Time flies, years pass by like a shuttle, spring leaves quietly, and autumn comes.

It is another season of reincarnation, and time always slips away from us so quietly.

It is like an invisible killer, ruthlessly strangling our youth and dreams; it is like an elusive wind, lightly passing through our fingertips and hair, but it is difficult to capture its figure.

We can't see it, nor can we touch it, but it can bring us deep harm without knowing it.

Three months have passed.

In these three months, Long Yeyan's daily routine is: morning jogging, training elves, feeding elves, arranging training plans, and training with elves.

Normal morning jogging is no longer effective, so Long Yeyan trains every morning with hundreds of pounds of weight wrapped around his legs.

Baby Dragon has passed the newborn period after the first month of hatching, and joined the training team two months ago.

After the system gave Baby Dragon exclusive props, Baby Dragon eats more than Charmander and Buzzing Bat.

Even after being irradiated by [Miracle Light of Arceus], ​​it really has infinite physical strength and vitality.

After the transformation of the miracle light, the teeth chewed the steel gem like eating an apple, which made Buzzing Bat feel sour.

However, the 100% energy absorption iron stomach is really good, and Baby Dragon's body has grown visibly.

Originally, it could still be carried, but now it can even smash a hole in the floor when jumping off the table.

However, the system does perform very well in some aspects.

When Long Yeyan asked about the miracle light, he understood that the impact it brought and the grand scene it produced were beyond imagination.

Therefore, after an in-depth discussion with the system, the system shielded all the strange scenes that the miraculous light might cause and the huge energy fluctuations it contained.

In this way, unnecessary troubles and potential dangers can be avoided, and this mysterious and powerful force can be protected from the outside world.

After using a large amount of steel-attribute food, Baby Dragon's affinity for steel attributes rose sharply.

It even caught up with Charmander at one point.

And Charmander also changed from training claws and tails to training fire skills such as jet flames.

In these three months, Charmander's level only increased by one level.

It was not because of lack of talent or lack of effort. The real reason was that Long Yeyan specifically told Charmander to suppress the speed of its own level increase.

The reason for doing this is that if you just pursue the level increase blindly, it will inevitably lead to the simultaneous growth of dragon attribute energy, which is not the result he expected to see.

Therefore, Charmander did not focus on level increase, but devoted himself to enhancing fire energy and strengthening the strength of fire skills.

In comparison, the improvement of the buzzing bat is quite considerable, and it is now at the critical point of evolution.

Most of the body lightening fluid has been absorbed by the buzzing bat, and the speed of the buzzing bat can even catch up with its mother.

As for Long Yeyan, he has not been idle for a moment in the past three months. In addition to completing routine daily exercises and accompanying the elves to train every day, he also makes full use of his free time to study the outside world knowledge that his grandfather carefully prepared for him.

This knowledge covers a wide range, including not only the current job details of various departments of the Elf Alliance, the status of Long family members in the alliance, but also the hidden powerful forces of the Elf Alliance, the distribution of members of various families, and the king-level strongmen and search officers in various regions.

Speaking of which, the Long family has not been very peaceful recently. Two months ago, Long Yuhao, the previous generation of the Long family and one of the four kings in North China, participated in the championship challenge.

After a 6v6 final battle with the previous champion of North China, he successfully defeated the previous champion of North China with the advantage of the remaining two elves, and officially became the current champion of the Four Heavenly Kings of North China.

Just as this fierce challenge came to an end, something unexpected happened!

A group of mysterious and evil organization members suddenly attacked the challenge site. They obviously had an ulterior motive - trying to eliminate the two generations of champions in one fell swoop.

The former champion who had just experienced a 6v6 full-member duel had not yet come

Before he could catch his breath, he had to throw himself into a life-and-death battle with the evil organization.

However, since the previous battle had exhausted the physical strength of his elves, he was in an extremely dangerous situation facing this sudden strong enemy.

In this difficult confrontation, the former champion paid a heavy price: not only did he lose a precious arm, but his six once majestic champion-level elves also suffered serious injuries, and three of them were killed on the spot.

Countless spectators and defense personnel were attacked in varying sizes, and the evil organization had conspired and planned to clean up the battlefield.

At the critical moment, the new North China champion Long Yuhao, after the six dragon elves were exhausted in the fight against the evil organization.

The real dragon Reshiram, carrying countless flames and light wheels, communicated with the bridge connecting the truth and descended on the training ground.

With a strong flame, all the evil organization members present were burned, and even the reserve personnel outside the battlefield were burned to ashes.

So far, the real hero, Long Yuhao, the champion of the Four Heavenly Kings in the North China region of Yanlong Country, has strongly ascended to the championship position.

It also made countless family members see the strength of the Long family and the prosperity of the Long family in the future. It is not only a divine beast, but also a first-level divine beast that conforms to the personality of the Long family. If it were not for Reshiram, I am afraid that everyone present would not be able to escape.

Because there are three king-level and champion-level strongmen in the terrorist organization that attacked this time, no one knows why there are no alliance strongmen to support the battlefield on the edge of the imperial capital.

No one knows why there are no other people guarding the battlefield except the two champions. The explanation given by the alliance is: the kings have been busy with affairs recently and failed to protect the people in the battlefield, and they apologize deeply for this.

In the eyes of the Long family, it is just fart, so the head of the Long family, Long Kongwen, ordered the three champion-level strongmen in the family to go to the outside world to exercise their muscles.

Among them was Long Yeyan's fourth grandfather Long Yanbin, and four champion-level strongmen including Long Yuhao, who swept through the North China region in a mighty manner.

Regardless of whether you have anything to do with this attack, as long as you are an evil organization, I will uproot you, and the elves that should be executed will be executed, and all the too young ones will be taken back to the Dragon Secret Realm to replenish the internal resources and environment.

Trucks full of resources were transported to the Dragon Secret Realm, and the people in the alliance drooled, but no one dared to come out to stop them.

This time, the Long family not only retaliated against those evil organizations, but also gave the alliance a little eye drops. If I find that you are tripping me up again, the alliance will still dig up your ancestors' graves.


Novice Trainer (Level 1~10)

Beginner Trainer (11~20)

Intermediate Trainer (21~30)

Advanced Trainer (31~40)

Elite Trainer (41~50)

Experienced Trainer (51~60)

Gym Trainer (61~70)

King Trainer (71~79)

Semi-Champion Trainer (80)

Champion Trainer (81~89)

Semi-Master Trainer (90)

Master Trainer (91~99)

Arzeus (100)

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