The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 149: Supervisory institute

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As a prominent priest of the Crescent religion, Saidian Chi Zhan Sining has been in a good mood ever since he came to Bars Khan.

Relying on the arrangement and guidance of the Crescent Grand Temple, he found a Tang who pretended to be a Turkic man when he first came here. He opened a large shop and rounded out nearly twenty monks inside.

Although running away a few people, it was harmless, after all, the wealth left by the other party in the shop made Sai Dianchi make a lot of windfall, which was enough to make up for the regret in the heart.

As a monk, Saidian knew the importance of wealth. To raise the realm of monks, it is a process of throwing stones into the water. Wealth is stone, and the height of the water surface is the realm. If you want to ascend quickly, you need to throw a lot of stones.

"The Tang people are really rich. There are so many gold and silver in a shop, it looks like Jinshan Yinshan! After I handed in a part to the Great Temple, the wealth that was retained was converted into training resources, which is enough for me in three months It ’s wonderful to raise your strength to another big step! "

When thinking about this, Saidianchi is full of beautiful fantasy for a bright future.

But unfortunately, although this shop, which was obviously opened by the Tang Dynasty, was destroyed by him, and he also got a wealth of surprises for himself, there was no more gain.

Sai Dianchi has found out that this shop has been opened in Balishan City for a short time. In terms of the number of gold coins in the shop, if they want to buy someone, it is definitely easy to do.

Even if it is a powerful person, few people can remain indifferent in front of a box of gold coins. If there are, then two boxes, or even a room. This world has always been this way, and it has not changed. People need to consider when facing wealth, it is nothing more than the relationship between returns and risks.

A few days ago, Saidianchi let more than ten monks, with more than 300 monks, and more than 2,000 soldiers, raided the city and arrested a lot or no household registration, or only in the last year. Doubtful people who do business in Barthi Khan or have close contacts with the powerful.

After strict screening of these suspicious characters and even torture, Sai Dianchi wanted to dig out the Tang people in that shop, his associates in the city, or find other suspicious Tang people.

However, for several days, he found nothing. However, many businessmen and wealthy households, because they could not stand his torture, offered to pay for their sins, although they did not know what they had committed. Probably, is it disrespectful to the true God?

Sai Dianchi certainly had no reason to disagree, which made him make a lot of money, and his original good mood was even better.

"The Great Temple sent me to Baer Sihan City. The main task was to hunt down the Tang Dynasty works, but I found nothing except the shop that was betrayed!" Thinking of this, Sai Dianchi was a little worried.

This time he returned to the place to do business. Although he made a lot of money, it is definitely a worthwhile trip, but if the business is not done well, he will be punished after returning, and the situation will be bad.

Although he is a descendant of the prophet, and a nobleman in the Great Eclipse, he is respected on weekdays. However, he is already a grandson of more than 20 generations. He does not have such great power.

"The Tang people in the shop are so stubborn. I have told them that the descendants will not kill, but none of them stopped. The last few guys fell into the pool of blood and were dying. In order to avoid being caught by my people, they were clean. It's hateful to neatly wipe his neck! "

Sai Dianchi thought of those brave and fearless Tang people and had to admit that the other party was indeed qualified, even an excellent Imperial soldier.

However, although he admires such fighters, he will not be such a person. "When you die, you have nothing. Why don't you survive? Only by living can you go further on the path of spiritual practice and have the opportunity to become a big one. Monk, enjoy the extreme prosperity and power of the world. "

In any case, Sai Dianchi changed his strategy in order to find new Tang masterpieces.

He lifted the martial law from the city and stopped arresting suspicious people. Put on a stance that has passed, just to paralyze the opponent. Secretly, he has deployed elite staff to monitor key areas and targets, but any suspicious person will follow and investigate.

Saidian Chi looked forward to the Tang Dynasty's fine work meeting again to fall into his field of vision and become his bargaining chip for the Grand Shrine and the Palace of Wisdom.

Kung Fu is worthy of care. After a period of secret surveillance, the monks under the red flag of the Code of Games really locked a very suspicious target.

"The other party has been coming and going from night to night quite a lot, and they have moved in a lot of boxes. They all look heavy. They are not ordinary goods, most likely they are gold and silver utensils. We only saw things coming in, we did n’t see things coming out. Even more, I didn't see the payment every night! "

Sai Dianchi's effective subordinates, Surazar, reported that his eyes were shining, "We followed each other and found that they were indeed merchants. We pretended to be customers and bought something, and took the opportunity to talk to the shop stewards.

"We found that most of the goods in the store came from the east. Although the folks in the store were locals and well documented, they were all hired in recent days! And when we mentioned their owners, they all I do n’t know the details!

