The edge of pure land

Chapter 365 Stitched Monster!

In the dark tunnel, Xia Zhu stared at the man nailed to the wall, biting his fingers and analyzed: "He is in such a bad state and has no identification, but judging from his clothes, he should be a local militant. Why did this guy commit suicide?"

Suddenly she realized something was wrong.

Because when she was close to the corpse, she did not feel her Burning Sky Bone triggering the defense mechanism, which meant that there was no disease in the air trying to get into her body.

In other words, this rotting corpse is not infected with the disease.

"I'm not infected, why am I so rotten..."

She suddenly thought of something, and a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes under her sunglasses. She waved and said, "Hurry up and get the tools. I want to dissect this corpse."

The housekeeper immediately asked someone to bring the toolbox, but he couldn't help but ask: "Miss, should we leave this kind of thing to us?"

Xia Zhu casually lit a flame and burned the knife, letting the rotting corpse fall down, and said expressionlessly: "When I was in college, I studied forensic medicine. Although I was killed after studying for less than a year, I dropped out of school due to illness, but you have to believe in my professionalism.”

Although she said it beautifully, when she actually cut open the belly of the rotting corpse with a knife, she still felt physical discomfort: "vomit."

When she was studying and working at the Dark Matter Research Institute, she had the best protective equipment. When fighting as an evolver, she was often used to using the sky-burning fire to directly burn the enemy to ashes. How had she ever experienced this at close range? A sour picture.

I don’t know how those tomb robbers could hold back when they opened the coffin, otherwise they would have made money. They did have two brushes.

"Miss, I'll do it."

The housekeeper said quickly.

"See what you can do."

Xia Zhu handed the knife to him: "You can do it if you want."

The butler took the knife with a smile and walked towards the rotting corpse.

Xia Zhumo counted three numbers.

Sure enough, I heard a voice: "Ugh."

The butler also retreated.

"You two, one is the eldest lady who has been frail and sick since childhood, and the other is a housekeeper with no knowledge. Why are you trying to show off your strength? We still have to do this kind of rough work." In the end, Ichigo Furukawa took over the job, and his subordinates Get started on the side.

As the strongest evolution organization from Yingzhou, although they were suppressed a bit due to some historical reasons, they are still one of the largest forces outside of the officialdom. They have also traveled to countless places of death, such as dissecting corpses. There is so much work to do.

"Back then, I dissected the body of a coprophag. Do you know what it was? It was an overlord-level white ghost outside the evolutionary chain. When seeing it, everyone would marvel at the magic of nature. You guys Maybe... ugh!" Furukawa Ichigo was vomiting and dissecting, and he continued to work even though his face turned pale. This made people admire him as a real man.

"Boss, come on!"

"Daddy! You are the best!"

"Can I help you with anything... ugh!"

"Go away, don't make the lady sick!"

Xia Zhu folded her arms and looked at this scene, and suddenly laughed.

she knows.

This group of people still doted on her as always.

When the Xia family was arranged to Yingzhou to stare at the Great Tamu Volcano at Site 2, it was inevitable that they would have to come into contact with the local evolution organization. As a newly awakened cocoon breaker, she was full of fear of this strange world. The familiar grandpa changed his appearance, and the second aunt and the others also transformed into important figures in the society. They were all wearing unknown brand names, and the discussion in their mouths was no longer about the family affairs, but the changes in the world situation.

Her family told her that she had been sleeping for more than five hundred years and that there were new technologies in the new era that might be able to cure her disease. But she was not happy, only confused and scared.

Because this is not the world she is familiar with.

She used to live in an alley in Beijing. When she went out, she turned left and saw a century-old Luzhuhuoshao restaurant. Next door was a supermarket called Xinhua. Five hundred meters further on, there was a subway station. Two stops away she could reach the business district. , and the high school she is most familiar with.

Although she had to spend most of her time in the hospital, she was still very happy when she returned to her home. She had several cats roaming around in the yard and fed them cat food every day.

But after I woke up, everything changed.

Xia Zhu's beloved alley has been transformed into a single-family villa in Karuizawa, Tokyo. The fireworks-filled streets that were once visible when going out are gone, replaced by green parks.

Her courtyard became a courtyard.

Feral cats become breed cats.

There are people taking care of my daily life, and everything has become better.

But she just didn't like it.

So she ran away and ran away from home.

Even though she had been sleeping for five hundred years, she was still a very smart girl and quickly adapted to life in the new world. She booked a flight ticket online and returned to Kyoto from Tokyo.

