The edge of pure land

Chapter 382 Experimental Subject

Time goes back to five minutes ago.

On the first floor of the underground laboratory, Lu Fuji stood in front of a huge petri dish. His fingers shining with sunlight fell on the vibrating Tree of Life. This action made him feel as if he was a doctor about to give an injection to a patient. Fortunately, I have already had one experience and am already very proficient.

Groups of heavenly beings responsible for security surrounded the place, nominally to protect his safety, but in reality they were afraid of what he might do.

Especially Elder Nasser, who is said to be the second person in charge of the Heavenly Punishment Department. He is not only powerful but also experienced, staring at him with a pair of sharp eyes like a falcon.

Never left even an inch.

The young man named Lu Xinzhi was also standing here, seemingly communicating with the experimenters on the operating table. In fact, the corner of his eyes did not leave the Tree of Life for even an inch. It was obvious that they still had not given up their minds so far. doubt.

But alas, it was of no use.

If you can't learn the Divine Ember Technique, you won't be able to understand what Lu Fuji is doing.

It would be easier if they knew the God Ember Technique.

Things will become very simple.

"The God Order system has been detected, start accessing it!"

The cold mechanical sound sounded in the back of my mind again.

Lu Fuji felt the vibration of the sacred tree, and his eyes were bright again. His consciousness seemed to have soared into the sky, overlooking this safe haven and even the entire third site.

A super-large mathematical model seemed to appear in front of his eyes. Every line of the Sun God Matrix was clearly visible, going deep into the desert sand like the roots of trees and spreading out among the ancient ruins. A tangled web.

Next he focused his attention on the underground of the safe haven.

It was as if his consciousness fell into darkness, and then became bright again after a moment.

Lu Fuji once again saw the illusory door. Behind the door seemed to be sealed the majestic energy of God, which was turbulent and turbulent like a tide and would break through the seal at any time.

This illusory door seems to be woven from countless dark strips of the sun, like a pattern formed by the criss-crossing sunlight. In the center of the interlaced light is a man's face, everything is like a pattern. No difference from last time.

As Lu Fuji's hand illuminated the sun again, the illusory door also became turbulent. The majestic man's face was distorted like a reflection in the water, and another face emerged.

Girl's face.

Huge pressure came like a tsunami, and the girl's eyes lit up with the fierce sunlight, like a god in the darkness looking down at mortals, intending to burn you to charcoal with the fire of divine wrath.

If Shika Fuji is still at the same level as last time, he will lose the battle of the Divine Ember Technique in less than a second and lose the qualification to visit.

But this time, it is different after all.

"I hope it doesn't burn out my brain."

Lu Fuji stood in the darkness, with his left hand in his pocket, and the hot sunlight lit up his right hand. The god sleeping deep in his consciousness suddenly woke up, and his golden eyes flashed through the surging data flow!

With a bang, the illusory door suddenly shattered, losing its defensive effect like a collapsed network firewall. A vast sea of ​​data rushed towards him, overwhelming his consciousness.

If it were Lu Fuji in the past, he would probably be lost directly in the majestic data flow, but now he has mastered the order factor that strengthens the nerves, and his brain has been developed to an astonishing degree, and he can identify it without much effort. produce useful information.

Data filtering, information screening, sorting and summarizing, all in one go.

He seemed to have fallen into a grid-like virtual space, and the majestic data flow was whizzing past him like turbulent water. Some were profound mathematical formulas, some were large-scale data modeling, and of course there were intricate program code.

As Lu Buer's brain was running at high power, the outline of this virtual space gradually emerged, resembling an ancient spaceship.

This is the truth about Haven's underground underworld!

But that wasn't what shocked Lu Fuji the most.

What really shocked him was the purpose of this spaceship.

It's not a vehicle, it's a prison!

"Prison? To imprison what?"

When Lu Fuji was immersed in the ocean of data and prepared to continue to explore the secrets of the underground underworld, the consciousness space in all directions suddenly shattered. Ten times the hot sun pierced the darkness like a sword, and the sad cracks seemed to reflect The girl's angry face!

