The edge of pure land

Chapter 367: Omega's Believer

The raging flames engulfed the sacrificial site like a tide, and the rotten corpses between angels and evil spirits rushed forward against the firelight, as if the ancient gods and demons had descended into the world.

The coercion of the sixth-order overlord.

This was the overlord-level coercion that attracted Lu Buer, but it was not this alien ghost that really made the seed of the gods feel the movement, but the girl in the fireworks.

The girl wearing a baseball cap raised her head, her beautiful eyes were filled with violent red, and the raised guns spewed out hot bullets, like the roar of a giant dragon.

The pair of quaint alchemical revolvers were glowing with red-hot temperatures, as if they were living things, trembling violently, and emitting a continuous stream of boiling dark red blood. The bullets fired were like crystals of flames, containing an extremely terrifying hot breath, and could even change the weather.

The temperature in the ruins suddenly soared, like a hot hell.

Back then, Long Que's soul blade was an alchemical revolver. Its shape was indeed very retro, but its performance was completely different. It did not need to be loaded with ammunition deliberately. When the magazine rotated, it could gather energy, and when it was fired, it was like an energy bomb.

Xia Zhu's soul blade was also similar. She forcibly changed the weather in the narrow ruins, and the effect she actually created was even better than the one in Linhai City.

However, the target she aimed at was not the white walkers that were rushing towards her.

But the hard wall with projections.

With a loud bang.

The hard wall was suddenly blasted open.

It was not a bullet at all, but more like a hypersonic missile.

The blood-red bullet broke through the thick rock wall like a tumbling dragon, and it actually blasted a passage through the ruins with unparalleled destructive power.


The bullet exploded at the end of the passage.

At this moment, the skeleton giant rushed towards the girl.


Xia Zhu said softly.

A burning red light flashed in her beautiful eyes!

I saw a red fire giant rising from the ground, roaring like a giant spirit from ancient times, raising a burning fist, and punching the monster that was rushing towards him!


The violent sixth-level overlord was blown away by a punch, and hit the rock wall in the air like a cannonball, and the thick smoke and the smell of burning filled the air.

After blowing away a sixth-level overlord with one blow, Xia Zhu did not feel complacent about her achievements at all. She just took off the baseball cap on her head and let her black hair fall down like a waterfall. There was a hint of teasing and charm in her cold eyes.

"I found you."

She looked at the passage she had blasted open, and her sight seemed to penetrate the diffuse smoke and saw the laboratory hidden in the deepest part: "Elder Sada."

The martial god suspended in the air was surprised.

It turns out that Xia Zhu's strength is so strong that she doesn't need anyone's protection. Her own strength has far surpassed the Saint level, but she doesn't know where the specific upper limit is for the time being.

She is so young, but she has such terrifying strength.

This is definitely not worse than Longque.

Moreover, although Xia Zhu came as a specially hired expert, she seemed to have known that she would encounter variables, so she deliberately cooperated with the enemy's actions to achieve her goal. Otherwise, with her strength, she could have swept everything and blown up the entire underground ruins.

After the smoke dissipated, there was a wailing in the primitive laboratory, and the celestial beings rolled in pain in the flames, like evil spirits struggling in sulfur hell.

Only one person remained standing.

That person was Elder Sada.

His white robe rustled in the hot wind, but his face remained calm, and he even asked, "Miss Xia Zhu, did you do this on purpose?"

Xia Zhu's red lips curled slightly: "Yes, in fact, when I saw you in the base before, I already found something wrong with you. Because I also smelled a familiar smell on you. Your way of thinking is no longer human, but like a program implanted by someone. You also tried to practice the Divine Ashes Technique back then, so I guess you were transformed at that time?"

Yan Ba, who looked like a giant spirit, had already rushed out like a beast, with hot flames steaming like lava, and his right fist suddenly blasted out like a cannon firing!

Elder Sada's strength was not weak at all. He casually blasted out a tornado hurricane, and countless tiny wind blades glowed with golden light, suddenly drilling through Yan Ba's fist!