It's a pity that she can no longer find the alley she used to live in. The courtyard where she lived was demolished and converted into a bathing center. The damn lobby manager even asked her if she wanted to come in and apply for a card.

Without alleys, there are naturally no cats. The supermarkets have closed down a long time ago. The business district has become unrecognizable, and the schools have long been moved to the suburbs.

The city is still the same city.

But it is no longer her city.

In fact, Xia Zhu thought he had escaped by himself, but in fact, someone had been secretly protecting him, one of whom was the current housekeeper.

At that time, Xia Zhu hated having such a follower around her, and her attitude towards him was never good. From time to time, she also made some excessive demands to make things difficult for him.

But the housekeeper never got angry. He patiently explained to her the changes in the new world, taught her how to control the power of the evolvers, popularized various knowledge to her, and worried about her condition day and night, going back and forth between the villa and the hospital every day.

At that time, Xia Zhu just thought that this person was enduring humiliation for a high-paying job. After all, the Xia family is now the world's leading sacred family.

Being a housekeeper in the Xia family is something that many people can't even dream of.

Until one day, Xia Zhu found that the housekeeper had resigned. For a while, she felt that something seemed to be missing around her. The old man who had been nagging was gone. This made it difficult for her to get used to it for a while, and even the rhythm of life was disrupted.

Surprised, she sent someone to investigate, and only then did she know that the housekeeper's daughter had died.

His daughter had been bullied at school and was pushed down from the fourth floor. Although she didn't die, she became a vegetable, so she needed a lot of money to maintain her life.

School bullying is normal in Yingzhou.

The bully's family has some power, and he used various means to escape the crime, and even didn't get any financial compensation, which led to this nagging middle-aged man working at the Xia family.

It was indeed for money.

But the housekeeper's hard work over the years was not all for money. He just saw the shadow of his daughter in the young lady, both of whom were tortured by illness, and it was inevitable that he felt pity.

Although he couldn't be with his daughter, he would feel a little comfort when taking care of the young lady's daily life, which made up for the part of the void in his heart.

But many years later, Xia Zhu found out that another important reason why the housekeeper worked so hard was that she was said to have a drastic change in temperament when she was ill, just like the super male syndrome, and she would burst out with terrible power. It would be bad if she was unhappy with him and killed him one day.

Xia Zhu was silent for a long time after hearing this.

It can only mean that there is no super male for girls.

Later, Xia Zhu held a grand funeral for the housekeeper's daughter, and then asked the second aunt and others for some money, and found the Yaki Society that was loyal to the family at that time.

The next day, the bullies were also thrown down from the fourth floor.

The person who did it was Ichigo Furukawa.

When Xia Zhu found this man, he was in the Kabuki Hall in Shinjuku. This guy was a gangster in many organizations under the Yaki Society. After retiring from the military, he joined the underworld and lived a life of licking blood on the edge of a knife every day. He had some skills, but not much.

Because of his good talent, he was promoted very quickly, but it also attracted the jealousy of his superiors. One day, for some unknown reason, he was blocked in the alley and beaten.

At that time, Xia Zhu watched this scene from a distance, but she was not afraid at all, because her promotion speed was rare in history. When her illness was serious, she would often dream. In her dreams, there would be some things that even she found scary, which helped her to grow continuously.

She only needed to blow a breath to deal with the gangsters in the alley.

But she didn't do it.

She was just wondering when the man would beg for mercy.

As a result, she waited for three hours.

She went to the opposite street to have lunch and came back. The gangsters who beat her had changed three times, but the man still didn't beg for mercy, just hugged one of them by the thigh, like a dead dog.

In the end, Xia Zhu admired the guy's perseverance, so she used a look to drive away the gangsters, then walked in front of him and gave him a choice.

Since then, Xia Zhu has had a Yingzhou man named Furukawa Ichigo by her side.

Do things for her all over the world.

Later, Xia Zhu realized that the reason why the man didn't beg for mercy was not entirely because he had backbone, but the main reason was that he was stunned by the beating and couldn't speak at all.

As for why Furukawa Ichigo was beaten, it was because his superior wanted to charge a high protection fee for a block, and his family lived there. His parents are workers, his wife is a nurse working in a hospital, his two daughters are still in elementary school, and his neighbors are ordinary people living at the bottom of society. He joined the underworld to protect his family members, so how could he agree with his boss's decision?

This man has no story, but he is very real.

Xia Zhu is surrounded by such people.

People you can meet in life.

Some ordinary people with fireworks.

In comparison, they are much more interesting than the people in the Xia family.

