The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 181: White cow

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The military newspaper said that the Langfang Army arrived at the city of Luos in the afternoon and surrounded the city in the evening. After the sunset, all arrows were launched, and the crossbow was like a storm. Until all the houses in the city turned into rubble, the death and injury of the ordinary armored soldiers were exhausted, and the Wolffang Army stopped the arrow rain and began to attack the city.

The Wolffang Army relied on ferocious beasts and horses. In front of the Mercedes-Benz walls, the horses and horses jumped up to the city, and the wall monks gathered to intercept. The Wolffang Army has long iron hoofs, and it is fierce and abnormal. The monk cannot be rivaled, and the stars fall like rain. The defending monks, Hu Tuwen, and others, although struggling to kill the enemy, were quite successful, but were snatched by the Wolffang Army artillery, drinking hate on the spot.

However, for half an hour, the Langfang Army smashed into the city, and the defenders fought against each other, relying on the large shield spear, which gave the Langfang Army no small trauma. However, because the city was flat, the defenders were eventually broken through by the beasts and horses. Under the iron hoof tramples, the defenders suffered countless deaths and injuries, so they could not be defeated.

Later, the Langfang Army ran to and fro in the city, entering from the South Gate, exiting from the North Gate, entering from the East Gate, and exiting from the West Gate. If alternately rushed to kill, the defenders in the city were dead and could not extricate themselves.

It was day and night, the city was dazzling with blood, mixed with the **** aura tide, the red sky was dyed, the sound of fierce fighting was spread far away.

The sky is unknown, the war has ended, and the city of Ross has fallen into the hands of the Wolffang Army, defending the city and eating troops. Only thousands of people broke out and escaped to the west. The inside and outside of the city were filled with blood, and the blood flow was drifting, and people could not do it.

The first ray of morning light fell on the city head, Li Li looked solemn.

The Wolffang Army's break through the city of Luos is a breakthrough point for him to break the deadlock. However, more than 10,000 casualties still make him sad.

The fangs army has 100,000 soldiers, which is equivalent to the strength of 200,000 monks practicing qi, attacking a city where only 100,000 monks of food and qi training are stationed. With the proper use of tactics, clearing obstacles in advance, and having the advantage of arms, Is still damaged nearly 40,000 monks fighting power.

Crescent teaching monks are indeed not to be underestimated.

However, after this war, the battle balance between Datang and Da Shi in the Black Khanate was completely broken. In the future, the Wolffang Army only needs to drive straight in, and in front of them, there will no longer be any army or city that can stop their footsteps.

This will trigger a change in the overall battle situation. The Eclipse Army will be forced to retreat, let alone offense and defense, and their front will also face a complete collapse. As for where to return to stabilize, it depends on the speed of the Langfang Army's offensive and the contrast of the Eclipse Army's defense speed.

The Spike Riders have an advantage in foot strength. Under normal circumstances, they will go far and far. In this process, the Wolffang Army can choose arbitrarily whether to cut off the garrison's back road to defense, so that they will have a hard time to return home and die in a different place.

No matter how the war situation develops, as long as Datang does not make a big mistake, it will completely control the situation!

Of course, to achieve this goal, there is another premise, that is, the Tiger Guards who ignore the city cannot be defeated by Mullen's Guards. Once the Tiger Guard ended like Xi Luchi's own army, the Wolffang Army could not run west, and it was necessary to rescue the Yulin Army. Then the battle situation would change again.

A good situation will form a new balanced situation, and a bad situation will be a complete defeat of Tang Jun.

Unlike Li Zhi's relatively calm complexion, Malun's expression was distorted, the whole face was wrinkled into buns, and the anger in his eyes was no longer concealed.

"What do you think Mullen will do?" Li Maozhen asked Li Yan with interest beside him.

"Either withdraw immediately, or let go." Li Zhixiu naturally, Mullen's options are not many.

If Mullen chooses to withdraw his troops and cover with 50,000 fresh troops, the Tiger Guards who have been fighting fiercely for several days will not be able to pursue them, but it will be difficult to say if the rear road will be cut off by the Langfang Army.

If Mullen chooses to let go, as long as the Tiger Guard is defeated, the war will be reversed, but if the Tiger Guard cannot be defeated, his Guards will be dead.

Neither option is good.

With the Shangguan Qingcheng leading the Langfang Army to ride the horse quickly, and quickly captured Mi Luosi, nearly wiped out Xi Luchi's army, the situation has been developing in the direction of favoring Datang.

Before waiting for King Qi to speak, Mullen had made his choice.

The Food Guards lined up and began preparing for the attack.

"Although the Tiger Guard is guarding the city, the city walls are too weak in restricting Qi training monks, and the Food Guard has a military advantage. Although these days of siege, the casualties are greater than the Tiger Guards. However, if the 50,000 odd soldiers are defeated, the Tiger Guard will be in a difficult situation. "

Li Maozhen glanced at Li Yan, and said it seriously, but there was excitement in his long, narrow eyes.

She is very clear that at this point in the battle, the city and the entire battle have reached the final point of the victory and defeat. She should also play. "Can you keep the city of Hulan? It will determine the battle between Datang and Dashi. Going. "

Li Min nodded and said nothing.

The situation is clear enough.

It depends on who killed the deer today.

The Food Guard began to pick up the city.

They still have about 100,000 soldiers, and when there are over 10,000 people, there is no limit. An army of 100,000 is rushing forward. Anyone who sees them will be shocked.