The flames exploded, and the huge shock wave shook him back.

At this moment, Xia Zhu rushed over like a ghost.

Her beautiful eyes glowed with burning fire.

"Too late."

Elder Sada sneered, as if he had made up his mind, and took out a reagent with a golden solution flowing in it and wanted to inject it into his neck.

A trace of mockery flashed in Xia Zhu's eyes.

How could she let him do drugs in front of her?

But she didn't expect that at this moment, the skeleton giant that should have been pierced roared loudly, and jumped down from the hole in the wall like an evil ghost. The hole in his chest was surging with terrifying Yin Qi, which was the form of natural energy!

Damn it.

Xia Zhu realized that she had neglected it.

This kind of stitched monster was also the first time she had seen it.

If it was just a normal skeleton giant that took Yan Ba's full-strength punch, it would basically die. Even if it was lucky enough not to die, it would lose its combat effectiveness and it would be impossible for it to be alive and kicking.

It's just that the dark matter of the evolutionary chain of the God of Origin gave Him special abilities. He was able to use the energy of nature to complete the transformation between reality and illusion, thus avoiding fatal injuries.

Faced with this crisis, Xia Zhu could only raise his right hand, snap his fingers, and whispered: "Fallen, second style!"

The spell that Long Que had performed in the underground block was manifested again. The girl's snap of fingers created a surging flame, and the flames condensed into a spear of flaming flames, which penetrated the body of the skeleton giant like a storm and blasted it away again.

In just such a fleeting moment, Xia Zhu had missed the opportunity.

Because Elder Sada had injected the golden solution into his body through the reagent, his blood vessels were all covered with burning golden lines, like dark stripes of the sun.

"Divine Ashes?"

Xia Zhu's eyes flashed with a trace of astonishment, but he continued to speed up his running pace, and his ink-stained long hair flowed in the wind, like a floating ink mark.

She took a deep breath, and the burning breath brewed in her throat.

"Meteoric, the crescent style!"

Xia Zhu opened her red lips slightly, but spewed out a scorching sea of ​​fire.

This is the technique of Long Que, the fifteenth founder of the kingdom world in history, in the first three levels. It can be said to have the best performance in the fire numerology, and no one in the same level can match it.

Of course, this is different from the Yuan family.

Long Que's technique is comprehensive.

The Yuan family's technique only pursues the most extreme firepower.

But I didn't expect that when the scorching flames swept away, the whistling wind pressure actually formed a barrier in the corridor, instantly blocking the heat.

"It's not a real Shenjin technique, it's just borrowed." Sada's eyes seemed to burst out with hot sunlight, and the body under the white robe broke apart inch by inch.

Obviously paid a painful price.

Xia Zhu frowned slightly, and the spine on his back also became red and hot. It happened that the skeleton giant that was blown away at this moment actually attacked again, like an indestructible cockroach.

But this time the skeleton giant was obviously severely injured. His bones had been burned black by the flames, and there was a faint sound of being on the verge of breaking, as if he was extremely weak.

It was just that the extremely strong self-healing power was repairing his body.

It was still the ability from the evolutionary chain of the God of Origin!

Who the hell got the dark matter of the God of Origin?

Xia Zhu was furious and was about to turn back to meet the enemy.

Suddenly, thunder echoed in the darkness.

The Golden God of War fell down with a bang, hitting the spine of the skeleton giant like a cannonball, and smashed into the ground with a huge bang, and dust flew up.

In a fleeting moment, Xia Zhu's forehead hair was lifted by the wind, revealing beautiful eyes with red flames, and the burly and ferocious god and demon were reflected in the eyes.

A roar like thunder sounded.

The Golden Martial God was like a mad beast, with a majestic electromagnetic field running at maximum power. His violent punches contained exploding thunder, integrating the two concepts of infinity and transcendence. Except for the use of the Divine Ashes Technique, he was basically at full power.

The bones of the Skeleton Giant were smashed inch by inch.

The shrill roar was like a beast.

The Skeleton Giant, who was pressed to the ground and beaten, struggled hard, and his skull twisted 360 degrees strangely, spewing out extremely rich Yin Qi from his mouth.