Lu Buer's intrusion is like a network hacker hacking into an opponent's server, successfully breaking through the firewall and then stealing the sealed core data.

But I didn't expect that at this moment, my opponent also launched a counterattack with the same method!



In the aircraft that had been abandoned for many years, Chen Jing raised his right hand and released a surging force of repulsion. He forcefully opened the rusty protective door and entered a long and narrow metal passage.

"It seems a bit familiar here."

She held her forehead, thinking hard but couldn't remember, but there was always a familiar feeling in her heart, as if she had been here before but had forgotten it.


She suddenly thought of something.

Not long ago, she participated in the first trial ceremony, but she forgot about it after that, as if it was just a trivial matter.

It's like having a hard time remembering what you had for lunch seven days ago.

Such an important thing would be forgotten by her. It seems that this abandoned spaceship hides some appalling secrets. Only the trialists who enter here can briefly discover the truth, and they will not realize it after leaving. and forget it.

That's probably it.

Although she has forgotten the content of the last trial, she still remembers the general rules of the game. To put it bluntly, it is a battle royale, and you must survive for twenty-four hours to pass.

"Trials are allowed to form temporary teams here, and trialists are allowed to compete with each other, but the bottom line is that no assassins are allowed. If this is the case, then there seems to be some unknown danger hidden in this aircraft. When I came last time, I should have seen it before." Chen Jing moved her right hand slightly, and the black knife tied to her thigh trembled and floated in the air behind her.

The dark metal passage was not powered by electricity, and everything she could see was pitch black. She turned on the flashlight, only to see stinking corpses on the ground.

"Someone died here?"

Chen Jing sniffed it seriously: "If it smells bad, it means it died not long ago."

This is most likely the last trialist who died here.

"Although you can't kill your companions, will people still die during the trial? Or maybe someone violated the rules and killed their companions here without authorization." Chen Jing couldn't say exactly what happened, although She could break through the Seventh Realm of Reason at any time, but she still felt an inexplicable tremor in this cramped passage, as if something was waiting for her ahead.

This damn place was really big. It took her ten minutes to walk through the long and narrow corridor, and what came into view was an abandoned laboratory.

Chen Jing saw the petri dishes embedded in the wall. The nutrient solution in the glass bulkhead had long been exhausted, but the thick dark matter had not lost its activity, squirming and dispersing like venom.

This scene made her feel a little uncomfortable, because the petri dish mounted on the wall was a bit like the Buddhist Wall of Ten Thousand Buddhas, but what was enshrined was not a Buddha, but a monster from ancient times.


A black knife penetrated a petri dish in front of him. As the glass bulkhead cracked, thick dark matter flowed out and slowly wriggled on the ground.

Chen Jing lowered his head, a bright holy light flashed in his pupils, and he came to the conclusion after just one scan: "Could it be that the dark matter of the evolutionary chain of the God of Origin..."

She suddenly turned around and rummaged around in the laboratory, and sure enough she found a bronze vessel entangled with dark golden tree vines: "I hope this thing can still be used."

This bronze is very similar to the fake cultural relics that appear in spoof videos, because it is shaped like a modern laptop. The difference is that it does not have a display, and it does not come with a mouse and keyboard. The wires are covered with trees. replaced by vines.

Chen Jing, who was now completely familiar with the Tianren Organization, also knew how to use this thing. She put her right hand on the bronze vessel and released the holy light from her fingertips.

Her consciousness invaded the bronze and read the message.

After a moment, she raised her bright eyes and whispered: "Sure enough, this was once a place used by the Celestial Being Organization to study experimental subjects."

And this experiment is precisely to allow a person to have order factors and immortality at the same time.

The tools and equipment left behind in this lab are all too familiar.

There were similar things in Constantine's laboratory back then.

This technology has been passed down from ancient times, and there has been no breakthrough so far.

Wait a moment.

