

A green-painted alchemical rocket appeared on an artificial fortress, but before the operator could launch it, he saw a celestial being stamping his feet heavily, and a violent shock wave came like a tide.

With a bang.

The fortress collapsed on the spot.

Ye Cheng exhaled a breath of cold air, and the temperature in the entire military base suddenly dropped to minus 40 degrees Celsius. Layers of thin ice formed in the sand, and ice flowers bloomed.

"Target locked, kill them!"

A large number of militants appeared behind the dilapidated stone building, and they fired heavy weapons at him. Rockets broke through the air, but were frozen into ice in an instant.

"Are these people crazy?"

Ye Cheng couldn't understand, but he soon found the clue, because he saw a dilapidated factory built by humans. The house was full of some ancient witchcraft arrays inherited from Africa. In fact, to put it bluntly, it was just an alchemical matrix with strong regional characteristics.

For example, the head of a baboon, the body of an eagle, the powder of dried mice, etc.

In the eyes of a proud person like Ye Cheng, this kind of ancient witchcraft is actually quite ridiculous and crude. It is nothing more than some technologies of the Tianren Organization in ancient times that were leaked out and learned by the local indigenous people. Later, it developed into the so-called witchcraft.

The function of this witchcraft is to exorcise evil spirits.

The alchemical matrix in the factory was piled with thick corpses.

Yes, thick.

It is inappropriate to use the word thick to describe corpses.

But those corpses were flowing with thick dark matter all over their bodies, looking like they were between humans and white walkers. They were stuffed into the steel furnace to burn, emitting a fishy smell.

"The outbreak was so fast? It looks like a product of failed transformation. No wonder these people suddenly went crazy..." Ye Cheng knew very well that not long ago, the Tianren Organization had received their request to enter the safe haven, but the elders rejected it mercilessly.

The environment of the third site will become worse and worse.

Resources will be in short supply.

How can this group of people get a turn?

Ye Cheng looked at the stone building in the distance and suddenly exhaled a breath of cold air.

The cold wind roared like a giant dragon and suddenly engulfed the stone building.

The militants and the bunker were frozen into ice sculptures.

Finally, it collapsed.

The militants who heard the news were frightened by this scene and turned to flee to the deepest part of the base, and went into the basement to take refuge.

Ye Cheng turned around and looked into the depths of the military base. There were still traces of the local primitive survivors, such as altars and sculptures for sacrifices, and the huge rock wall was carved with a dragon totem, which was weathered but still clearly visible.

The dragon's scales were engraved with complex patterns.

That was an ancient script.

Ye Cheng knew that ancient script.

Translated into modern Chinese, it was just one word.


Few people knew that there was once a legend of dragons in Africa. The natives in the desert had witnessed such a miracle with their own eyes, and carved that great scene on ancient stone slabs, which was passed down from generation to generation.

In the early 19th century, Napoleon of France led an expeditionary force to Egypt. It is said that they wandered on both sides of the Nile for a long time, built a lot of fortifications and facilities, and finally returned without success. Some local indigenous people said that the emperor was actually very curious about dragons. He once coveted the power of dragons. For this reason, he collected various books and searched all over Europe but found nothing. Finally, he came to Africa.

But the most legends about dragons are still in the East.

Napoleon's ultimate goal is also in the East. He even said: "I see that if I stay here, I will lose myself; everything here is dilapidated, and my glory has disappeared. Small Europe is not enough for me to digest. I will go to the East to find my fountain of glory."

As for why he didn't go to the East in the end, there are many reasons.

One is that the distance is too far to hit.

The second is that the extraordinary civilization in the East has always been very powerful.

Obviously, Napoleon is also an evolver with a high probability. Although the time period of his rise is the period of change when the Tianren Organization lost control of the world, he may have obtained some inheritance from ancient times, so that he rose with an unstoppable momentum.

Few people know that Napoleon collected a painting that year.

The painting was copied from ancient books on both sides of the Nile River.

The name of the painting is "Candle Day".

It is said that in the painting, the dark sky at sunset is illuminated by the light of candlelight, the flowing evening clouds are burning like flames, the wind and sand in the desert suddenly become violent, the huge jagged skeleton spans the ruined ancient city, and the corpses burned to charcoal are everywhere.