This is the ability of the sixth-level overlord Skeleton Giant. This Yin Qi, which seems to come from the depths of hell, can make the flesh and blood of any creature in the world fall off, leaving only jagged bones.

But for the Golden Martial God, it is useless for the time being.

Because the Martial God is also an overlord.

A fifth-level overlord.

In terms of rank, there is only one level difference.

In terms of configuration, there is a world of difference.

Because the God of War is, to some extent, the God of Origin who has not yet fully evolved.

He possesses the power of immortality!

The most basic ability of an immortal body is absolute defense that is not affected by the outside world.

In particular, he also performed two conceptual changes: infinite and super-limit.

The conceptual change of super-limit can make the unlimited punch cause extremely terrifying damage in a short period of time. Any opponent of equal strength will have to retreat in the face of such fierce firepower coverage.

The concept of infinite can make his defense ability unsolvable. Unless there is a destructive force like a dimensionality reduction attack that directly breaks him down, it is impossible to defeat him by consumption.

It's like you use a hammer to hit a wall that can repair itself.

You can never smash it.

This is the immortal power of the God of Origin.

There are only two words to describe it.


Therefore, even if the Golden God of War is engulfed by the Yin Qi, he is not affected at all. He just throws a punch like a storm, and the sound of the fist hitting the skeleton is like thunder.

For the last blow, the God of War's right hand is like a knife.

With a click.

The knife penetrated the Yin Qi and sank into the skull of the skeleton giant.

The Golden God of War even used the Divine Ashes Technique to attack, with the scorching sunlight wrapped around his fingertips, destroying the dark structure of the skeleton giant with an absolutely brutal method.

Next, the Seed of the God, start!

With a shrill scream, the skeleton giant once again spewed out endless Yin Qi, like a tide that flooded the burning sacrificial site, slaughtering all living beings.

However, there were not many living beings here.

The God of War was immune.

Xia Zhu's beautiful eyes condensed slightly, and the sky-burning fire suddenly burned up. Under the subtle operation, a barrier of fire was condensed around itself, blocking the invasion of Yin Qi.

"The alien ghost atlas has been unlocked, and the exclusive dark matter is being fused..."

The voice of the seed of the gods sounded in the mind of the Golden Martial God.

The long-accumulated dark matter finally ushered in the final transformation. The Golden Martial God could not contain his power and suddenly expanded. His burly flesh and blood body was torn inch by inch, but there was not a trace of blood flowing out, only violent natural energy overflowed, like lava condensed by lightning.

"The Archangel, the sixth-level overlord, belongs to the evolution chain of the God of Origin. This form is the ultimate change of natural energy, completely transcending the limitations of the virtual and real body, sublimating into the elemental body closest to natural energy, and maximizing the energy conversion rate."

This is the ability of the Archangel.

As we all know, the life energy of the evolver needs to be transformed.

Transformed into lightning, transformed into flames, transformed into water vapor.

This is all transformation.

As long as it is transformed, there will be losses.

Therefore, the energy form transformed by the evolver is weakened.

Based on this point, the physical rules are not applicable.

Because the values ​​are different, the results may be very different.

The energy transformation ability mastered by the God of Origin in the hegemony stage can actually solve this problem perfectly, which leads to a higher conversion rate.

Using natural energy solves the conversion rate problem.

Without the weakening of conversion loss, combat effectiveness will be enhanced.

When humans release a lightning bolt, they can only deal 90 points of damage due to energy loss, but their own consumption is as much as 120 points, which is a big loss.

But when the Lord Angel releases a lightning bolt, it can deal 120 points of damage because of no loss, which is completely equal to its own consumption, so it has a natural advantage.

In terms of performance, this gap will be even greater.

In the novel of cultivating immortals, it is like the difference between ordinary thunder and heavenly thunder.

The Golden Martial God frantically devoured the dark matter of the skeleton giant until he completely devoured him, and then released endless lightning, drowning it like a sea of ​​lightning.