Since the death of her grandfather, the Xia family has been in a mess.

Xia Zhu actually has no sense of belonging to this family. In recent years, she has either been treating illnesses in the hospital or studying in the Dark Matter Research Institute. She rarely goes home except during festivals. What's more, even if she goes back home, there is no human touch. After those relatives become evolvers, they are as arrogant as two and a half million, and they speak and act like the characters in online novels.

It's the same feeling she had when she just broke out of her cocoon.

The world has changed.

People have changed.

She is like a product of the old times.

She cannot keep up with the changes of the new era.

When Xia Zhu left the Xia family, she did not expect them to continue to follow her. After all, what she was going to do was too dangerous and most people could not bear it.

When she came out from home some time ago, she didn't even take any luggage with her. She just took her soul blade with her. As a result, she saw the backs of this group of people at Haneda Airport.

The housekeeper looked around while carrying large and small bags.

Furukawa Ichigo and his men stood there looking like bodyguards.

At that time, Xia Zhu suddenly laughed.

These relatively ordinary people in the extraordinary world were gathered together, squeezed like sardines by the tourists. The summer sun fell on their faces through the glass skylights, and the wrinkles at the corners of their eyes seemed to have been blown away by the wind. Suddenly not so lonely.

"Miss, look!"

Furukawa Ichigo's words suddenly brought her back to reality.

The housekeeper immediately turned on a flashlight nearby.


Xia Zhu stared at it, and a fleeting dark red flashed deep in his pupils, surging like a thick dark substance. He said softly: "This rotting corpse has also suffered from epidemics, but it was just Some kind of power was neutralized. This resulted in that although his body was rotten, there was no dark matter left in his body... and that kind of power could only be the dark matter of the Dragon of Candlelight!"

No wonder this wight committed suicide.

It was just because after the two dark matter neutralized, he gained a brief moment of clarity.

He is willing to commit suicide in order not to become a monster.

Suddenly, Xia Zhu turned his head and looked.

I saw a simple ring on the right hand of the corpse.

This ring is made of stone and looks quite ordinary.

But Xia Zhu could tell at a glance that this ring was very open.

Because the totem engraved on the ring was inherited from the indigenous tribes in the ancient Egyptian period, it obviously bears traces of primitive totem worship and has a history of at least several thousand years.

This was obviously plundered by the wights during their lifetime.

"Finally found traces of that tribe..."

Xia Zhu murmured softly.

Xia Zhu probably had some guesses about the situation of this military base.

This group of armed men forcibly occupied the habitats of local indigenous tribes and plundered the wealth they had accumulated over the years and the secrets passed down from generation to generation.

"These people may have even explored the Land of the Fallen Dragon, otherwise it would be impossible to bring out the dark matter of the Dragon of Candlelight. But with the level of these militants, they are really capable of deciphering those ancient classics and traveling through dimensions. Can you find the Land of the Fallen Dragon and come back alive?"

Xia Zhu doesn't think so.

Someone must be helping them.

"By the way, the disappeared elder Sada. Without the help of the Celestial Being Organization, it would be impossible for them to enter the Land of the Meteor Dragon. But the Celestial Being Organization acted as if it was the first time they were preparing to explore the Land of the Meteor Dragon. I really didn't After all, if they wanted to explore that place, they would have already gone there... There is no need to wait until the near future."

Xia Zhu's thoughts were like a storm: "Elder Sada's personal behavior?"

Sure enough, the heavenly organization cannot be trusted. Even if there seems to be no problem on the surface, there must be some trouble for you behind the scenes. In short, something must happen.

Xia Zhu glanced at the rotting corpse: "Take off the ring and move on."

The housekeeper hesitated for a moment: "Miss, this must be a very important clue, right? If that's the case, why don't you collect it yourself?"

Furukawa Ichigo said with a straight face: "Because she finds it disgusting."




Lu Buer controlled the God of War and stood in front of a piece of charred sand.

The sand was scorched by the high temperature, and the smell of burning flames still lingered in the air. There was not even a corpse on the ground, but there were traces of charred human figures remaining.

"What a domineering flame."

He muttered: "Is this woman a super hero?"

You must know that evolvers often have many ways to save their lives. Their physical fitness has already exceeded the upper limit of human beings, and their vitality is also quite tenacious. As long as the gap in strength is not too huge, it is difficult to kill, let alone be killed. Burned until no ashes remain.

It reminds me of the original Dragon Bird.

"It's just that the numerology is similar, and the techniques are exactly the same."

He muttered: "A copycat of homework like me?"