The natives in the desert describe that when the burning wind blows, dragon-like stripes will appear in the desert, always guiding you to the place where the gods sleep.

If this painting is true, then there is actually an undiscovered relic deep in the desert, that is the legendary place of falling dragons.

The Tianren Organization certainly knows the truth.

But they have not touched that secret for many years.

Just at this moment, the heavenly beings of Fengsha all ended their respective battles and walked over with blood-stained daggers. They are all the top elites in the world, mastering the oldest evolutionary system. To deal with this group of inferior militants, It's simply not too easy.

"First of all, we need to confirm the life and death of Elder Sada, and secondly, clear out all the armed forces here. If nothing else, this armed force should also control some local primitive survivors. When we find them later, remember to leave them alive and enter the Meteor Dragon We still need their help when we are out of the land." Ye Cheng raised his head against the huge ice shield and looked through the wind and sand.

He paused: "Miss Xia Zhu also needs the cooperation of those survivors."


The heavenly beings responded in low voices.

Ye Cheng picked up the retro communicator and whispered: "Fang Pu, I have made clear the militants in the military base and will bring Miss Xia Zhu over in ten minutes. It will be sunset soon. According to Nordic mythology and According to the description in Eastern mythology, the Dragon of Candlelight always wakes up at sunset, the moment when light and darkness alternate.”

He paused: "Prepare the equipment and locate the direction of the dimension."

Fang Pu's voice came from the intercom: "Understood."

"I'm going to look for Elder Sada, and someone will pick you up."

Ye Cheng continued to attack the depths of the military base with a cold face.

In the ruins outside the base, Fang Pu waved his hand and motioned for the team to follow.

Furukawa Ichigo came over with his housekeeper, and their subordinates were all carrying heavy equipment boxes. This was the latest dark matter detector produced by the military.

This could help them locate the Dark Matter of the Dragon of Candlelight.

"Is it going so well?"

Xia Zhu lowered the brim of his hat, his face expressionless under his sunglasses. Celestial beings had already come out of the wind and sand. They had eliminated the armed men who were ambushing around and came to greet the team.

It's just that no one noticed that a few of the people in these days moved their slightly stiff faces, and their expressionless faces looked extremely weird. It was as if they felt their ears were a little itchy, so they stretched out their fingers to drill into their ears. He dug through it and pretended to be nonchalant.

Rotting maggots crawled out of the seemingly normal ear holes.

Xia Zhu's steps suddenly stopped.

The eyes under the brim of the hat looked deeply at them.

His right hand held down the revolver at his waist.




Someone's strange cry rang out in the wind and sand.

The burly and ferocious Golden Martial God pulled out a rotting corpse from the sand, and the thick dark matter suddenly spurted out, covering it like mud and swallowing it completely.

"Detected coming from the Corrupt Death God..."

By the time the dark matter was recovered into the body, the rotten corpses had completely disappeared.

"It's so exciting. This is no restricted area of ​​life. It's like a cafeteria. It's so exciting!" The burly God of War spoke human words, but his hoarse voice carried the clarity of a young man and a kind of perversion. and neurotic excitement.

The land of the dead is a very large ecological circle. Anyone who can survive here, except for the evolved ones, are ghosts and alien species.

There are many different species.

Like lizards and snakes traveling in the desert, or poisonous scorpions and centipedes.

Of course, there are also monitor lizards and falcons.

They have all mutated into deformities.

Of course, there are also cute ones such as Egyptian cats.

But one bite can bite your head off.

The god of war controlled by Lu Fuji is running rampant in the land of the dead. He has no interest in the mutated alien species. All he wants to hunt are the white ghosts at the top of the food chain.

For some unknown reason, he has not encountered any Aragami so far.

But they devoured a large number of overlord-level White Walkers along the way.

At this moment, after eating a lot of food, his dark matter has expanded to the extreme. He is only one-tenth away from completing the final evolution and becoming the top overlord in the sixth stage.

However, in the desert, there was a desolate wind.

The God of War looked around, but there was no sign of life left.

