The edge of pure land

Chapter 374 The Evil God Ashes Imp

As the sun sets on the horizon, Deer Fuji follows the dim twilight and gallops through the desert. Under him is a tall and strong camel. This mutated species lives in the desert of the third site, known as the snake in the sand dunes. Rats are for food, they are strong and cruel.

After taming the beast, he chased the setting sun eastward, crossed the vast wind and sand, and saw a highway that had been abandoned for 500 years, as well as a gas station that had been reduced to ruins on the roadside.

The place of death is the legacy of human civilization.

It is also the remnant of five hundred years ago that still exists today.

"According to the map, east of the Nile River is the Eastern Desert. My location is northeast of the ancient city of Thebes. The nearest city here is Gos, which is under the jurisdiction of Qena Province and is about 640 miles away from Cairo. Fifteen axioms.”

At this time, Lu Fuji saw the wind blowing in the desert next to the highway. The flow of the wind outlined dragon and snake-like traces on the sand, as if time and space were distorted.

"The dimensions here have really changed."

It's a pity that when the sun completely fell into the horizon, the traces of dragons and snakes in the desert suddenly disappeared, and the strange fluctuations in time and space also disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

"It seems that this place is just like the Holy Mountain. It requires a specific time and a specific method to enter. In this way, the Tianren Organization supports the military base to protect the secret of the Dragon of Candlelight. But the problem is, that The armed forces in the military base are not old enough..." Lu Buer was silent for a moment. It seems that there is no way to reach the land of the meteorite dragon hidden in the seaside town of Gusair today, but as long as he finds a way to get in, there will be no way to get there. Calculate a loss.

He jumped off the camel and subdued the beast with just his eyes.

The wind and sand called, and he searched alone in the ruins beside the highway. Sure enough, he found some long-abandoned plastics and worn-out mineral water bottles: "This kind of garbage that pollutes the environment is not completely without benefits. At least it will still be used after many years." Can be left as evidence."

This is a trace of human existence.

"The militants in that military base had already entered the Land of the Fallen Dragon in advance, but the original survivors mysteriously disappeared, and not a single one was seen..."

Lu Fuji continued to search in the ruins, and suddenly found a relatively new off-road vehicle in an abandoned parking lot, but it had been buried by wind and sand.

He opened the car door against the wind and sand, and his eyes narrowed slightly.


Congealed blood.

In addition, there were cigarette cases and lighters, several bags of off-brand coffee powder, well-preserved thermos cups, and brass bullets scattered in the cracks of the driver's seat.

There were also blood stains in the trunk, as well as traces of human scratching.

There was a bone knife thrown away under the car.

"It turns out to be here."

Lu Buer picked up the bone knife on the ground. This was what those primitive survivors would have left behind. One look at the craftsmanship and it was clear that it could never have been made by modern people.

"It seems that the Celestial Being organization controls this military base, and by the way, it also controls the primitive remnants nearby. But the believers of Omega took them to find Gusair in advance, and not only entered the Land of the Fallen Dragon, but also He also brought back the dark matter of the Dragon of Candlelight."

He whispered softly: "But there was a problem with the research of this group of people, so they needed the help of the Xia family. The Xia family is stationed in Yingzhou all year round and is responsible for monitoring the changes in the second site. The whole world is interested in the evolutionary chain of the Dragon of Candlelight. The people who know best are the Xia family."

But there is a doubt here.

If Omega and the Corruption of Death stand together, then there is no reason for them to bother studying the dark matter of the Dragon of Candlelight, which may very well affect their plans.

No, that's not right.

"The curses of the Dragon of Candlelight and the Corruption of Death can neutralize each other. The Dragon of Candlelight needs the power of the Corruption of Death to suppress its violent power, and the Corruption of Death also needs the power of the Dragon of Candlelight to curb its own corruption. That’s it, it makes sense.”

Lu Fuji analyzed today's battle situation.

If Lu Fuji did not show up.

If Xia Zhu were not so powerful.

Then that military base will be wiped out without anyone noticing, all heavenly beings will die inexplicably, and Xia Zhu, a specially appointed expert, will also disappear.

Humanity has missed the opportunity to contain this epidemic.

On the contrary, it is possible for Corruption Death to complete itself in advance.

"This is the Corruption of Death."

Lu Fuji turned and looked to the west.

The Valley of the Kings is on the west bank of the Nile.

"This is the Dragon of Candlelight."

Lu Fuji looked to the east again.

"This group of Omega believers are really capable." Lu Fuji once again felt the same feeling he had experienced when he was at the Linhai Ministry. The most terrifying enemy was hiding in the invisible shadows. No one knew about this group of people. Wherever it is, it may be lurking next to you.

Fortunately, he is no longer the fledgling kid.