It is not difficult to guess that this team from the Tianren Organization was attacked by people infected with the disease, so a fierce battle broke out. As for the casualties, it is unknown.

This sky-burning fire is too powerful.

The bodies were all burned and there was no reference at all.

At this moment, this military base is filled with an unusual and strange atmosphere. The setting sun casts a heavy shadow next to the dilapidated building. The temperature seems to have become colder at this moment. The sound of the wind blowing is like someone speaking. Crying secretly in the corner.

The God of War held the bones in his hands and walked forward. The sand in the shadows was covered with a layer of ice crystals as thin as cicada wings. Cold fog filled the air, making it bone-chilling.

Suddenly, his steps stopped.

Because there were strange shadows in the cold mist. They remained stiff and motionless like sculptures in a museum, and they seemed like ancient corpses that were thousands of years old waiting to be awakened.

As if they sensed the approach of life, these people turned their heads in the same posture, with an extremely weird smile on their rotting faces, and maggots crawled out of their seven orifices.

Damn it!

If Lu Fuji had not seen the corrupt god of death at close range, he would have been frightened and cursed at this moment, because these people included local militants and members of the Tianren organization, and without exception, they had been infected by the disease. , turned into a terrible monster.

It was obvious that these monsters were frozen by the low temperature just now, so they looked like dementia and stood still. They were awakened immediately after realizing that there was life approaching.

Then Lu Buer was relieved.

Because at the end of the cold fog, he saw a huge ice block.

Fang Pu was frozen inside.

She was a creation of ice numerology, and it was obvious that she was self-sealed.

Protect herself by this means.

The first is to avoid being invaded by the plague.

The second is to avoid being torn apart by these monsters.

It’s just that Fang Pu seemed to be conscious when she was frozen. The moment she saw the God of War, she showed a horrified expression because she could feel the majestic and powerful pressure.

The sense of oppression from the God of War is actually much stronger than these monsters.

The latter is like seeing zombies in a horror movie.

The former is like seeing Chao Xiong on the street.

Fang Pu is still alive, so there is an explanation for the bad woman.


The Golden Martial God held the bone in his hand, and when he felt the threat from all directions, a powerful electric current was released from his body, as if the sky was angry.

Lightning and thunder.

Without too many words, he held the bone tightly, as if holding a blade.

When the monsters rushed forward, the bones wrapped with lightning drew a shrill arc in the air, and cut them in half.

The Martial God's movements were as fast as lightning.

Then Fang Pu saw a scene that he would never forget in his life.

The Golden Martial God grabbed the head of a monster, and released violent lightning from his palm, burning him into charcoal in an instant, and then lifted him into the air.

Then the charcoal turned into ashes and fell into his open mouth!


The Martial God roared to the sky, and the roar was like thunder.

The sand trembled, and another monster rushed over and spewed out countless corpse fluids like living insects, but unfortunately it was not blocked by the electric current and did not cause any harm.

The God of War sensed the threat, roared and turned around, the bone stick in his hand rotated and drew a fierce electric light, and cut off its head in an instant, and thick dark matter gushed out.

The flying head was grabbed by the God of War, and he drank the dripping dark matter in big gulps, just like a thirsty traveler holding a coconut and squeezing coconut juice.

This brutal scene made Fang Pu dumbfounded.

If it was Lu Buer's body, he would naturally not do such a disgusting thing, but the God of War was originally a white walker, born to feed on dark matter, and he would not feel nauseous, but only delicious.

This dark matter is the purest essence of life.

Clean and hygienic.

"The evolution chain of the corrupt death god is detected..."

"The corrupt death god is detected..."

The mechanical sound of the seed of the gods kept ringing in his mind.

Although the profit is only one-tenth, you can win by momentum!

The Golden God of War went on a killing spree, using sharp bones to cut the monsters in half, or smashing them with fists and elbows wrapped in lightning, and then swallowing up the disintegrated dark matter.

These monsters were not strong.

They were probably around the fourth perfect realm.

With the strength of the God of War, he could basically kill them in three moves.


Upgrade again!

In just thirty seconds, Lu Buer had slaughtered all the monsters present. Unfortunately, the dark matter still failed to evolve into a seventh-level overlord. He regretfully exhaled a breath of foul air from his chest, came to the huge ice sculpture, and was about to smash it open with his fist.

Then he thought, since she is the good friend of the bad woman, it would be better to let her stay inside. After all, who knows what will happen later, it is safer to do so.

What's more, Fang Pu is a member of the Tianren Organization.

It saves her from making trouble.