The aliens had already fled long ago when they sensed the arrival of higher life forms.

As for the White Walkers in this area...

It has been eaten up by him.

"No more? It's gone now?"

The burly God of War froze in place.

Breeding rapidly, keeping me awake at night!

The golden god of war fluttered his wings, flying in the desert like a fallen angel in mythology. His lightning speed was like Gundam in the anime, with sparks and lightning all the way.

Ever since the corrupt god of death passed judgment on the evolvers of the third site in the name of the human body, the desert environment has become strange again. The originally chaotic ecological environment suddenly has rules, and the white ghosts are often Haunted in droves.

The God of War once saw a large-scale gathering of White Walkers. The scene was as majestic as the infected bodies in zombie movies, but it was not a collective hunt like an army, but hugging together to strangle and bite. Devouring each other's dark matter, they complete their evolution.

In the past two days, there were many expedition teams in the restricted area that had not had time to evacuate. They were so scared when they saw that scene, because a terrifying overlord-level White Walker was about to be born.

Then there is no more.

Because even more terrifying gods and demons descended from the sky, dismembered the fifth-stage corpse-eating ghost in an extremely brutal way, and then disappeared into the wind and sand with steps that they did not recognize.

The expedition team did not feel lucky, but fainted on the spot.

Because they discovered that the terrifying god and demon could actually hum a song...

"I am the master of the world and I am the one who is admired by everyone..."

When the God of War left, he also looked at the situation in the restricted area.

The most discussed topic among the evolvers was the epidemic in the restricted area.

Some people thought it was nonsense.

Others thought it was a threat from the so-called gods.

Many people have already felt physical discomfort, but they did not find out the reason for a while. They just felt inexplicable panic and their spirits were abnormal.

The evolvers in the major gathering places also fell ill one after another.

Fortunately, the human watch army has officially entered the major gathering places, which gives the evolvers enough sense of security. The technology and strength of the military are the best guarantee.

In addition, strange phenomena have appeared in the restricted area.

That is, someone encountered a white walker in the evolution chain of the God of Origin in the restricted area.

This is very strange, just like a Pokémon player encountering Kyogre in a volcano, or discovering a swimming Groudon in the seabed.

The white walker in the evolution chain of the God of Origin was only confirmed recently.

It suddenly crossed the ocean and came to Egypt.

And it's a wild White Walker.

What? White Walkers can also sneak across the desert?

Little did they know that this was deliberately released by Lu Buer. In just a few days, the White Walkers of the evolutionary chain of the God of Origin have grown up. Although the individuals witnessed are still quite weak, they can always evolve into overlords as long as there is enough time.

"At present, I don't know what will happen if the White Walkers of the evolutionary chain of the Corrupted Death devour the White Walkers of the evolutionary chain of the God of Origin. In fact, I can directly let the God of War be devoured by a certain God of the Wilderness, and then see what the effect is." Lu Buer controlled the God of War to search in the desert. When he couldn't spawn monsters in the wild, he had already begun to consider how to commit suicide.

Even he felt a little crazy.

"These evolvers also evacuated quickly. I also want to see if there are any alien magic owners with better talents, so that they can experience a great creation ceremony..."

Today, the God of War did not see any traces of evolvers in the desert. It seems that they all realized that the epidemic has begun to spread among the people, and they no longer run around for wealth or power. Instead, they hurried to the border of the restricted area, wanting to leave this place of trouble.

"Well, I can't forget the business."

The God of War whispered softly: "The bad woman's senior sister..."

At the end of the endless wind and sand are desolate ancient ruins. The aircraft hidden in the sandstorm showed a vague outline, because the sand hitting the cabin can only see the clues.

The God of War folded his wings and landed in front of the aircraft. The footprints here have long been covered by the wind and sand, but in the alien state, his five senses are very sharp, and he can move forward by smelling the smell.

He shuttled through the desolate ancient ruins, and the sunset in the sky sank to the west.

Under the pressure of the overlord level, he did not encounter any attacks.

After walking one kilometer, he suddenly stopped.

Because the seed of the gods began to throb again.

There was a long-lost, strong reaction.