As the yin energy dissipated, the Golden God of War revealed his true appearance after evolution. The devilish and brutal posture gradually faded away. The body gathered by pure arc energy became more holy and noble. The lightning behind him gathered into wings of light like thorns, flickering.

His body shape did not change, but his face became more cruel and majestic, and his eyes burst out with thousands of arcs, just like the thunder god in ancient mythology.

He raised his hand casually, and the Thunder Spear condensed.

Lu Buer felt the evolution of the God of War. The violence and fullness of natural energy were unprecedented. In this state, every strike of his contained the power of heaven.

This is the end of the evolution chain of the God of Origin at the Overlord level.

The next level is the legendary God of the Wilderness.

According to ancient legends, the next three levels are mostly...




The golden warrior breathed happily, and his breath was like thunder.

Shaking this sacrificial site all the time.

Xia Zhu felt the violent magnetic field shrouding the sacrificial field. This was her first time to observe such a magical life form up close. Ordinary people might not be able to tell what it was, but she could tell at a glance: "So the dark matter can evolve?"

The Golden Martial God still wanted to disguise himself as the follower of the God of Origin. He was thinking about how to speak to those ancient species with high intelligence, and heard the next sentence of this woman.

"Did the ancient book that Long Que gave you really record such a thing?"

Xia Zhu shook her head, and a charming pure white in the corner of her eyes seemed to show ridicule. She glanced at him inconspicuously: "Come and help quickly, kill that guy. You don't want the old guy of the Tianren Organization to know that you drove the dark matter into this military base?"

Finally, her tone became vicious: "Man!"

The Golden Martial God fell into silence.

For some reason, Lu Buer suddenly felt powerless in front of this woman.

Maybe it was because Xia Zhu was too familiar with Long Que.

Many secrets could not be hidden from her at all.

Xia Zhu did not ask why he appeared here.

I was not even curious about his purpose of coming here.

The feeling of seeing a ghost was as if I had met him by chance while having supper downstairs.

I said hello by the way.

With a click.

The Burning Sky Bone behind Xia Zhu burst out with a sound of being on the verge of breaking, and the violent dragon roar echoed in the burning sacrificial field. A huge red dragon was looming in the darkness.

That was her dark matter body.

"This Elder Sadar is not a small character, don't underestimate him."

She paused: "He may have the power of Omega."

The Golden Martial God turned around and looked at the laboratory where wind pressure and flames were entangled. Behind the Arab elder, a brilliant divine tree had emerged, which was obviously a dark matter body.

No, strictly speaking, it should not be called a dark matter body.

It should be... a divine power body!

"The power of Omega..."

The Golden Martial God was stunned and couldn't help but whispered softly.

"As for the reason, you'll know after you kill him."

Xia Zhu said calmly: "When will the real body come?"



In the endless desert, an ancient aircraft was galloping in the desert.

Lu Fuji stood in the bathroom in the cabin, concentrating on controlling the actions of the Golden Martial God. Now he is very skilled in multitasking, but at a long distance, some of his senses will still be weakened, so he must concentrate on it. .

In this state, his body is like a dementia.

If the survey team sent by the Tianren organization is attacked, reinforcements will inevitably be sent.

With the help of the bad woman, they successfully infiltrated the reinforcement team.

Not only Lu Fuji, but Yuan Qing and Ai Yue put on bionic masks and smuggled in as members of the Celestial Being Organization. Each of them carried the secret blood, and they were not discovered for a while.

But once numerology is used, it is very likely to be exposed.

Therefore, they appear to be extremely cautious in their actions.

As for the safe haven, there are subordinates whom the bad woman can trust, who also wear bionic masks and act as their identities, but they don't know if there will be any flaws.

But in order to prevent that shattering ending, there is not much that can be done.

"Brother Xiaolu."

Ai Yue whispered: "I feel you are shaking."

The girl was leaning against the door with her arms folded, looking out for him.

"I was shaking with excitement."

Shika Fuji responded blankly: "My dark matter evolved."

Ai Yue was surprised: "Is it the sixth level?"

