The edge of pure land

Chapter 381 Secret Infiltration

A piercing alarm sounded in the shelter. It was clear that it was cloudless just now. In the blink of an eye, dark clouds gathered, and the dusk became pitch black. Along with a burst of lightning and thunder, a strong wind swept across the desert, and the water on the Nile River There was a surge.

Storm is coming.

The golden sacred tree standing in the shelter was ignited with a roar. A sad knife mark penetrated the ancient and thick trunk, and the ferocious gap was filled with thunder dust.

The celestial beings responsible for maintaining the Tree of Life in the underground laboratory were stunned in front of the operation console. The out-of-control instrument panel showed the rapidly declining solar energy. They got up without hesitation and prepared to make repairs. Some people rolled and climbed to repair the matrix. Some people hurriedly picked up their walkie-talkies to call for help.

So far, humans have not studied the transmission methods and observation methods of the corruption epidemic. This haven protected by the Sun God Matrix is ​​the only safe place.

Once the Sun God Matrix collapses, celestial beings are at risk of being infected.

After all, no one knows whether the corruption epidemic has spread here.

"Why did the Sun God Matrix suddenly collapse?"

The patrols in the haven all raised their heads and looked at the sky. They noticed the scars on the Tree of Life, but they didn't know what caused the damage to it.

The Celestial Being Organization has its own method of predicting weather.

This method is ancient but accurate and almost error-free.

Lower Egypt is already dry and rainless, especially this rare thunderstorm. It is most likely caused by evolutionists, and it is very suspicious at first glance.

But the problem is, no one observed the specific attack.

Even if the patrol cannot observe it, the elders should not react at all.

Therefore, from the perspective of heavenly beings, the Tree of Life was damaged without warning, and it looked like there was some kind of hidden danger within, causing a systemic collapse.

When the alarm sounds, the heavenly beings outside are recalled urgently. After all, this means that the portable alchemy matrix on them will also fail at any time, leading to infection with the epidemic.

The door of the safe haven opened again. Lu Buer was wearing a white robe and mixed in the convoy. He rubbed his brows tiredly, resisting dizziness and dizziness, but a smile appeared on his lips.

This is the effect he wants, which is to repay the other person with his own way.

The secret of Divine Ember Technique.

Hidden between the third and fourth lightning strikes was his full blow.

Although he is not able to use the secret of the Divine Ember Technique anytime and anywhere, he can still charge up his energy to launch an attack. This kind of attack that cannot be sensed naturally cannot be blocked, and it will not be revealed that it was his hand, even if Being suspected, no one has any evidence.

His current strength has no chance of winning against those senior veterans. Even if he uses all his methods, it is just scraping, so he has never thought about a head-on conflict.

It only needs to have an impact on the Tree of Life.

"Follow the plan."

Lu Fuji ordered in a low voice.

Ai Yue and Yuan Qing lowered the brim of their hats, turned around and left together carrying body bags.

Lu Fuji returned to his residence under the escort of heavenly beings.

The stand-in responsible for pretending to be him just left through the back door. In the burning fireplace was the burned facial prosthesis. He was worthy of being the crony of the bad woman, and he was indeed reliable.

Back in the attic, Lu Fuji first went to the bathroom to take a shower. After changing into clean clothes, he sat cross-legged on the bamboo mat on the balcony, placed Yu Lei across his legs, and wiped it with paper towels.

It was as if he had been wiping the soul blade here and never left.

Darkness swept across the sky.

It rained heavily in the sky.

Lu Fuji's red hair hangs down in front of his forehead, and the heavy rain is reflected in his deep eyes. The dense raindrops are vaguely mixed with traces of black, which is the dark matter that has been decomposed to the extreme.

"After the dark matter has absorbed the hidden blood, its sense of existence has been reduced to a minimum. And because it is a dark matter, there is no need to worry about the side effects of the hidden blood. This seems to be a bug. Logically speaking, it should be my dark matter. After the concealment is activated to the greatest extent, I will forget that I have a dark matter body. But the dark matter body is also controlled by my consciousness. As a dark matter body, I will not forget myself, so I will not forget myself. Nor will He be forgotten.”