Even the God of War felt palpitations.

That feeling could even be transmitted to the main body.

"What is it?"

The God of War broke through the air and moved forward, like a flash of lightning.

When he came to the bombed battlefield, the wind and sand were filled with the smell of thick gunpowder, and the flames burned on the corpses, and the smell of burning was nauseating.

It was obvious that this was a military base, controlled by armed elements from a certain force. The ground was full of broken corpses, of course, there were also bomb fragments and shells rolling in the wind. The traces of the battle were clear at a glance, but the surroundings were terribly silent.

Someone had just experienced a fierce battle here not long ago.

Lu Buer smelled the scent of perfume.

Well, a familiar perfume.

Members of the Tianren Organization are not worthy of perfume.

But there is one person who does.

That person was Xia Zhu, who came as a specially hired expert. Her perfume was not strong and choking, but just like the natural gardenia fragrance, pure and rich.

At this moment, the God of War suddenly turned his head.

Because the Seed of the God was moving again.

It was not the throbbing feeling before.

But the desire to hunt.

The God of War strode forward and came to a collapsed stone house. A human hand stretched out from the dusty rubble and waved helplessly.


The person spoke in English.

The God of War lifted the rubble.

At this moment, the person in the rubble was struggling in pain, looking like he was seriously injured, rolling down like a rag bag, and fell headfirst into the sand.

"Are you okay? What happened here?"

The God of War squatted down and asked in a hoarse voice.

At this moment.

The wind and sand suddenly became violent.

The victim suddenly raised his head, grabbed his throat with lightning speed, and showed a weird smile: "Your body... is very good."

As soon as the voice fell, he was stunned.

Because the one in front of him was not a human at all.

But a burly and ferocious angel of power.

"Angel of power?"

The disguised victim was stunned.

This was an Arab, his face was tanned by the sun, but his eyes were a weird pure black, it looked like the eyeballs were removed and only the eye sockets were left.

His body was covered with corpse spots, and disgusting maggots crawled in his ears.


The God of War knew that there were aliens in the rubble, but he didn't expect that after pushing the stones away, he would see a human being. It was obviously a strange complex.

It didn't look like a human.

It wasn't just an alien.

It was like the crazy corpse-eating cultists that Lu Buer saw when he participated in the mission in the Linhai Military District half a year ago. Their bodies were infected with dark matter.

It was probably this feeling.

At that time, Lu Buer had witnessed with his own eyes that a second-level thorn ghost broke open the mouth of an evolver and directly poured rich dark matter into it, taking away his body.

It was at that time that Lu Buer realized how terrible dark matter was.

This thing can parasitize in the human body.

But the monster in front of him was obviously different. He seemed to retain a high degree of wisdom, and there was still a lot of dark matter flowing in his body, giving people the feeling of a broken human body!


This is a person infected with the plague!

The monster's right hand flowed with rich corpse fluid.

However, the corpse fluid did not cause any harm to the God of War.

This is the power of immortality.

The most powerful super tank in the world.

A trace of confusion flashed in the monster's eyes. The other party was obviously the same kind, but he could feel the fluctuations of human consciousness. Even if the White Walkers in this evolutionary chain also had the power of immortality, they should not have such a strong defensive ability at the current stage.

This has already involved the concept of immortality.

It's like the White Walker technique that only the best among humans have!

"That's it?"

The God of War made a hoarse and cold voice, grabbing his head and releasing lightning.

Amid the sound of thousands of birds singing, the monster was suddenly burned into a charred corpse.

The God of War released a rich dark matter and swallowed it again!

When the power of the dark matter was integrated into his body, he made a sour sound again, and at the same time he was secretly shocked: "This time the White Walkers seem to be different. They have a high degree of wisdom and can see that I am a power angel at a glance. Those who have this kind of insight should be the ancient species!"

The ancient species of White Walkers have the ability to think.

It is extremely rare among individual White Walkers.

"It seems that this military base has been infected by the plague."

The God of War exhaled a foul breath, casually probed into the body of the charred corpse, and forcibly broke off a bone as a weapon. He was very alert and strode into the military base.

