The edge of pure land

Chapter 373 Dragon Wing's Sensing

The cold wind whistled through the corridor, and Xia Zhu put her hands on her forehead to block the subtle changes in her eyes. Perhaps it had been too long since she had relived the creation ceremony, and she actually forgot that rule.

That all-important rule.

"What's going on with this guy? Someone can actually violate the rules of the God's Curse Binding System? Is it because of...Medanzo?" In fact, for a moment, Xia Zhu suspected that Alpha's core was in this big boy. But she felt nothing.

Therefore, one can only doubt Metanzo.

No matter what happens, this person is the most suspicious one.

Lu Buer is not worried that his secret will be exposed. Anyway, the world still doesn’t understand the Celestial God Curse Binding System. Those who really know it can leave it to Boss Mei to solve it. The only thing he cares about right now is the hidden secrets of the Celestial Being Organization: “So you It means that the Celestial Being organization has been infiltrated like S.H.I.E.L.D., and these believers of Omega are secretly manipulating history?”

If so, his parents were the victims.

What they are looking for is this group of people who manipulate history.

Lu Fuji can even basically confirm one thing.

The hidden future is also related to this group of people!

Xia Zhu crossed his arms, glanced at the corpse, and said, "Absolutely, very few people can understand their existence, but they have all been wiped out."

Lu Fuji knew who she was talking about.

Lu Zhe and An Xian are clearly the only two people who know the future direction, but they are regarded as betrayers. Not only are they nailed to the pillar of shame, but they also have to face the endless pursuit from their companions. In desperate situations, He chose to take the risk and entered the holy mountain, and finally died in the hands of the gods.

Lu Fuji was silent for a second, then let out a breath of turbid air, but unconsciously pursed his lips, biting his lower lip with his teeth, like a wild beast staring at its prey.

In reality he was just looking at the dead body.

Then he summoned the dark matter body and swallowed it directly.

"Then how do you know these things?"

Shika Fuji asked without looking back.

"Although the vast majority of people in this world live in ignorance and ignorance, there is actually no shortage of smart people. As long as we connect the events of the past five hundred years, we can always draw conclusions. Especially in recent times, from Linhai The creation of the City Creation Race was an attempt by some people to usurp the origin authority. However, after Long Ling's awakening, their plan failed and they planned to retreat. Unfortunately, they were unable to escape intact and were killed by you. The man behind this was found out, but ultimately it can be traced back to Omega."

Xia Zhu responded indifferently: "The Pope's madness has explained everything. Since the Federation will be corrupted, why can't the Heavenly Man Organization be corrupted? Rather, after Aurora Technology usurped and disclosed the secrets of the Heavenly Man Organization, , you have to bear this price.”

What this woman expressed between the lines was that she had deduced all of this.

Of course Lu Fuji didn't believe such nonsense: "Then you should also be wiped out."

"Have I not been assassinated?"

A mocking smile flashed in Xia Zhu's eyes, as if the question was too funny. Even though she tried to be as humble as possible, she still gave people a feeling of superiority: "I can survive because of this world. There are not many people in the world who can kill me."

For the first time, Lu Fuji met someone who could pretend better than him. After he used his dark matter body to eat up the traces of the battle in the corridor, he turned around and said expressionlessly: "But you will self-destruct."

The smile in Xia Zhu's eyes suddenly disappeared.

"You should take care of yourself. Your current situation is not much better than that of your parents back then. There are people in the Celestial Organization who regard you as a thorn in their side, and Omega's believers will continue to take advantage of this. , turning you into a lunatic in the secular sense.”

She said coldly: "It's like a normal person who is imprisoned in a mental hospital. Maybe you are the only abnormal person in that environment. You can take Elder Sada's body away, but once it is discovered... You should know what the consequences are."

Lu Fujin narrowed his eyes. Once this matter was exposed, the Tianren Organization would define him as an enemy. Although he didn't care about it, it would affect the situation at the third site.

The cooperation between the Human Watch Army and the Celestial Organization will collapse.

This in turn leads to a series of chain reactions.

The real enemy will reap the benefits.

"If the matter is exposed, remember to let Medanzo take you to escape. If unfortunately you are caught, it is best to commit suicide immediately, so as not to expose me too."

Xia Zhu glanced at him deeply, as if she knew what he was thinking, and said calmly: "I will keep accounts of what I owe you, but don't expect me to provide you with any extra help. You and I are not the same person, I have my own purposes, don’t interfere with me.”

She paused: "Now, it's time for you to go."

The footsteps in the silence are getting closer and closer, and there is a faint holy light emerging.