He has many means and resources at his disposal, and he also has a lot of energy behind him.

Maybe we can have a try with them.

A moment later, his satellite phone rang.

Lu Fuji was silent for a second, a little worried.

Only Ai Yue and Yuan Qing will contact him at this time.

But the problem is, he's not sure who will survive in the end.

What if the enemy calls them with their satellite phone...

"Hey, it's me."

Lu Fuji said expressionlessly.

Yuan Qing's smiling voice came from the satellite phone: "Hey, dear brother, we won the battle! Where are you now? The Tianren Organization regards us as a local armed force and has sent a small team to hunt us down. Well, we’ll get rid of them in about fifteen minutes!”

Lu Fuji heard her excited voice and exhaled a breath of turbidity in his chest: "Sister, you are being hunted. Can you stop acting so excited?"

Yuan Qing's voice was a little blurry in the roaring wind and sand. She shouted: "If you don't feel happy if you win, then when will you be happy? Don't worry, we grabbed an off-road vehicle and there is enough oil in the tank to run It’s more than 200 kilometers away and they can’t catch up.”

Before she finished speaking, Ai Yue probably snatched the satellite phone and responded coldly: "Although the person was killed, there was a small problem. You can see for yourself when we meet again. That monitor is not Simple, it may involve an uncollected sacred object.”

She paused: "One more thing... I just received news. About fifteen minutes ago, the coordinates of the military base suddenly spread throughout the third site. I am currently trapped in the third site. All the evolvers know that only the power of the Dragon of Candlelight can cure the epidemic. This means that... the situation at the third site may be uncontrollable."

Lu Fuji's pupils suddenly shrank, and he suddenly realized the seriousness of this matter, and his expression suddenly changed: "Because Elder Sada died, did they take countermeasures?"

This seems to be the enemy's response.

Since we can't hide the truth, we might as well just muddy the water.

If there is no interference from external factors, the probability that the Celestial Organization and the Human Watch Army can solve this life disaster is about 50%, but everyone knows that no one can guarantee that everyone in the third site will survive. We are all evolvers, people with their heads in their belts. Since we have come to the restricted area of ​​life, we must be prepared to die here.

However, once this group of people know how to survive, they will swarm away like moths to the last light, and nothing can stop them.

At that time, the planning and deployment of the Celestial Organization and the Human Watch Army will be completely disrupted.

It is even possible that human beings will be the first to break out of civil strife before facing the threat from the gods.

How many evolvers are there in the third site?

No one has counted it so far.

One hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, maybe even more.

Even though the vast majority of this group of people are low-ranking rookies, they still cannot hold back their absolute advantage in numbers, not to mention that there are many powerful people among them.

Once the evolvers in the third site decide to take action in order to fight for a chance of survival, even the deterrence of the Celestial Organization and the Human Watch Army will no longer work on them.

No one can stop them.

No one can stop their madness.

Because at that time they will be a group of... desperadoes!




The signal transmitter in the military base was destroyed.

Elder Nasser retracted his compound bow expressionlessly, glanced coldly at the signal transmitter that exploded into a ball of fireworks, and said expressionlessly: "No need to hang around here, the signal transmitter here has been installed long ago. , it’s not your fault.”

He paused: "Notify the Ministry of Heaven and Earth to immediately collect all traces in this military base. By the way, notify the Ministry of Tianhe to treat all the injured as much as possible, recover the infected bodies here, and prepare to arrange the alchemy matrix to prevent the epidemic from spreading. Leak. Our activity time is only ninety minutes. Once this time is exceeded, we will lose the protection of the Sun God Matrix."

The heavenly beings seemed to have been granted amnesty. At this moment, they had taken control of the entire military base and guarded the various fortresses here, but it was too late.

The elder in front of him is a senior elder of the Heavenly Punishment Department.

The first person under Elder Helmut.

It was not just the Ministry of Punishment that came at the same time.

There is also the Ministry of Heavenly Law, which is responsible for surveying, and the Ministry of Heavenly Harmony, which is responsible for medical treatment.

Every heavenly being wears a simple holy symbol, and the warm sunlight flickers on and off like a candle, protecting them from the invasion of diseases.

But this is only a temporary measure.

First of all, there is an obvious time limit for temporarily storing solar energy.

Secondly, once you enter an area where the disease concentration is too high, the protection will be ineffective.

Elder Nasser also realized that there were some unexpected problems with this military base. He turned towards the entrance of the underground ruins and happened to meet the heavenly beings who had completed the exploration work.

The heavenly beings protected the sickly girl as she walked out of the corridor.

Furukawa Ichigo and his subordinates looked around with their swords in hand.

The housekeeper still held the IV bag in his hand.