At present, it seems that the evolvers infected with the plague are extremely dangerous. No one knows when the dark matter in these people's bodies will condense into white ghosts to usurp their bodies.

If you don't observe the changes in their appearance carefully, it is even difficult to discover their mutations.

If Lu Buer didn't have the seed of the gods, it would be difficult to predict in advance.

Fortunately, the evolver infected with the plague is not strong, and the dark matter cannot grow to a very strong level in his body, so he can be crushed to death at will.

But if it parasitizes in the body of a powerful evolver, it will be another situation.

"The methods of the corrupted god of death are indeed terrible. If this epidemic is really like this, then it is really difficult to control it. I can't imagine how much they paid in the era of the ancient Egyptian gods to end that life disaster..." The God of War looked around the silent military base. Now he could only hope that some of those gods were still alive.

He sniffed the smell of living people in the air and chased deep into the base.

At this moment, it was almost dusk, and the twilight fell in a myriad of threads, and the gravel swirled in the wind.

Suddenly, Lu Buer felt a familiar breath.

A violent, fierce, hot breath.

At this moment, Lu Buer seemed to have returned to the underground block of Linhai City, saw the fire burning between the old low-rise buildings, and heard the cold and hard voice of a man in his ears.

"Burn the sky, Yishi."



The dark underground tunnel was suddenly illuminated by a flash of fire, and the girl's indifferent voice rang in the silence, like a judgment: "Burn the sky, Yishi."


It was clearly a gunshot, but it sounded like the roar of a giant dragon.

The Celestials burned in the flames, like evil spirits surging in a sulfur hell, and were burned to ashes in an instant, annihilated in the void.

Xia Zhu put down the revolver in his hand, carried a heavy equipment box in the other hand, turned around and said: "You all hide behind me, don't contact anyone."

The housekeeper was shocked.

Furukawa Ichigo's face was also pale, and he said softly: "Miss, these are all members of the Celestial Organization. Can we really kill them like this?"

Not long ago, Miss Fang Pu escorted them to the depths of the military base in order to find some relics left by the local primitive survivors.

But just as they were about to pass through the barbed wire of the military base, Xia Zhu suddenly secretly performed a spell and used a sudden burst of fire to disperse the team.

Then in the chaos, he casually killed two Celestials who wanted to rush over to protect them, and ran all the way to an underground secret passage deep in the base, and then this scene happened.

This really stunned the housekeeper and the others.

I don’t know what the lady is going crazy about.

You took the reward given by others, but you still want to kill their people.

Is this reasonable?

"Don't ask, you won't believe me even if I say it, and you won't understand it even if you see it with your own eyes. You can't feel the dark matter, so your reaction will always be slower." Xia Zhu tore open a pack of chewing gum and stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it, and I waved away the burning smell that filled the air, feeling a little unhappy.

"This fire-based numerology really stinks when it burns people."

She waved her hand and said calmly: "Follow me, don't leave me ten meters away. Beyond the scope of ten meters, I can't protect you. Remember, even when I'm unconscious, you can't leave me ten meters away." Otherwise you will be succumbed to the disease."

When Xia Zhu turned around, the people behind her could clearly see the red-hot spine lighting up under her jacket, like a ferocious keel, terrifying.

This is the Burning Sky Bone.

One of the top white ghost arts in the world.

Masters the power of Burning Heaven.

Furukawa Ichigo is very aware of the young lady's strength and does not need their protection at all under normal circumstances.

On the contrary, here they need to be protected.

But the problem is that the lady is not normal.

Once overdrafted, Xia Zhu will fall into a coma.

This is similar to but different from Mr. Longque's situation back then. Her numerology collapsed not because of external forces, but because she was unable to control it due to her own rampage.

Like an overheated machine.

Once overloaded, it will crash.

It stands to reason that with Xia Zhu's identity and strength, she could hire some more powerful people, but she chose them as partners who were closer and more trustworthy.


Furukawa Ichigo and his butler followed closely behind the girl.

"Although the Tianren Organization gives us a commission, we also have our own purposes. Don't believe those old guys, they are hiding behind our backs. Before the new era, the Xia family had contacted them many times. Several times, I I saw them from a distance in the hospital and my second aunt told me that these people were not good people."