"Priest, these people definitely have problems. The things they give to Ye Lao Ge are likely to be used to buy each other's treasures. Ye La Ge has not yet known what to sell to them! These Chinese are too cunning and should be brought back immediately. Interrogation will definitely be rewarding! "

Saidian Chi, after listening to Surazar's words, couldn't help exulting, "Catch people!"

They are monks who teach the newly established Supervision Institute of the Crescent. They are doing arrests and spying on information from the Tang Dynasty. They have special responsibilities and have great power. If Sai Dianchi suspects anyone, there is no need for tangible evidence, and if they are arrested and tortured, they will know everything.

"Priest, that night is Ge Luolu's nobleman, with soldiers and horses. Although the city lord who wanted to be a Baer Sihan was not made some time ago, his influence cannot be underestimated. Is it wrong to arrest him? "Sulzar asked cautiously.

Although the Supervision Institute holds privileges, the power in Saidian Chi's hands is not the power of the entire Supervision Institute. When encountering true nobles, especially those tribal leaders and real nobles holding tribal soldiers and horses, they must still be careful .

Otherwise, once the other party is in chaos, it will be a big trouble.

Sai Dianchi calmed down.

It's not appropriate to pretend to catch people.

"Priest, we first arrest the merchants. If the torture testifies, it is not too late to arrest the match code!" Sulzar gave advice.

"No!" Sai Dian refused flatly, "If those merchants are really the work of the Tang Dynasty and bought the nightfall, this time, the nightfall will be very cautious. Once we dispatch to catch the merchants, the nightfall will be immediately noticed , Before our torture results, he will probably run away! "

Surazar was astonished, indeed.

Night fall is the true aristocracy of Baersi Khan City. If such a big goal is to run away, it will be a joke, Sai Dianchi will be held accountable.

And if the Tang people didn't catch them, and they were like last time, would they rather die than fall into their hands? In the end, they have no evidence, but if they are surprised at night, the other party will take his tribe to the Tang Dynasty, or if something goes wrong, it will be a big trouble!

"You have to get everything!" Sai Dianchi made up his mind. "You continue to monitor. The next time this group of suspicious merchants appears at Ye Luo Ge, we will visit Ye Ge Ge!"

Surazar's eyes brightened, "The priest is wise!"

It was day and night. Ye Luo was smiling every day, and she was dressed as a merchant. They talked very well in the courtyard. They watched the shop buddies unload the goods from the carriage and were carried into the courtyard by the servants who fell off.

Just as the servant brought the wine, when the two toasted to celebrate, the housekeeper Cangjie, who was separated by night, came to report: "It's not good, here comes the supervisory staff!"

"Stop them!" Ye Luo's face changed.

"After the night, my dear friend, this priest happened to pass by here, and when I saw the courtyard was brightly lit, I took the liberty to come and visit, wouldn't you not welcome me?" Sai Dianchi took the two monks, walking with a smile Entered the yard. Those who wanted to stop them did not even touch their sleeves.

There were only three of them. They did not seem to be coming for a search. Saidian also smiled on his red face. He was very kind. No one doubted his sincerity. The three monks were a bit high.

Ye Luo looks ugly, but the priest who came to the Supervisory Court came to see him, although he was dissatisfied with the other party breaking into the yard.

"What are these? I've been to Baersi Khan City for so long, I have been busy with business, and I haven't had time to stroll around. If there is something good, I must open my eyes." Saidian Chi went straight to the truck and signaled Surazar opened the box.

Ye Luo said, "What does this priest mean?"

Saidian Chi looked like he had come to search the goods.

But he always smiled, and he could hear what he said. Although rude, he did n’t turn over at night. If the goods were normal, he explained a little after the event, and he would n’t offend the sacrifice of the supervisory court. Division, after all, the other party is responsible.

Moreover, the Kung Fu of Saidian Chi's face is doing very well. People in Barthi Khan City will not know that the nightfall has been checked. They will only think that Saidian Chi is on the way. Maybe they will think that the relationship between the two sides is good. This is good for nightfall, so the two sides can continue to get along in the future.

But if the goods are abnormal ...

Saidian Chi's cultivation is strength, not weaker than Ye Luo, and he also brings two major monks, which is enough to take action against Ye Luo. And don't even think about it, he must be nearby, as long as there is a little movement here, the Thunder will come in.

There are more than ten major monks and more than three hundred monks at night. No one is their opponent in Baer Sihan City. And as soon as he ordered it, crescent monks throughout the city would use it for him.

Nocturnal wings can not escape.

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