Although it was just hatched, the dragon creature's powerful body has begun to show.

Long Yeyan held his baby dragon in his arms and carefully handed the pacifier to its mouth.

The baby dragon sucked the pacifier hard, absorbing the energy contained in it in big mouthfuls.

At the same time, its little claws were not idle, hugging Long Yeyan's body tightly through the blanket.

Long Yeyan felt the little guy's little movements, and a gratified smile appeared on his face. He whispered: "What a lively little guy."

As he spoke, he gently patted the baby dragon's back and coaxed it to sleep.

Just like that, under Long Yeyan's gentle comfort, the baby dragon gradually fell asleep.

For a newborn elf, the most important thing is to eat and sleep, only in this way can it grow up quickly.

As a responsible father, Long Yeyan will naturally take good care of his elf with all his strength, looking forward to the day when it grows up healthily.

Gently put the baby dragon in the crib covered with soft quilts, slowly using his dragon power, while replenishing the little guy's energy, it also accelerated the growth of the little guy.

After leaving the breeding room, he told the steward to pay attention to the baby dragon all day long, tell him anything, and find him when he wakes up in the middle of the night.

Newborn elves are always full of instability. Although the baby dragon is not too fragile, it suddenly wants to drink milk at irregular times.

And eating has a great effect on this new Pokémon. Newborn elves always wake up from their sleep when they are hungry and call loudly for their food.

Long Yeyan was worried about this kind of thing happening. The supernatural servant could pay close attention to the little movements of the baby dragon.

Back to the first floor hall, the two well-behaved and obedient elves were waiting for Long Yeyan beside the sofa.

The two unstable ones had been taken back into the elf ball, and as for the mastiff godfather, nothing could attract his interest.

He gently rubbed the heads of the two elves and said slowly: "You have a new brother, but now is not the time to meet him. I will introduce him to you two when he wakes up."



The two elves were very excited. Is the third partner here? I wonder what kind of guy he is.

Time, the old dog, is still running without caring about the lives of others.

In a blink of an eye, it was already two days later.

That morning, Long Yeyan took the little fire dragon and the buzzing bat and walked into the breeding room quietly and slowly. The servant inside was teasing the baby dragon with bells and dolls.

Feeling the breath of Long Yeyan coming in, Baby Long hurriedly climbed out of the crib without even looking at the bell and the doll.

He stared at Long Yeyan who was walking towards him, and the purple flying elf following him.

Long Long was puzzled.

"You seem to be very energetic, little guy." Long Yeyan said to Baby Long who was waiting for him like a puppy.

Beilong Beilong~

Baby Long's shouting didn't mean anything, it just simply expressed his longing.

Long Yeyan looked at the fast-growing Baby Long and felt the difficulty of his old father.

In the past two days, he really had to get up in the middle of the night to feed Baby Long, and even when he was accompanying the two little ones to exercise, he had to rush back to feed Baby Long.

Baby Long is now well developed. Although his body size is much worse than that of a normal baby dragon, he is in a period of rapid growth.

Its vitality is also very strong, and now it has a little blood awakening. It has been hitting the baby carriage with its head since feeding in the morning.

Looking at the baby dragon showing two teeth, Long Yeyan knocked on its hard skull.

He picked it up, and the baby dragon also saw the red elves on the ground as the perspective was raised.

"They are my partners, baby dragon." Long Yeyan smiled.



Accompanying Long Yeyan's words, the two little ones also cried happily.

Beilong? Partner?

"Yes, partners are family members who can live, grow and fight together."

Beilong~ I also want to be a partner with you.

"Is that so? Okay, you will also be our partner in the future." Long Yeyan smiled lightly.

"But before that." Long Yeyan took out a purple Poké Ball from his pocket.

"Please enter the Poké Ball, baby dragon.



Baby Dragon's little head lightly hit the button in the center of the Poké Ball, and a white light enveloped his whole body.

"Ding", "Ding", "Ding", "Bang" three equally dazzling stars flashed, and Baby Dragon was successfully captured.