Xia Zhujie pretended to be tired and leaned on the corner, with a little dust on her cheeks. Her subordinates immediately imitated her, and they looked like an old actress at first glance.

They are all invited scientific expedition teams, so it is normal for them to appear here.

But Lu Fuji escaped secretly. He couldn't let others discover his whereabouts. Even if he hid his identity, he would be regarded as an enemy. You must know that there are many top powerhouses in the Heaven Punishment Department. Even if he has a sixth-level It is difficult for an overlord to escape unscathed.

"Oh shit."

Lu Buer worked so hard that he only recovered the body of an elder. Not only did he fail to obtain the Origin Spell that he had longed for, but he was actually prostituted for free.

There is no reason for this.

Facing this woman, Xia Zhu, he felt powerless for the first time.

As the dark matter penetrated into the shadow, he turned around and walked out of the corridor. He was just too tired from performing the creation ritual, so his steps staggered slightly.

Xia Zhu looked at his angry back and suddenly felt a little funny. She gently raised her hand to play with the broken hair on her forehead, but in the end she couldn't bear it.

The twilight outside the corridor shone on Lu Fuji's face, and he suddenly heard a lazy voice coming from behind: "The Heavenly Man Organization has surrounded this place. If you want to escape, run to the east and smell the sea breeze." direction, the Red Sea is not far from here. Even if you escape to the vicinity of Hammamet, there are camels there. The camels in Hammamet can run faster than super cars, and the Celestial Beings cannot catch up with you. . The elder Tianpu who came this time was only from the eighth wisdom realm. He was not the speed-specialized type and his perception was very poor. Once he got close to the eastern desert where dimensions change, he was no different from a blind man."

Lu Fuji turned around and saw a lazy black-haired woman leaning against the wall. The dim twilight fell on her beautiful profile. This scene was like an ancient mural, immortal for thousands of years.

Where did this woman come from?

It was at this moment that he felt the vibration coming from his brain. The gods deep in his consciousness suddenly woke up, and a feeling of panic roared over the sky like a rolling wave.

Lu Fuji sensed the state of the God of Origin.

Long Ling's divine power fell into an unprecedented state of deficit.

This seems to be the price of using the creation ritual on Xia Zhu!



After nightfall, it rained rarely in the desert.

Chu Shiqing was wearing a black raincoat, feeling the raindrops falling from the sky, turned around and said softly: "God, what is going on with all this?"

The strong wind tore through the rain curtain, lightning flashed in the dark clouds, and thunder rolled.

It seemed as if the entire desert was about to be flooded by heavy rain.

You must know that the whole of Egypt is dry and rainless, and such a majestic rainstorm is almost rare in a hundred years. This scene is actually the turbulence of elements, a climate change that can only be brought about by the gods.

But this change does not come from Omega.

Of course, he is not a corrupt god of death.



The whole world exploded, and the desert seemed to tremble in fear.

The deacons of the Tower of Babel were wearing raincoats and felt unprecedented fear. Even the camels they were holding roared uneasily and instinctively wanted to escape.

"What on earth is going on? Miss Long Ling has obviously been sacrificed by the Hundred-Armed Giant. It stands to reason that there will be no shortage of divine power in a short time."

"With two consecutive shortages of divine power within five minutes, who has the ability to interfere with the god's curse system? Or is it someone who is tampering with the god's body?"

"Is there a loophole in the God's Curse Binding System? Since the essence of this system is the law of nature, unknown situations may occur. But according to our speculation, it is probably because of the missing Alpha Core that the thief is still acting unscrupulously. Land theft!”

"It is true that there have been no controllers of Alpha Core in history, but none of them have the ability to interfere with the God's Curse System, especially when the self-awareness of the God of Origin has awakened. So I am more inclined to think that this is the emergence of Some kind of loophole."

"Is it possible that it's because of Ryūja's kingdom? So far, the gods have not been able to solve the hidden dangers left by the battle on the Holy Mountain. The sword of Revadin still remains in her body, and the power of the Great Red Lotus's Infernal Hell is burning all the time. Holding her soul. With such a horrific injury, it is a very reasonable explanation for the gods to be unable to control the God's Curse System."

"No matter what, this situation cannot continue! Regardless of whether the thief exists or not, we must find him! The law of conservation of energy also applies in the world of gods. With such huge divine power, we must lock its whereabouts! "

In the darkness, the deacons were talking among themselves.

In the majestic rainstorm, the beautiful woman stood in the ruins holding an umbrella. She gently lowered her right hand that was covering her red lips. Her fingers were as white as jade and filled with bright red blood.


She raised her seemingly chaotic eyes and murmured softly.

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