It was a sense of fear similar to facing a river breakwater and floods. The personal strength was too small. In such a situation, it was impossible to control his own destiny.

King Qi's face was full of eagerness to try, and his fists rubbed: "The 300,000 monks in Datang practice Qi, but the actual combat power is far more than this. You have hidden the bottom of the box for so long, should you use it now? This war has been fought by you instead of slamming it. I'm sorry to think about it. "

The root of the "wisdom war" that King Qi said was that Tiger Guard showed weakness from the beginning.

Use 100,000 people to fight 150,000 people, tempting the eclipse army to give up the defensive benefits and take the initiative to attack; and when the two armies confronted each other, only the conventional combat power was used, which was used by the Tang army before. Means, forcing the Food Guards to slam the city in spite of their serious losses.

Mullen feels that his 50,000-strong army can decide the victory or defeat as long as he is put on the battlefield.

But for Li Zhi, although the 50,000 strange soldiers did not appear, they were also a force on the bright side, which must be considered in combat. If you do not have the confidence to defeat the opponent, then the most sensible choice is not to fight.

From the moment he learned that the Guardian Army was present in the Seven Rivers Basin, Li Wei issued Zhao Polu and Chen Qinglin a command to show weakness to the enemy in accordance with prior arrangements. He dared to fight because he didn't dare to put these 50,000 troops into the battlefield.

These days, Tang Jun seems to be fighting fiercely and doing his best, but it is only to make Mullen feel that victory is hopeful, so that he will invest all his military power instead of returning to the food court to defend.

If the Guardian Guards return home to defend, and it is in the interest of local warfare, Tang Jun ’s attack on cities will undoubtedly take time and effort. The other side is a little bit more troublesome. It will take several years for Tang Jun to capture the food.

Several years of battle, the burden is too large, the consumption of Datang's national strength is too much, and in the process, many unpredictable variables and risks will gradually appear, threatening the victory of the war.

What Li Yan asked for was his success in a battle with Malun in the Seven Rivers.

Let the other's Guards be exhausted for a long time, unable to retreat smoothly, and at the appropriate time, try to destroy them in one fell swoop.

As long as Mullen loses the Guards, the vast territory of the eclipse will also allow Tang Jun to gallop.

In the final analysis, based on the data from the Tang Dynasty and the development of cultivation in recent years, the reason why there are only 300,000 monks practicing qi is not to have a larger number, but that Li Zhi has done the best to allocate the best combat power after weighing the advantages and disadvantages. s Choice.

"The next battle is not as easy as you said. Although the Tiger Guards have the means to press the bottom of the box, the power of the crescent moon to teach the true gods cannot be underestimated. Suddenly, within two days, the city of Luosi Taiyuan, the Wolffang Army I ca n’t support it. The matchup will take place in two days. ”

Li Xuan saw that the Guardian Guards had begun to jump to the top of the city, fighting with the Tiger Guards, and set his sights on the wasteland to the northwest. A yellow smoke had appeared at the end of the line of sight, and it was conceivable that it was Marlen's 50,000 troops.

"Zhao Polu, be prepared. Once Malun's 50,000 odd soldiers are put on the battlefield, he will use the means of pressing the bottom of the box according to prior arrangements." Li Yan ordered Zhao Polu.

Zhao Polu was led away.

As in previous days, the fighting became extremely fierce at the beginning. The two armies fought halfway inside and outside the city walls. The Guards quickly entered the city. The Tiger Guard relied on terrain such as streets and houses to defend it. The muffled sound came from time to time.

The Common Heavy Crossbow of the Wolffang Army cannot break the Buckler Shield of the Food Guard, but the Artifact Bed Crossbow does. The bed crossbow arrays erected at the main crossings and commanding heights, each time the roar rang, a food garrison monk was penetrated through the body, where the formation was dense, and even someone was strung into a gourd.

Suddenly, over the city, the monks of the two armies exchanged their views, catching and killing each other, and the rabbits went up and down, not giving each other up. From time to time, someone vomits blood in the air and is severely hit and falls into the city.

It would be okay to fall into your own army formation, and once you fall into the enemy's army formation, you will be attacked in a group, and there is almost no possibility of airlift.

Finally, the 50,000 fresh troops of the Great Guards entered the Hulun City from the North Gate.

For a long time, they have a lot of energy and vitality, full of aura, complete armour, good condition, and high fighting spirit. As soon as Wu came in contact with the Tiger Guards, he attacked the Tiger Guards formation like a tiger. After a while, they made breakthroughs and stormed into the Tiger Guard queue.

The Tiger Guards fought hard to resist, after all, because they were far less powerful than the other party, they were defeated.

Seeing that the defense area behind the North City Wall was about to be insured by the Guards, most of them would not be protected. At this time, after the Tiger Guards array, a rhythmic but heavy drum sound suddenly sounded.

After hearing the drums, this is a must-have quality for generals. The Tiger Guard generals who fight with the Guards' fresh forces immediately commanded the general's order to fight and retreat, giving way to large streets.

Just when these new forces thought that the Tiger Guard could not resist themselves and could only be forced to retreat to defend the next line of defense, the end of the basically empty streets suddenly rushed out of a line of strange cars.

White cow.

People are not as good as horses, horses are not as good as cars, and the white bulls in the Tiger Guard are not only used to transport soldiers.

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