Although Fang Pu's self-freezing behavior is very dangerous, because her vital signs will stop soon and she will fall into a state of suspended animation.

If she is not treated in time, she will never wake up.

But it doesn't matter.

Lu Buer can perform the creation ritual!

Use the dark matter mixed with blood to pour on her!

The Golden Martial God slowly put down his raised fist and took a deep look at the woman in the ice sculpture. He thought that although he looked like a cruel demon, he was actually an angel who saved the dying and the wounded. There was really no one kinder than him in the world.

At the moment of passing by, Fang Pu felt that he had walked through the gates of hell. Even in the state of self-freezing, his heart was beating violently.

Although self-freezing is a very dangerous thing.

But compared to being eaten by this guy, freezing to death is also very happy.

"Fifth-level overlord, power angel... looks like an ancient species with high intelligence. Is it the follower of the God of Origin? He actually came to the third station?"

Lu Buer didn't care what the woman was thinking. According to the clues along the way, he found that this military base should have been swallowed by the plague and fell into a state of loss of control.

But only Fang Pu has been found so far, Ye Cheng has not been found yet.

Xia Zhu is also missing.

Of course, Lu Buer can feel the breath of that woman. He will never forget the familiar fluctuations of fate in his life. It is deep underground in this base.

He raised his head and looked at the underground fortress under the dim sunset.


At this time, the seed of the gods throbbed again.

It was as if it had sensed some incredible existence.

Lu Buer had this feeling when he was in the safe haven.

The reaction of the Seed of God was strange.

It didn't want to eat.

It was as if it was reminding him of something.

"Could it be Xia Zhu? What is the Seed of God reminding me of?"

The God of War fell into silence.

"No matter what, finding the dark matter of the Candle Day Dragon is the most important thing."



Xia Zhu led his team forward in the dark corridor. Along the way, he saw many bodies of suicides, all of whom were members of armed forces.

No one knew what they had experienced before they died.

The death was horrible.

As they went deeper, the chill in the tunnel became more and more obvious.

"Mr. Ye Cheng?"

Ichigo Furukawa became alert.

"Such a strong chill, it seems that you have encountered a difficult enemy." The butler shivered with cold. He was a lava numerology of the Creation System, and he was not afraid of the cold.

Xia Zhu didn't feel anything at all, she just took out the two revolvers from her waist, which were her soul blades, and they had been upgraded and forged twice.

They were imitations of her grandfather's double guns.

They were also the double guns that Long Que had used.

Xia Zhu was indeed a copycat. Her numerology, spells, and even soul blades were all copied from that man's template. Only the practice of the alien spells was figured out by herself.

After all, there are ready-made top-class homework, who would write it by themselves?

"Ye Cheng's strength is close to the saint level. If it is an enemy that he needs to go all out, it must be very powerful. So... the next battle may be fierce. Everyone except Gu Chuan retreats, and Butler Li casts a lava barrier to protect them. Remember not to leave within ten meters of me, otherwise no one can save you." Xia Zhu lowered the brim of her hat, and her pupils under the sunglasses turned violent red. She walked into the cold fog holding the alchemical revolver in both hands.

Although her tone was serious, her expression was very relaxed.

Because she knew.

There are few creatures in this world that can threaten her.

However, when she passed through the cold fog.

She was still stunned.

Because the scene in front of her seemed beyond her understanding.


At the end of the cold fog was an ancient altar. In the huge stone circle, there was a huge body like bones, with a crystal-like luster all over the body, accompanied by black butterflies flying.

This is the sixth-stage overlord of the Corrupted Death God evolution chain.

Skeleton giant.

Xia Zhu had seen the information of the skeleton giant.

But the problem is that the skeleton giant in her memory does not look like this.

Because this skeleton giant actually grew flesh and blood, and even grew thorn-like wings on its back, and violent natural energy fusion surged, like an angel.

Xia Zhu also knew this thing.

The fifth-stage overlord of the evolutionary chain of the God of Origin.

A militant leader in camouflage uniforms lay on the altar, with thick dark matter gushing out of his cracked back, and the overlord's white walker seemed to have grown out of his body.

In the fierce cold fog, Ye Cheng could hardly move. His order factor was already running at maximum power, and the technique was fully activated to create an absolute low temperature field, which barely froze the deformed overlord who was about to break out of the body, but it was definitely not a long-term solution.

The overlord seemed to have sensed a better host.

He wanted to parasitize on Ye Cheng.

Xia Zhu had already prepared for the battle, but at this moment his mind was full of doubts.

Why did these two dark substances combine together?

So this is a sutured body?

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