Release the newly captured Baby Dragon, as newly born Pokémon are not suitable to stay in the Poké Ball for a long time.

The Pokémons that have just been born into the world cannot be captured at all because their bodies are too fragile.

Now, after two days of growth and development, this Baby Dragon has become healthy and strong and can be captured by the Poké Ball, but staying in the Poké Ball for a long time is definitely not a good thing for it.

The light flashed by, and Baby Dragon returned to Long Yeyan's warm embrace.

Baby Dragon was interested in interacting with Charmander and Buzzbat After saying hello, it drank a lot from the bottle in Long Yeyan's hand.

After a while, it felt a little sleepy. As soon as it was put in the stroller, it fell asleep and entered the dreamland.

Let the two little elves continue to complete today's training, and Long Yeyan entered the room with a few thick old books and a notebook with a picture of a flying dragon with a big mouth.

The flying dragon, which has countless predecessors' training experience, is not an unattainable existence for the little guy who is still in the form of a baby dragon at this stage.

Long Yeyan devoted himself to the flying dragon training notes left by the family's predecessors. His will flowed slowly between the lines like a gurgling stream, carefully searching and recording every detail of the baby dragon. A moment of growth.

These precious materials are like a window to an unknown world, allowing him to peek into the mystery and magic of the growth of the violent dragon.

Speaking of the violent dragon, there are four branches in the Long family now.

They are the violent dragon branch headed by Grandpa Long Yeyan.

The staff-tailed scale-armored dragon branch headed by Grandpa Long Jinlei.

The sticky dragon branch, which mainly develops outside and only a small number of clansmen remain in the dragon secret realm.

The fast dragon branch headed by Grandpa Long Xingyu.

There is also the electric dragon branch, which is not considered a branch, and is headed by only my aunt Long Yeyu.

Long Yeyan still remembers that his father Long Yuhao once told him that decades ago, his great-grandfather Long Xiangfei was a strong man in the outside world that made others afraid and panic when they saw him.

Strength is one aspect, and the most important thing is Long When Xiang Fei starts robbing, he really won't leave you anything.

The Alliance was not established for long, and it was in urgent need of absorbing strong people. The Pokémon Alliance did many dark and dishonorable things, not only weakening the status of poor trainers.

Even robbing a large number of civilian trainers' resources to support the strong people in the family.

Wanting to use this to cultivate more strong people for the Alliance, my great-grandfather Long Xiangfei was once invited by the Alliance.

However, with his tyrannical character and the background and strength of the Long family, those who came to recruit him with a good attitude were scolded away by him, and those with a bad attitude even started a fierce battle directly.

As a result, Long Xiangfei had a very bad impression of the Alliance. When facing people from the Alliance, he would fight and rob them when he should.

Even the Alliance treasury, he also robbed resources in the name of borrowing things.

Basically, the materials accumulated by the Alliance for many years were robbed by him. The number is so large that some of the resources used by Long Yeyan so far are those that his great-grandfather robbed from the Alliance.

When facing other families, Long Xiangfei's temper was even more irritable. In his eyes, this was not a family at all.

It was just a group of snobbish people who focused on interests. When facing these guys, Long Xiangfei was even more ruthless in robbing.

He took what he could take away, and threw away what he couldn't take away after taking a bite of the fruit. He shook the elf eggs for you to scatter the yolk, smashed the big attribute stones into pieces, and grabbed a handful of small ones and put them in the palm of his hand, and scattered them wherever he walked on the road.

Long Xiangfei's reputation still makes the people of that family unable to sleep at night after hearing about it.

He couldn't beat them even if he fought. He robbed them and left nothing behind. Once he targeted them, with his rogue character, I'm afraid he would hit me with a club while I was walking.

What's more, didn't you see that he raised all dragon elves? My elves are old, their qi and blood are declining, and their strength is declining step by step.

And that guy's elves are still in the growth stage, with vigorous qi and blood. What can he use to fight, an iron-headed kid?

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