Xia Zhu stood among the crowd wearing a white robe, her hair messy in front of her deep eyes. Under the night sky, she was as beautiful as a blooming cherry tree, and she didn't know when she would suddenly fall.

Elder Nasser said respectfully: "Miss Xia Zhu."

There was a trace of regret in his eyes.

It is said that this Miss Xia Zhu is the most talented person that has appeared in the Xia family in the past five hundred years. If it were not for being too weak due to the collapse of numerology, it is entirely possible for her to be on par with the red tyrant, especially the numerology of these two people. It's exactly the same, and I don't know who copied whom.

"Elder Nasser?"

Xia Zhu said softly.

"I'm relieved to see you're okay."

Elder Nasser bowed deeply: "This is the dereliction of duty of the Ministry of Punishment. Please forgive me."

Xia Zhu's eyes were very indifferent, and after hearing this sentence, there was a hint of anger, and he said coldly: "Forgive me? What if I don't forgive you? Guess what happened here? There is a traitor in the Tianren Organization. Not only did he murder your compatriots, he also wanted to take me away!"

A trace of ridicule flashed in her eyes: "You are like the police in the movie, always late when things are over. What's the use of counting on you?"

Elder Nasser's face was ashen. It was not until he saw the heavenly beings carrying Ye Cheng and Fang Pu who had frozen themselves up on stretchers that he realized that the matter was far more serious than he thought.

"how so?"

He murmured: "Is there another traitor in the Tianren Organization?"

A heavenly being whispered in his ear: "Sir, we found traces of the Sun God Matrix in the underground ruins. Someone wanted to use the Sun God Matrix to destroy all traces here... Fortunately, someone was in time. Destroyed the operation of the alchemical matrix."

They worked very efficiently. They had already recorded the investigation results on parchment, and at the same time brought out the infected bodies that had been transplanted with dark matter.

"The Sun God Matrix?"

Elder Nasser's expression was solemn. There were not many people who could arrange the Sun God Matrix here without anyone noticing. This made him fall into deep thought: "Elder Sada?"

Of course, there is one more important thing.

That is, the Sun God Matrix will actually be destroyed!

Thinking of the previous unprovoked loss of control of the aircraft, he suddenly understood.

"Could it be that devil of a divine ember who was born evil?"

Elder Nasser blurted out.


Xia Zhu laughed dumbly, her smile had a mesmerizing beauty, thousands of blue hairs were swaying in the wind and sand, scattering everywhere like poppies: "Isn't that the lost ultimate secret of the Heavenly Man Organization? How did he become inherently evil?"

Elder Nasser ignored her teasing, but said with a straight face: "Miss Xia Zhu, have you seen any trace of that kid here?"

"Where did this kid come from?"

Xia Zhu glanced back and looked up at the starry sky.

By this time, that guy should have gone far, right?

Furukawa Ichigo and the others stood by the girl's side, their eyes a little confused.

Especially the housekeeper.

They know that Miss is a very remarkable person.

Geniuses in the worldly sense or heroes recognized by the world are actually just the threshold to be comparable to the lady. It's just that she hid it too deeply, so she was not very famous.

After all, the vast majority of mediocre people in the world are not even qualified to know that she exists.

The strength and magnanimity that the young lady inadvertently revealed were enough to subvert a person's cognition. It felt like she was clearly in the world but far away from it.

But today, the young lady is actually willing to cover up for a young man?

Although the famous Major Lu Fuji is very powerful.

But they know that this is nothing in the eyes of the young lady.

Is it because of the creation ceremony?



There is an abandoned cruise ship in the oasis on the Nile River. The cool breeze at night blows through the clear river water, and the leaves of the palm trees sway in the wind, making a rustling sound.

Lu Fuji set up a tent on the shore and set up a simple bonfire. He took out the instant military rations and placed them on the tablecloth that had been laid out in advance, as if having a picnic.

His dark matter body has stored a lot of supplies, and it couldn't be easier to build a temporary shelter. He plans to rest here temporarily tonight.

Seeing that he could not reach the Land of the Fallen Dragon, he turned back along the highway and took a detour to the Nile River, which was about 94 kilometers away from the ancient city of Thebes.

Although the third site has been established for 500 years, the natural scenery here is not much different from the past. There are rivers and oases in the desert, and ruins like ruins are hidden in the wind and sand. However, there is a lack of tourists. and those responsible for tourism.

Looking across the river from Lu Fuji's position, there is a hotel that has been abandoned for five hundred years, and you can vaguely see its luxury and high-end.

Poor people like him can't afford to live there in this life.

Half an hour later, accompanied by the roar of the off-road vehicle and the familiar numerology fluctuations coming from far away, Ai Yue and Yuan Qing finally rushed over to join him.

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