The family in the outside world not only had to avoid Long Xiangfei, but also had to respectfully call him "Lord Long" if they really met him.

Although Long Yeyan's great-grandfather Long Xiangfei rarely went to the outside world now, once he appeared in the eyes of those people in the outside world, it would be a big deal for them.

And the great-grandfather Long Xiangfei gave the Baolong, the initial form of the violent flying dragon that represented his identity, to his most valued eldest son Long Kongwen.

He gave the initial form of the Heart Scale Treasure of the Staff Tail Scale Armor Dragon, the strongest among his elves, to the most belligerent second son Long Xuwu.

He gave the initial form of the Sticky Beauty Dragon, the most balanced in his team, to the third son Long Feijue, who was the most scheming and paid the most attention to the development of the Long family's strength.

He gave the fastest Dragonite, the initial form of Dragonite, to his fourth son, Long Yanbin, who was most keen on traveling, full of curiosity and often wanted to go to the outside world.

Finally, he gave the initial form of the electric dragon, Meliyang, and the super evolution stone of the electric dragon, which he had hatched himself, to his most beloved youngest daughter, Long Yeyu.

From then on, the Long family was divided into four veins, and this was why Long Yeyan got this baby dragon spirit egg.

If this baby dragon was the egg of the two Tyrannosaurus of his great-grandfather Long Xiangfei, then the status of this newly hatched little guy was not low.

At least it was of the same generation as his grandfather's Tyrannosaurus, or a generation lower.

In the room, Long Yeyan thought to himself, and then he seemed to have thought of something and slowly transferred his consciousness.

When he came to the system space, the scene here did not change at all. The only thing that was added was the new light that appeared on the most conspicuous screen.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing mission one: [Dragon Master], congratulations to the host for obtaining the best dragon scales.

Congratulations to the host for completing mission two: [Emperor's Talent], congratulations to the host for obtaining this growth item [100% Digestion and Absorption Iron Stomach], congratulations to the host for obtaining the elf-exclusive resource: [Miracles of Arceus].

[100% Digestion and Absorption Iron Stomach]: Attached to the elf and replace the elf's original stomach, it can absorb 100% of the ability and food to eat, and can refine and absorb metals, rocks, and minerals.

[Miracles of Arceus]: The miracle light used by the creator Arceus can change the organs connected to an elf, and does not change the elf's original physical characteristics and appearance, and strengthen the elf's various attribute affinity and internal organ strength."

"Wow, system, Arceus is out, this wave of baby dragons will take off directly." Long Yeyan Dragon Ace smiled and grinned.

Based on Long Yeyan's understanding of the system, these exclusive items can be used specifically for baby dragons.

This 100% absorption iron stomach, although its function seems so ordinary, but it is an epic enhancement for Baby Dragon.

As we all know, Baby Dragon is the initial form of Quasi God Tyrannosaurus, and there is an evolutionary stage between Baby Dragon and Tyrannosaurus, called Shell Dragon.

Shell Dragon is a form wrapped in a white bone-like shell.

This form has appeared in many Quasi Gods, so what is the form of this stage used for?

According to the description in the illustration, Shell Dragon is a form that does not eat or drink, and is absorbing the energy obtained during the Baby Dragon period. In this form, by absorbing the substances in the body and the nutrients taken in the previous stage, the cells in the body form a new body at an explosive speed.

When the accumulated energy is exhausted, it will begin to evolve and evolve into a Quasi God Tyrannosaurus.

And the blood wings of Tyrannosaurus accumulate energy at this stage and bloom.

So, the general meaning is that the energy absorbed during the Baby Dragon period, the body is transformed during the Shell Dragon period, and finally forms a blood-winged dragon soaring in the sky.

So, if we can absorb more types and larger amounts of energy by absorbing energy of other attributes or changing the way we absorb energy, is it possible to change the final form?

This is an imaginative and exploratory question.

After all, in the world we know, the form of matter is often limited by its composition and structure. However, in the story of the elves, everything is possible.

Imagine that a creature can only absorb a certain type of energy, but through some coincidence or self-change, it suddenly gains the ability to absorb energy of other attributes.

These new energy sources may come from attribute energy in the surrounding environment, high-quality elements brought from food, or the energy fields of other living beings, etc.

As more energy is absorbed, the creature's body may undergo strange changes.

It may become stronger and possess extraordinary strength; it may also evolve special organs or skills to better utilize this new energy.

Even its appearance may change significantly due to the influence of energy, transforming from its original form into a completely different existence.

In addition, changing the way you absorb energy can also bring unexpected results. For example, if an organism learns to absorb and convert energy more efficiently, it will be able to obtain more energy in the same amount of time.

This not only helps to improve its strength, but may also trigger a series of evolutionary reactions that can lead to a new final form.

Therefore, in view of the fragility and shortcomings of the blood-colored wings of the Tyrannosaurus, is it possible to absorb steel energy similar to steel wings, so that the Tyrannosaurus can grow silver wings representing metal?

Whether it is humans or elves, the absorption of food is always imperfect. When the baby dragon can absorb 100% of the steel energy contained in the metal, will it change the nutrition of the crustacean?

Since some members of the family had tried it before, but in the end it was neither fish nor fowl, and even the dragon ability of the genus was not up to standard, this made Long Yeyan give up this conjecture for a while.

However, the props given by the system did give him hope for the Silver Winged Flying Dragon.

Which teenager has not dreamed of having an elf that is just his or her own? Especially for the people living in the Yanlong Kingdom, the image of their father's blood-winged flying dragon has long been deeply engraved in each of their hearts.

So can I evolve a silver-winged flying dragon?

Just imagine that scene! When the young man steps on the silver wings and flies freely across the sky, he will shine with the bright moon hanging high in the sky.

Even the reflection of the moonlight could not conceal the sharp edge exuded by the silver wings.

This is Long Yeyan's dream goal - to become the most dazzling existence in the sky.

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