The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 148: Ability and ability

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Late night has been a very difficult day.

A crescent priest brought a large number of monks. When he first arrived in Baersihan, he didn't feel much, only thinking that the other party was to build a temple. The Crescent religion has been doing this for many years. This is how the original Shamanism and Ming temples of the Black Khanate disappeared.

Unexpectedly, it was only a few days later that the Western Regions Commercial Bank was attacked by the other party, a war broke out between the monks on both sides, and the Tang people were killed and wounded. The property was also seized. The presence of so many powerful monks in the Western Business House also tells the Crescent Church that their identity is not simple!

The western business firms were exposed, and at night they thought of their "bad spots", which was naturally frightening.

When he got the news and was about to flee the city of Baersi Khan, the city had been blocked on all sides. The gate was not only guarded by a large number of monks, but also the monks were roaming on the wall, which made Baersi Khan desperate.

The crescent moon taught those monks how to deal with heresy and their wrists, but they had seen it in the middle of the night. Otherwise, how could he devote himself to the true God?

At night, I thought I was in danger of escape. I didn't expect to wait at home for a few days, but he was not approached by a crescent monk. The mighty priest seemed to have no half interest in him, and arrested people in the city all day, but he did not board his door.

At night, I was also a nobleman in Baersi Khan City. I sent people to go out to find out. The people of the Western Commercial Bank knew that except for a few lucky escapes, everyone else was killed. The priest who came from the big food did not have a living mouth. Caught.

Moreover, no useful documents were found in the commercial bank. Except that the priest got some money and confirmed that the other party was a detailed work of Tang Dynasty, he did not get more valuable things.

Hearing this news, after a few nights without meals, she immediately ate and drank. After the fatigue and fear of the past days were eliminated, Meimei slept for a day and a night.

At night, I do n’t know how the crescent priests suspected that there was a problem with the Western Business House in Barshan Khan, and they acted thunder once, but as long as the other party didn't find themselves, everything was fine.

After a few days, the crescent monks removed the martial law from the city, and everything returned to normal order. After falling in the night, after confirming that the safety of life was temporarily intact, the mood fell into depression and sighed all day long.

Xiyu Commercial Bank will bring him a lot of wealth every month. Now that the commercial bank is gone, his investment is gone, and he has returned to the "tight" life after a long night of affluence. It feels very uncomfortable.

As a wealthy man in Barthihan City, in fact, he is definitely not a poor man even if there is no commercial bribery. However, people with wealth and wealth face the people with wealth and wealth, and people with wealth and wealth, How much difference?

It was day and night, and I was drinking wine to sorrow every night, and the servant butler suddenly came to report that there was an old visit.

There was no one to drink with at the end of the night. Since it is an old man, then you can drink together and ask the housekeeper to bring visitors.

When the drunk and misty night fell, he stood up shaking and raised his wine glass to greet the visitor. When he saw the other person's face, the glass in his hand fell to the ground, his mouth widened to fit a fist, It's you? How are you? "

He smiled calmly and kindly: "My dear friend, don't you welcome me? We haven't seen you in a while, and I think you will see me again and be happy to bring out the best wine to entertain , Shouldn't it look like this. "

The drunkenness of the night fell away, and the servant servant, Ji Ji, quickly walked away. When I closed the door, I did not forget to look out with the probe and confirmed that there were no living people inside and outside the yard.

He hurriedly said, "How dare you come back? Now there are crescent monks everywhere in Baersi Khan. They are all devil, cruel and cruel, and have been arresting suspicious people everywhere recently. This has just been lifted. After martial law in the city. You managed to escape from birth, wouldn't it be a sheep and a tiger when you return now? "

Dust cleaned himself a glass of wine, raised it to indicate that the night was over, and the other party was still drinking at the moment. He didn't mind, took a sip of his own thoughts, and said a good wine. Then he said: " If I do n’t come back, will you still have gold coins? "

His eyes flashed in the middle of the night, but this was his favorite thing, but his face collapsed again. "Your business has been burned, there are countless deaths and injuries, and all your wealth has been lost. Isn't it a bit inappropriate to say this now? "

Thinking of the scene of the same robes fighting to death that night, his eyes darkened and his voice sank, "They won't die in vain, I will avenge them for myself!"

Eyes widened at nightfall, "Do you still want revenge for them? Are you planning to find a crescent moon to teach Rush? None of them are provoked! Besides, this is the city of Baersi Khan, not all of you! "

Dustlessly squinting at the night, she smiled and said, "Isn't this still you? Friends are in misfortune, shouldn't you help?"

Ye Luo was shocked in his heart, "What do you want to do? I am a khanate, my foundation is here, it is impossible to do it with the crescent moon!"

