The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 182: last moment

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The streets are not smooth, there is a lot of rubble and waste soil, but the white cows exuding the aura of light, such as walking on flat ground.

By the time the Guardian Fresh Forces saw the White Bull, each van had been opened with several small holes, accompanied by dull string movements and gas explosions, three beams of blue light from above, Shot from the left and right holes, but in an instant, they arrived in front of the monk.

This is a magic weapon.

Nowadays, the instrument bed crossbow in White Bull is no longer called the fourth son because it has been improved more than three times. Now it is time to call it the sixth son. After five transformations, the instrument bed crossbow is almost perfect from the perspectives of power, launch speed, and stability and easy operation.

The Guardian monk knew that the White Bull had seen the weapon crossbow, but the white bull rushed out at the speed of the monk and shot the crossbow, which completely exceeded their expectations. By the time they tried to dodge, Crossbow had penetrated the front monk's chest!

Due to the withdrawal of the Tiger Guards, the Guardian monks rushed forward and wanted to occupy nearby neighborhoods. Their formation was very dense, and they immediately suffered a big loss. Almost every crossbow strung more than two fighters, flying them back, and knocked down many people.

This surprised the Guardian monks, screaming and leaping from side to side.

The streets are not long, but there are many white bulls. There are dozens of vehicles appearing in all streets and lanes.

The wave of the crossbow of the instrument bed crossbow continued to tilt towards the Guardian monks, and the lethality was amazing, and the blockers were invincible. The horror is that the bed crossbow can also adjust the angle to a certain extent, which makes it impossible for the monk to avoid the attack.

In a moment, hundreds of Guardian monks fell.

White Bull's marching speed is not very fast. At least, the middle monks of qi training are not quick, but they still rushed out. Before the confusion of the Guard's generals was cleared, White Bull rushed into the crowd.

At this time, the nightmare of the Guardian monks came.

In a hurry, the Guardian monks strove to attack, and numerous tactics blasted on the white bull, but they could not shake it at all, as if they were punched in the mountains. A white cow, which is as big as a house, is basically motionless.

The white bull that rushed into the crowd had two holes left and right, and the bed crossbow kept firing. Even the top of the carriage had three holes. The crossbow shot at midair, and the jumping guard monk shot the bird down.

A white bull has ten crossbows!

This is also due to the fact that the bed crossbow is six boys and relatively small in size, otherwise it cannot be equipped.

The Tiger Guards followed the White Bulls in groups, and under the cover of the White Bulls, killed all Guard monks who wanted to jump to the White Bulls.

The white bull that appeared near the North Gate can only be described by a meat grinder. The huge power of the instrument bed crossbow makes it impossible for the monks of the Guard to resist. As long as the crossbow does not miss the ball, it can gain something.

And when the white bulls are over a hundred, it is not so important that each bed crossbow can accurately kill the opponent. Thousands of crossbow shots always leave the guard monks nowhere to hide.

Soon, the Guardian Fresh Forces were attacked by white cattle like never before. The formation was chaotic, the monks panicked, and were thrown out of the gate after dropping the dead body.

The white bulls rushed out of the city of Hulun on the city gate and the gap in the city wall. They marched in an overbearing manner. When there was a low wall in front of them, they smashed through it. When there were ruins, they ran over. When there were monks, they would press them directly!

There is no doubt that the White Bull is a magic weapon, an extraordinary giant weapon. Ordinary houses and walls cannot stop them at all. The Lingnan Hai Division had even pure weapon ships, and it was normal to have a white bull in the Tiger Guard.

Hundreds of white bulls rushed out of the city surrounded by the Tiger Guards, followed by nothing, and headed towards the Fresh Guards Force array! This 50,000-strong force was originally used by Mullen to determine the victory. Now, the white bull has taken the chicken and the dog jumped. There was no solution at all for a moment, and his position collapsed.

Seeing this scene in the air outside the city, Malun was full of green, his hands could not help shaking.

"So insidious and sly Li Li! The army has such a weapon, but it has been hidden until now. It is really a deliberate villain!" When Marlen stopped here, he suddenly stopped, not knowing what to say later.

The battle on the battlefield is to do everything in order to win. Scolding Li Zhi does not allow him to stand on the moral high ground.

Li Yan looked at the scene of General Tiger Guards, attacking the Guard's fresh forces behind White Bull, with satisfaction in his eyes. Such a thing as a white bull actually plays a role similar to a tank on the battlefield. He had known for a long time that when they appeared, they would definitely be magnificent.

There are many white bulls in the Tiger Guard, but there are only more than a hundred of them in battle. Right now, they are only used to attack the 50,000 fresh troops. This is not that Li Zhi is still hiding, but there are so many tank white bulls in the Tiger Guard. The other White Bulls are used to transport troops.

More than a hundred tanks of white bulls will need more than a thousand weapon bed crossbows, which are also pure spiritual stone ore to build, which consumes a lot, and the Tiger Guard has only these numbers. Of course, there are more than a hundred in Yulin Army.