Xia Zhu's fingertips lit up with fire, and he walked forward in the dark corridor: "According to ancient records, the local indigenous people have a fanatical worship of the Dragon of the Day, and they built a huge underground space here for worship. A dragon from the age of myth."

She paused: "And it's human sacrifice."

For Furukawa Ichigo and others who live in the new era, the feudal habit of human sacrifice is simply unthinkable. After all, under the strict control of the Supreme Federation and the Akashic Holy Cult, alchemy has been strictly controlled. Those black magic black witches haven't been seen for many years.

No one noticed that when Xia Zhu said this, there was a trace of guilt and complexity in Xia Zhu's eyes, as well as a fleeting look of disapproval, and she was even a little speechless.

This underground ruins also looks very old. The mottled walls are about to fall off, and the murals once carved on the walls are so incomplete that it is difficult to decipher them. These are actually major discoveries that can shake up the archaeological community. It is a pity. No one can restore it at all.

Theoretically, Xia Zhu had never been here before, but when she saw the murals on the wall, she was in a trance. A trace of recollection flashed in her eyes, and then disappeared in an instant.

"Miss, why did the indigenous people of ancient Egypt believe in dragons?"

Furukawa Ichigo raised this question: "Is it just because the Dragon of Candlelight has appeared here before? But that god is the incarnation of destruction, why is he loved by others?"

"There are so many questions. Didn't you know curiosity killed the cat?"

Xia Zhu rolled his eyes and spoke in a tone as if he had eaten chili peppers, but he gave an unexpected explanation: "First of all, although the Zhuzhi Dragon is known as the incarnation of destruction, that is caused by his own authority. Just like a kitten doesn’t know that its claws can scratch people. Some things are beyond His control, can you understand?”

Furukawa Ichigo was silent for a second: "I don't understand."

In their understanding, gods are enemies.

God is the symbol of destruction.

Who cares if they mean it?

"So just go ahead and play with your katana."

Xia Zhu was silent for a second, her pretty face under her sunglasses expressionless: "You can't understand what gods are like. In my opinion, they are just cursed beings. Maybe you haven't seen the sky. According to the information of the human organization... the dragon of candlelight who came to this land was actually just a poor woman, and she had no choice. "

Furukawa Ichigo didn't understand at all, so he asked: "So, Miss, why do we need to take a trip into this muddy water? Although your purpose is to cure the disease... but with your ability, you can wait until After this disaster is over, reaping the benefits is already extremely terrifying, let alone the Dragon of Candlelight!"

Xia Zhu glared at him: "There's so much nonsense, just don't worry. As long as the Dragon of Zhuzhi really wakes up, I will definitely be able to sense it in advance. I have the Burning Sky Bones. As for reaping the benefits, you But it's a beautiful thought. If this epidemic is not properly resolved, you will die wherever you go. Since you decided to leave the Xia family and follow me, I will find a way to protect you. , try your best to let you all master the powerful ghost skills."

She paused and said faintly: "I can protect you now, but it will be hard to say in the future. As long as you all become stronger, no matter what happens to me, you will have the ability to protect yourself in this world. I can rest assured too.”

The housekeeper was a little moved when he heard this: "Miss, you can't say such things!"

Ichigo Furukawa said in a deep voice: "If you are gone, we will follow you!"


Xia Zhu curled her lips: "Actually, I want to come here, there is still something I want to figure out. If I don't figure it out, I don't know what choice to make in the future."

As soon as the voice fell, her expression became strange.

"It seems that something strange has broken in."

Xia Zhu raised her head and looked at the darkness above her head, muttering softly.

However, when she turned around the tunnel, she suddenly couldn't help screaming, like a little girl who was frightened by the horror scenes in a horror movie.

The fire on her fingertips illuminated the dark rock wall.

A rotten corpse was nailed to the rock wall, as if smiling strangely.

"What the hell?"

Xia Zhu looked closely and found that although the corpse was extremely rotten, it would not have been dead for more than a day, and he nailed himself to death with a knife in his hands.

This means that this person committed suicide.

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