Lu Fujiu hummed: "Yes."

"Isn't the sixth-level overlord about to evolve into an Aragami?"

Ai Yue knew that his dark matter body could evolve on its own. During this period, her practice in the ghost art also improved by leaps and bounds, and she would soon be able to master the dark matter body.

"Aragami, it depends on luck."

Lu Buer responded absently: "By the way, do you think it was a bit too easy for us to come out secretly this time? Chen Jing once told me that there is a saint-level shadow evolver in the haven. Keep an eye on us. He is a super elite trained by the Tianren Organization. In theory, he is not an idiot. I don’t think he can hide it from her. "

Ai Yue is also at the top of the special order. She has received the most rigorous training since she was a child and is very experienced in this: "During this period, I have always felt that someone is spying on us in the dark. It is not the kind of thing that can be seen on the surface at a glance. It’s obvious that the monitor is a top expert.”

"When we disguised our identities and boarded the spacecraft, I also sensed her presence. If my guess is correct, she should have discovered it, but she did not stop her."

She paused: "She did this, and I only thought of one possibility."

Even in a state of multitasking, Lu Fuji felt a faint sense of crisis. He was not worried about life and death, but he didn't want to be labeled as such.

In order to cope with the unconfirmed doomsday, my father and mother used the most drastic method to massacre the Elder Council in the most extreme way.

But Lu Fuji couldn't do that for the time being.

the reason is simple.

He is not strong enough.

He also felt speechless when he encountered such a bad thing after half a year of breaking out of his cocoon.

Although Medanzo is said to be invincible, his health and mana are not full.

Can't count on it yet.

Therefore, we must find another way.

Even if it's for Chen Jing, you can't mess around.

After all, Lu Fuji still hasn’t figured out what’s going on.

"The monitor hiding in the shadows probably wants to take this opportunity to erase us. Certain factions of the Elder Council have always regarded you as a thorn in their side. In that safe haven, they have no way to attack you. But if you give yourself a chance to go out, there is no need for them to stop you." Ai Yue lowered her eyelashes, with unbreakable sadness in her eyes.

"Is that so?"

Lu Fuji felt relieved when he heard the news. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "If you want to kill me, then I'm not worried. I'm just afraid that guy is playing tricks on me."

At this moment, Yuan Qing hurriedly walked into the toilet. Her moon-white robe was a bit messy. She lowered her head and straightened her chest, complaining: "The next time you act, can you not be in such a hurry? The target we replace is not suitable at all. What I replaced was actually a man!”

She glared angrily and said angrily: "I've been looking for a corset for a long time, and someone just stared at my chest, almost exposing me."

A smile flashed across Ai Yue's eyes, and she said softly: "Because that male celestial being is about the same height and weight as you. Although he is a thin dog, he is still stronger than others. There are no women in that haven. The child is as tall as you."

At this point, she suddenly thought of something: "Are there any extra corsets?"

Only then did she remember.

The person she replaced was also a man.

Lu Fuji's voice came from the bathroom.

"Jun-chan, you don't need it."

He comforted: "Don't be anxious, just rest assured."

Yuan Qing also agreed: "Yes, you don't need it."

Ai Yue looked down at her chest with a dark face.

Suddenly, I no longer wanted to deal with these two guys.

Lu Fuji suddenly said: "Be prepared, we will leave the team at any time. If we act alone, we are likely to face a fierce battle next."

Ai Yue and Yuan Qing looked at each other. It was obvious that this man encountered some unexpected situations while controlling the dark matter body, and it was quite difficult.

After all, people with a character like Shika Fuji are rarely so serious.

"If you want to leave the team, the prerequisite is to get rid of the monitor."

Ai Yue had a pretty face and said coldly: "Just leave this matter to the two of us. Brother Xiaolu can just find an opportunity to leave during the chaos. I will do something to this aircraft later." , and find out the monitor by the way."

Yuan Qing said suspiciously: "Do you know this?"