Chen Jing frowned slightly and suddenly looked into the depths of the laboratory.

There are two bronze coffins placed here. The lids of the coffins have been opened and the coffins are empty.

Chen Jing's eyes fell on the edge of the coffin. There was a very clear palm print there. It seemed that he could imagine someone waking up from the coffin and then standing up.

Suddenly, a shrill scream came from the silence.

Chen Jing suddenly turned around, but there was a shrill sound of wind behind her, and a pale hand struck her neck like a knife, with such ferocious power that it seemed as if she was going to behead her on the spot!

With a bang, Chen Jing was knocked to the ground hard, and the black knife suddenly stabbed out from behind.

The sharp black knife penetrated the sneak attacker like a knife net and nailed him to the wall.

As an evolver with an order factor and an immortal body, there is no doubt about Chen Jing's power. A sneak attack of this level is not even a scraping, it can at most force her to move.

At this time, Chen Jing raised his head and saw clearly the other party's appearance.

It was a naked man, with no hair on his pale body, but the blood vessels under his pale skin were a strange dark black, like ancient totems.

And his pupils were red, flashing with a fierce holy light.

Immortal body!

Chen Jing was surprised. This guy actually had an immortal body and an order factor at the same time!

No, that's not right.

Only then did she realize that she had been wrong.

This sneak attacker who appeared inexplicably did master two kinds of ghost skills, but they were not the highest level of truth, but the relatively lower level of virtual reality.

Although there is only one level difference, there is a huge difference.

There is no doubt that this is the experimental body left here by the Celestial Being Organization. They once tried to master the immortal body and the order factor at the same time, but failed due to various reasons. Now they seem to have lost even the most basic sanity. It seems Like a wild beast that drinks blood.

The experimental subject was nailed to the wall, roaring angrily. His teeth were a strange white color, stained with bright red blood, like a wild beast.

"Is it so difficult to master the immortal body and the order factor at the same time when I have lost my thinking ability, cannot speak or communicate?" As a genius, Chen Jing certainly would not understand the difficulties of a rookie. Just as she was about to get up, she felt a dull pain in her snow-white neck.

She suddenly realized the crisis.

Because Chen Jing's rank was the sixth level of mercy.

And this experimental subject was also the sixth level of mercy.

It was impossible to break her defense with just one blow.

The basic ability of the immortal body is a special concept.

Its name is unaffectable.

Although this ability is not absolute and can be broken by a strong blow, it is obviously against common sense that she can feel pain with just one blow.

Unless the knife just now was cut by Lu Buer.

Chen Jing was silent for a second, and looked down at her wrist. Under the snow-white skin, there were dark blood vessels, but at this moment, it was glowing with a strange green color.

She was very experienced and judged what was going on at a glance.

She was actually poisoned!

When did it happen, she was unaware of it!

The experimental subject was still screaming with all his might. Heavy footsteps could be heard in the metal corridor, and the sound of chains dragging could be heard faintly, which was creepy.

Chen Jing quickly determined that the twelve experimental subjects were rushing towards the laboratory. They seemed to have heard the call of their companions and came to hunt for fresh blood.

"Because of the experiment, they became emotionless machines under the influence of Omega's divinity, and became primitive beasts under the influence of Alpha's animality." Chen Jing gave a very rational judgment. In this case, she might face many rounds of attacks next.

But she was poisoned.

It seems that the person who poisoned her wanted to keep her here.

But he didn't dare to come forward directly.

In other words, the other party might have other tricks next.


Chen Jing pouted a little unlucky and released his magnetic field with a bang.

The bulkhead of the laboratory was broken inch by inch, and the ceiling above was also collapsing. Floating dust and broken metal fell down like a collapsed waterfall.

At the end of the flying dust, a hunched and thin black shadow raised a pair of fierce golden eyes, licked the blood on the serrated knife slowly, and laughed strangely.

It was at this time that a burly black shadow rose from the corner of the cabin wall, like a giant from the ancient times, silently intimidating her.

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