He murmured: "Because my consciousness is the same."

This is a very strange phenomenon.

Lu Fuji's body keeps forgetting the existence of dark matter.

And Lu Fuji's dark matter kept reminding him of the existence of dark matter.

But in the end he still didn't forget.

A group of heavenly beings rushed into the courtyard. Elder Nasser, who had just returned from the military base, was the first one. His cold eyes locked on the young man in the attic and asked in a cold voice: "Mr. Lu, what on earth are you doing?" ? Why activate the soul blade?"

At this moment, a young man lowered his head and whispered in his ear: "According to the intelligence report, it is basically certain that Lu Fuji has been to that military base before, and he rushed back very quickly. But Helmu Elder Te means not to expose this matter for the time being. If this person is really banned here, it will be difficult for us to take action. "

Elder Nasser's body shook slightly.

"I'm already preparing to be promoted to the sixth realm."

Lu Buer stopped wiping the soul blade, raised his head and said expressionlessly: "Evolvers will complete the upgrade of the soul blade when they are in the sixth realm. No one told me that I can't play with knives here, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes and brows of the heavenly beings suddenly raised.

This guy is actually preparing to be promoted to the sixth realm.

You must know that Lu Fuji has only emerged from his cocoon for half a year.

In half a year, I jumped six levels in a row without any bottlenecks in the process.

This is too fast for a monarch-level talent.

The young man's eyes were even more complex. You must know that the practice of an evolver is actually a matter that takes time to settle. After all, it is necessary to accumulate life energy by squeezing cells. Even if there is sufficient marrow of the sacred tree, it cannot be done too hastily, otherwise it will There will be a heavy price to pay.

It can range from failing to advance, to being turned into a cripple on the spot.

What's more, it is very difficult for an evolver to completely assimilate life energy and numerology. Even with endless chip assistance, he still needs his own understanding of attributes. Therefore, various religions have been born around the world. In the final analysis All for better practice.

But Lu Fuji's advancement process seemed to completely ignore these steps.

"No one limits your practice, but there is something wrong with the Tree of Life!"

Elder Nasser said in a deep voice.

"What does the problem of the Tree of Life have to do with me? If I activate the Soul Blade to cause the Tree of Life to collapse, shouldn't the Elder Council commit suicide collectively?"

Lu Fuji said calmly: "After all, I am only at level five."

This sentence really touched the heart of Elder Nasser. Although the sudden thunderstorm was indeed caused by the evil little devil of God Embers in front of them, they did not believe that this little guy could destroy lives again under their noses. tree.

If a fifth-level brat could really do this, it would prove that they were pretty useless.

The last time it was Metanzo who opened the way.

This time Metanzo was not around, so there was no way he could do that.

Having said that, the senators would still be suspicious of him.

This sentence is just to test his reaction.

"The only person in this world that can have an impact on the Tree of Life is the Divine Ember Technique, or Himself. Maybe there were some changes that even I didn't notice during the last time I repaired the Tree of Life, which led to the current situation. situation." Lu Fuji said calmly.

In fact, he was very tired at this time, and the side effects of using the Divine Ember Mystery were much stronger than he imagined. It was a kind of exhaustion all over his body, as if he had been hollowed out.

But he still had to pretend to be calm.

Don't make people suspicious.

"Indeed, we cannot doubt anyone based on coincidence."

The young man spoke.

Lu Fuji was slightly startled.

Because this young man's voice actually looks a bit like mine.

As soon as Elder Nasr frowned, he heard a voice coming from behind.

"I have just received instructions from Elder Helmut. We must keep an eye on this boy at all times. This matter is very strange. Although theoretically he cannot do this with his ability, we are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. What's more, we still need him to repair the Tree of Life."

The young man said: "Keep an eye on him and he won't be able to make waves."

Elder Nasser suddenly realized what he said. After being silent for a second, he sighed: "It seems that we were abrupt. In this case, please ask Mr. Lu to go again. Now that Mr. Medanzo is not here, the person who can repair the Sun God Matrix is It’s just you.”

Just what I wanted.

Lu Fuji shrugged: "Just go."