Ai Yue said expressionlessly: "I am the captain of the Dawn Special Sequence. In terms of anti-reconnaissance capabilities, there should not be many people in this world who are better than me. As for this aircraft... although it is ancient technology, I am I found some relevant design drawings in the information left by Uncle Lu and Aunt An, and it’s not difficult to understand after a little research.”

Yuan Qing showed a surprised look: "Really? Why can't I?"

The sound of Lu Fuji's complaints came from the bathroom again.

"That's not your job, please save it, sister."

A shrill alarm sounded from the aircraft, and the cold mechanical sound echoed in the silence: "Everyone is informed that the aircraft has arrived at its destination and has entered the fire coverage. The aircraft will enter the comprehensive defense mode and everyone is ready to land. The combatants will assemble immediately. , please keep the logistics staff on standby, repeat, everyone is informed..."

The wind and sand outside the aircraft became violent, and the gravel slapped against the bronze cabin, making a dense sound, like a surging ocean tide.

Under the sweeping red light, the celestial beings in white robes took off their weapons in the equipment warehouse and put on simple masks, just like hunters who were about to go hunting in the wilderness.

In the darkness in the deepest part of the equipment warehouse, a skinny woman wore a white robe, lowered her head and carefully selected weapons, and finally picked up a sharp dagger.

The cold light on the dagger reflected her slightly stiff face.

The corners of his grinning mouth are sharp teeth.

It looks as scary as a shark.

"Deer is the best."

The skinny girl whispered softly: "This is the opportunity you gave yourself."

She suddenly disappeared into the shadows, like an invisible ghost.



In the long and narrow passage, the giant red dragon snaked past, spitting out waves of scorching flames, and instantly submerged the primitive laboratory.

But in the sea of ​​fire, flames were torn apart by wind blades from time to time.

A shadow flowing with holy light could be vaguely seen moving at high speed.

That is Elder Sada.

This elder is not the kind of rubbish that can be seen everywhere. He has a profound cultivation of the order factor. The divine power he exerts is like a towering golden ancient tree. The crown of the tree is swaying and the howling wind is coming in the cocoon, fighting against The invasion of the sky filled with flames.

"This guy is pretty fast."

Xia Zhu tried to use the alchemy revolver to aim, but she couldn't lock the target accurately at all. She originally used a wide-open and wide-open style of play, but after finding enemies that couldn't be affected by range attacks, she wanted to change to concentrated blasting. Unfortunately, There was no way to find the enemy for a while.

The Golden Martial God shuttled through the sea of ​​fire, moving forward against the blazing foehn wind. The thunder spears in his hands roared together, tearing apart the afterimages left by the enemy: "Isn't your strength more than this?"

Xia Zhumei's eyes were a violent red, and lava-like blood vessels flowed under her snow-white skin. She said indifferently: "I am a patient and I cannot use my full strength."

The Golden Martial God said coldly: "Why do I meet only the old, weak, sick and disabled?"

His voice was hoarse and cold, like thunder roaring.

Xia Zhu shrugged: "Maybe you are unlucky."

Surrounded by the strong wind, Elder Sada flashed like a ghost, easily dodging an extremely condensed flame energy bomb, leaving a scorch mark on his face.

The Golden Martial God rushed forward and chopped off the thunder spear.


The thunder gun exploded.

Elder Sada pulled away and retreated as fast as the wind.

"It turns out to be Major Deer."

His voice was still calm, with a sense of weirdness: "Although this posture does look very bluffing, once you use numerology, it will be exposed. Currently, you are the only one in the world who controls this brand-new System, it’s not difficult to recognize you.”

The Golden Martial God continued to attack, raised his hand and once again condensed a thunder spear. The arc-wrapped tip of the spear faintly lit up with sunlight, and stabbed towards the enemy's heart.

The shrill sound of breaking through the air was accompanied by thunder, and the hard wall was swept down by the sharp energy.

There was a snap.

After Elder Sada dodged the blow, he actually grabbed the thunder gun with his bare hands and said with a smile: "It's just that since it is a dark matter body, it cannot escape the weakness of dark matter. Divine power can control it. Restraint. Although you master the Divine Ember Technique, but..."