As for the other Chang'an banned troops, there were only about ten in the first army, and they were determined to win at the critical moment of the battle.

In short, because of the appearance of the White Bull, the Guardian Guards would not be so easy if they wanted to capture Hulun City and defeat the Tiger Guards. If they can't restrain the White Bull, when the 50,000 Sanli forces are completely defeated and the White Bull enters other battlefields, the victory of this war may be captured by the Tiger Guards.

"Don't rush into the front of those strange vans, avoid the front, attack left and right, and target the Tiger Guard soldiers!" After all, Marun was wise, and soon discovered the shortcomings of the White Bull. They divided more than 10,000 monks out and went elsewhere to break through the Tiger Guard line! "

Under the order of Mullen, soon no one rushed against the White Bull, relying on the vast terrain outside the city, began to deal with the White Bull. Like the tank, the outstanding power and sturdiness made the White Bull sacrifice a lot of speed, and it really couldn't hold the monks to crush it.

On the other battlefield, more than 10,000 Shengli forces began to show their might, and the Tiger Guards retreated.

"The last moment has come." Qi Wang glanced at Li Yan.

Li Min nodded slightly.

Taking a deep breath, King Qi took a deep breath, took out the Cabernet lance, and rushed to the battlefield of the more than 10,000 guards.

She is a natural machine, and she is still a famous player. She has never shot in the past few days.

As King Qi joined the battlefield, a large area of ​​neighbourhoods suddenly set off boundless clouds. Numerous Guardian monks were involved in her field, and they could no longer attack the Tiger Guard battlefield. Instead, she chopped up vegetables and killed them in blood and rain.

Gloomy-faced Malun came to Li Yan and stared at him: "The monk ’s victory on the battlefield, the bottom line, or whether the strongest one is stronger. Li Ye, come on, you and I have no points before It ’s time to get results! "

At this time, suddenly the city was fighting fiercely, and the soldiers of the two armies killed me in the city and you in me. Qi Wang Li Maozhen took the lead and rushed into the array. A Cabernet spear was invincible. The face-to-face was all shot down. The battlefield of the famous warriors opened up, and they attacked with their backs.

And Zhao Polu was also a soldier, killed with blood.

The Great Guards also sent many monks to restrict the two, and the battlefield was chaotic.

The White Bull rammed outside the city, and then the Tiger Guard monks fought with the Guard's vital forces to kill you.

It is still unknown who the victory belongs to.

The two Li Li and Malun, an Emperor of the Tang Dynasty and a caliphate, were the strongest men in the two countries, facing each other under the blue sky. The autumn wind blew across their faces, their robes ragged, a sword drawn, a sword drawn.

"To be honest, if we didn't, this war, my King of the Tang Dynasty would have won." Li Min pulled out the Tianzi sword, and his finger swept a finger on the blade, accompanied by a clear sword groan, the rune on the Tianzi sword was ordered for the first time. Bright, aura resembles a cyan flame.

Mullen pulled out the machete, his wrists trembled, and the blade body was immediately surrounded by purple aura, deep and heavy, as if it had powerful power and could break new ground.

He looked at Li Wei: "You may be right, but with me, you can only be defeated. I have the power of true God, I am not fighting alone, Li Yi, what do you have?"

Li Yan chuckled, and did not answer this question, but said: "The meaning of saying this to you is to make you clear that no matter whether you are fighting for military strength or national strength, you are not winning.

"Mallen, before you, there have been many strong men in front of me. They all claim that they will be the victors and the masters of heaven and earth. But in the end, they will all become clouds in the past. Facts will eventually prove that this world is Belongs to me-Li Yan! "

Mullen laughed. "It is a coincidence that my experience is similar to yours, and no matter how many battles I have, I am the last one!"

Speaking of which, neither of them spoke again.

They each gave out swords and one gave out swords.

When Mullen shot, he yelled, "The power of God!"

The sky above his head, in the blink of an eye, the wind rushed, and a bright light fell instantly on him, leaving him covered in clear light as if he were a god-man.

He cut off with one stroke, the sky and the sky were fading, the sky was dark, Shino reached out with no five fingers, and only that clear and brilliant practice fell to Li Yan with a calm and fast power.

This sword seems to sink the world into an endless dark abyss.

This knife is like cutting out a ray of light in the skyless darkness.

Li Yan didn't shout anything.

He just meditated a word in his heart.

"Everyone from the Tang Dynasty, loyal to the dynasty and loyalty, will give your faith and luck, help the annihilation of innocents, and open up a new day for Tang!

He was obviously not saying this to Mullen.

After he finished reading this sentence, the dragon spirit in his body immediately burst out, and he was attached to the sword of Heaven, turning it into a dragon shape.

A high-pitched dragon yin shook the sky, breaking through the dark curtain.

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