Omega's believers can also temporarily gain the power of God's Ember Technique with the help of medicine. Logically speaking, this group of people can also try to repair the Tree of Life, but considering that they have been trying to cover up their existence, they cannot do so at this time. There are excuses for standing up.

As for the celestial beings in front of him, he was not sure whether they were followers of Omega.

Lu Fuji just felt that these people were doubting him.

No one except the Omega believers could guess that he did it.

Of course, Xia Zhu is an exception.

This woman should have returned to the safe haven by now.

It's really interesting, just like playing Werewolf. If it weren't for a life and death fight with real swords and guns, it would be hard to tell whether the heavenly being in front of him is a believer of Omega.

Fortunately, this does not affect Lu Fuji's next plan.

Lu Buer stood up with his wooden sword in hand. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a young man in the Tianren team. After a brief hesitation, he suddenly asked out of curiosity: "What's your name?"

The young man suddenly raised his head, revealing a face that looked familiar to him, and calmly replied: "Hello, my name is Lu Xinzhi."

The electric light flashed, illuminating the familiar face.

Lu Fuji took a deep look at the young man.

"It's interesting."



Deep underground in the safe haven, Elder Helmut used crutches and walked step by step along the spiral staircase into the deep underground. He said calmly: "Urgently recall the heavenly beings outside to repair the damaged Sun God Matrix. The confinement trial will continue as usual. Go ahead and get all the seeds ready.”

The spiral staircase here turned out to be thick tree roots, and the dry bark was glowing with burning golden lines. The faint light it emitted illuminated the bottomless darkness.

It seems to lead to the deepest part of the netherworld.

Few people know that there is such a place in the Celestial Being Organization. Even the laboratory used to observe the Tree of Life is located close to the surface of the tree's roots.

But there is actually space underground in that laboratory.

In the Senate it was known as the Boneyard.

The Boneyard, as the name suggests, is the place where the last safe haven sank.

In the Age of Gods, the Celestials also retained the habit of building safe havens. They usually did not expose the most important information and equipment to the secular world to prevent the leakage of secrets.

This is the site of the Age of Gods. It was a super-large bronze aircraft back then. Now it has been transformed into a huge underground space, which is also covered by an independent solar matrix and requires a very special method to enter.

After coming to the underground through the roots of the sacred tree, it is the surface of the ancient bronze aircraft back then. It has been transformed into a circular altar. The lower-level elders in white robes have stood here with torches. They have just finished the prelude to the ceremony.

The projection screen reflects the young people in the dark.

These are the seeds cultivated by the Celestial Organization.

Seeds that are qualified for the confinement trial.

The confinement trial of the Celestial Organization was originally intended to allow the Chosen Ones who have mastered the Order Factor and the Immortal Body to have the qualifications to obtain the Holy Word, but because there have been no such people for many years, the original intention has gradually changed and become a kind of selection.

The Elders hope to select the Chosen Ones through this trial.

Now that Chen Jing has appeared, they still haven't given up on this kind of selection.

After all, in the eyes of most elders, Chen Jing is not the best candidate for succession.

Therefore, the confinement trial is nominally held for Chen Jing, but basically there are many seeds to practice with each round. Whether they can pass the test is not important, the key is the awakening qualification.

On the projection screen, the celestial beings participating in the trial are selecting equipment in the dark armory. Chen Jing, with long dark red hair, is also arming herself in the corner. You can see that a black knife is tied to her fair and round thighs. Her knees are like a piece of crystal soft jade, her calves are covered with knee-high socks, and she is wearing a pair of Mary Jane leather shoes, which are black and shiny.

It looks good, but in the eyes of the elders, it is just a plastic surgery.

It's like a high school graduation ceremony, everyone wears bachelor's gowns, but you wear Lolita.

Chen Jing has always been such a maverick woman.

No one noticed that there was a short girl in the armory. She only prepared a sawtooth dagger for herself, carrying a seemingly inconspicuous suitcase, and smiled casually, with steel caps on her teeth.

Elder Helmut watched this scene with satisfaction.

But at this moment, he suddenly turned his head.

There was nothing in the darkness.

"Is it an illusion?"

He frowned slightly.

In the cracks of the dry tree roots, thick dark matter spread like a shadow.

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