His palms were actually glowing with bright sunlight.

But the blood vessels on the back of the hand were broken.

Drenched with blood.

The roaring hurricane suddenly struck, and the Golden Martial God should have been thrown away by the violent wind pressure, but he relied on his excellent brute force to withstand it, and casually waved his gun to break free from the opponent's restraints.

With the tip of the spear swept away, a bloodstain appeared on Elder Sada's face again.

"Your strength is that of the seventh rational realm."

The Golden Martial God said hoarsely: "Taller than me, but not much."

Having said that, Elder Sada is really strong, and his configuration is indeed top-notch. He has the highest combat power among saints, especially after taking the medicine.

This guy actually possessed the energy of the Divine Ember Technique for a short period of time.

The Golden Martial God raised his eyes and stared at this guy.

Suddenly, he thought of his previous encounter in the underworld.

“Beware of the Elder Council.

"There is a traitor in the Senate."

"They didn't resist the temptation..."

The thoughts of the Golden God of War were like a storm. It seemed that the words spoken by the two ancient Egyptian gods were not the gibberish that went crazy after being infected by the epidemic, but the truth submerged in history.

There are traitors in the Senate.

The Heavenly Man Organization seems to be unaware of this.

At this moment, Elder Sada seemed to sense something. A stiff twitch appeared on his expressionless face, and a violent hurricane spewed out from his mouth before he turned and ran away.

The door at the end of the laboratory opened with a bang.

"He wants to escape?"

The Golden Martial God suddenly chased after him, but the enemy's speed was indeed too fast. He got behind the door in an instant. He could only smash the falling stone door with his gun and pursue in depth.

"Obviously reinforcements from the Celestial Being Organization have arrived."

Xia Zhu ran wildly and followed up, saying expressionlessly: "If he doesn't escape, he will be discovered, and then he will choose to commit suicide. During this time, I have roughly figured out the logic of their behavior. It’s all set. This guy is trying to survive for himself and wants to reveal our existence.”

She paused: "This way, someone will come to kill us later."

The Golden Martial God glanced at her in surprise: "Have you fought with them before?"

Xia Zhu chuckled: "I have killed several people since I came to this safe haven."

The Golden Martial God was secretly shocked, this woman was indeed not simple.

That's right, she is the granddaughter of the Vice-Pope after all.

The relationship between Long Que and her seems to be unusual.

How could such a person be mediocre?

I just didn't expect that the hidden dangers of the Tianren Organization were so hidden that no one was aware of it. It happened that this woman was the first to realize it and started to act secretly.

"What the hell is going on with this guy?"

The Golden Martial God frowned and asked.

"You really talk a lot."

Xia Zhu frowned slightly and said, "What do you think the logic of his behavior looks like?"

The Golden God of War thought for a moment: "Artificial intelligence."

"Elder Sarda is only a junior elder in the Council of Elders, and his ranking is very low. But apart from his low rank, he is not weak at all. With his qualifications, it is not difficult at all to go further. He just Hiding clumsiness and hiding one’s own strength.”

Xia Zhu sneered and said: "This guy's cultivation of order factors is even more in-depth, and he can even temporarily obtain the Divine Ember Technique through medicine. Do you think the Heavenly Man Organization knows this? If the Heavenly Man Organization knew, they would have carried out crazy measures on him long ago. Researched."

The Golden Martial God was silent for a second and complained: "It sounds like SHIELD has been fully invaded by Hydra. Is this what you want to express?"

Xia Zhu was a little surprised. No one had talked to her about Marvel comics and movies for a long time since breaking out of the cocoon. She raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "It's almost the same, but the underlying reasons are different. S.H.I.E.L.D. was indeed invaded. Yes, but the Celestial Being Organization has never been invaded.”

She paused: "They returned to their original beliefs."

The Golden Martial God fell into silence: "Omega."

So that's it.

He had already made speculations, but he dared not jump to conclusions without evidence.

The behavioral logic displayed by Elder Sada is like an artificial intelligence.

The Tree of Life is also like artificial intelligence.