Dustlessly quietly said: "It is not necessary on the bright side, but secretly? Rest assured, we won't let you give it up, this time the gold coins are absolutely rich."

Falling into hesitation at night.

After a while, he realized the reality.

The crescent power is too huge. Even if the priests can be secretly accounted for, they will succeed for a while, and the final outcome will not be good. Once he participated in it, he left clues and said that he would not be dug out according to the figure in the future, but that is the scourge of extermination!

After thinking about this, the eyes that can't see the dust after night fall become a little weird.

Do not let the other party fall into the hands of the priest, otherwise you may be exposed.

As long as you step out of this door, you may fall into the hands of the priest.

Only the dead can keep secrets!

A glimmer of cold light passed by at the bottom of the eyes every night.

He stood up with a smile, pretending to be kind and right: "We need to discuss this matter well, not hurry, you are right, I should bring out the best wine to entertain friends."

With that said, he would go out and order his servants to drink.

And his true intention is naturally to let the master monk in the family conceal in this process and besiege the dust and thunder!

He is about the same as Buddhism, and he has no assurance of winning.

Although he liked gold coins, he had not yet reached the point where he was willing to die.

"My dear friend, I advise you better not move, otherwise you will never have the opportunity to enjoy the gold coins I gave you."

Just two steps later, the body at night fell suddenly frozen, hands and feet were cold, and did not dare to move.

He heard all the words.

But he stopped, not for that reason.

A sword had crossed his throat.

Jian Feng scratched his skin. Therefore, he can clearly feel the sharpness of the sword, and can appreciate the power of terror in the sword!

The shot was not dirty, he was still sitting at the table, drinking at his own discretion, and relaxed and contented.

In this house, I don't know when a third person appeared, and I never noticed it before the nightfall! This shows that the opponent's cultivation is strength, which has strengthened him too much.

"You, what do you want to do?" He didn't dare to move at night, and didn't even dare to swallow. For fear of his throat moving, he let the blade cut, which made sweat on his forehead.

Nangong glanced at Dust for the first time, seeing that the other person's grace was so elegant and popular, he couldn't help but was very jealous and jealous. He was the one who liked to pose most in the weekday.

But this time he was helping Dust, and he was too lazy to say anything, but he silently remembered Dust's demeanor and decided to try it next time he had a chance.

If you look at it and look at the night, you said, "Listen to me, you can live and get a satisfactory reward. If Datang rebuilds the town of broken leaves, you can enjoy everything the heroes can enjoy."

The eyes fell around at night, and he quickly agreed: "Okay, I listen to you!"

Cleanly holding two wine glasses, he got up and came to Ye Luoge, handed one of them, smiling like a spring breeze, "My dear friend, you are still so wise, in your words, this is towards the light and the The path to eternal life.

"However, at night, you have to be clear. I have in my hand the evidence that you have to sell me various military and political planes, and draw maps of mountains and rivers for us, bribe and make friends with other Baalsihan cities and provide vouchers for convenience. .I suppose you don't want these things, one day suddenly appear on the table of the priest who teaches the crescent moon? "

After hearing this, the fear was extremely extreme at night, "You, you are actually going to draw a map ?!"

He trembled to take the wine glass in the dusty hand, and the wine in the glass spilled a lot.

"My dear friend, this is the wine I poured for you. Do you want to accept my friendship if you spill so much?" Dustless eyes still smiled, but smiled gloomily.

"No, no, I'm willing!" After the fall, he couldn't care less about the rest, and drank the glass of wine in a breath.

He has no choice and no retreat.

This movement blurred the flesh and blood in his throat.

"Head, you can take back your sword, our friend, he doesn't need us to point at the sword, he will help us."

He looked at him with a smile and face-to-face, as if Nangong first found the new world, and he didn't understand. Why was Nangong's chief stagnant, and the other party didn't realize that he could collect the sword long ago?

Nangong had a **** for the first time, and when he regained his sword, he was a little embarrassed. Only then was he absorbed in the manners shown by the dust and learned to concentrate so much that he didn't pay much attention to the movements of his hands.

"This shame is indeed a **** of full truth, and it's really first-rate to pretend to be a bluff!"

Nangong First sighed, and felt that it was difficult for him to look back. However, he also understands that it is true that he and others have been able to create such a good situation in the black khan and big food countries these years.

Nocturnal, no longer pointed by the sword, anyway, a little relieved, he asked respectfully: "My most precious friend, how can you help you?"

"It's very simple. Let's set up a trap to fish out the crescent priests of Baersi Khan. You should act as that bait." Dust smiled insidious and evil, but also cruel.

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