And the only thing that can give them this power is the Tree of Life.

"I have speculated before that consciousness may have been born from the Tree of Life itself, so the prison at the third site was opened and the corrupt God of Death was completely liberated."

The Golden Martial God said hoarsely: "In other words, Omega and the Corrupt God of Death are in the same group."

Xia Zhu glanced at him in surprise: "Did Longque tell you?"

The Golden Martial God shook his head: "He never told me this."

A flash of realization flashed in Xia Zhumei's eyes: "Then he should have told you not to head to the North Pole rashly until you are strong enough."

The Golden Martial God was stunned: "How do you know?"

A flash of fleeting pride flashed deep in Xia Zhu's eyes, and she said indifferently: "Because that's what I told him. Originally, Longque was a little bit upset about the removal of the sacred coronation power, but then he I have no interest in the Holy Monarch anymore.”

Her red lips curled up slightly: "He is a smart man."

The Golden Martial God fell into silence.

Because Lu Fuji remembered that the man had advised him.

Divine coronation rights are acceptable.

But it is better not to crown a divine monarch.

Metanzo made the same choice back then, and it seemed that they had all figured it out.

"But I feel that Omega may not have been conscious in a long process, but had consciousness at the earliest time." The Golden God of War said hoarsely.

This guess comes from the ancient memory that Lu Fuji once saw when he was comprehending the Holy Word. The supreme ancestor was playing with two little girls in the flowers at the end of the world.

That's Alpha and Omega.

The God of Origin is self-aware.

Then there is no reason why the tree of life should be a shell.

"You know this as well?"

Xia Zhu looked deeply at the Golden Martial God.

It was as if he could see the wisdom of that young man beneath his noble and domineering appearance.

"According to this statement, the original belief of the Celestial Organization was Omega, but later it became the Supreme Ancestor. This seems to correspond to the history of the ancient times. With the help of the Tree of Life, humans ended the civilization of the Celestial God, but betrayed the contract."

While the Golden Martial God was running wildly, he spewed out fierce lightning debris in his breath, and his voice was like thunder: "Therefore, the North Pole can also be called the sixth station. It is the prison where the Tree of Life is imprisoned. And these so-called Celestials are believers of Omega."

He paused here: "So it is the original belief?"

Xia Zhu was silent for a second: "That's roughly it."

The Golden Martial God realized the seriousness of the matter. No wonder the Celestial Organization would have various problems. In this way, the abnormality of his parents back then can be explained.

That's why they want to slaughter the Elders indiscriminately!

"If these people believe in Omega, will their thinking become similar?"

The Golden Martial God continued to ask: "How did they become like this?"

"How do I know?"

Xia Zhu stared: "Do you think I'm Baidu?"

Lu Buer hasn't heard the word Baidu for a long time.

He was a little dazed for a moment.

It was as if he had returned to five hundred years ago.

"How do you know all this?"

The Golden Martial God asked suspiciously: "You are obviously a cocoon breaker."

Everyone is a cocoon breaker.

Lu Buer felt like an idiot.

Xia Zhu seemed to know everything.

"Don't mind the affairs of beautiful girls."

Xia Zhu's answer choked him.

Seeing that he could not get any more secrets from this woman, the Golden Martial God could only focus on the dark corridor in front of him. The whistling cracking wind poured over like a tide, and there was a burning sensation when it passed through the body. It was obviously the enemy's means.

The wind pressure created by the order factor can weaken the dark matter body.

Unless he uses the God Ashes Technique for defense.

But that consumes too much.

The God Ashes Technique is an offensive means.

Although he can still feel the presence of Elder Sada at the moment, the distance is getting farther and farther.

"What other tricks do you have that you haven't used yet?"

The Golden Martial God asked, "Use them now."

Xia Zhu's beautiful eyes became deeper, and she replied calmly, "I told you I'm sick. If I overdraw my strength, something terrible might happen."

The Golden Martial God spoke each word, "I can cure it."

Xia Zhu said proudly, "How do you cure it?"

The Golden Martial God said unhappily, "I have a creation ritual!"

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