The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 195: Mullen's Power (1)

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If the Guards were enough to fight the Langfang Army with their own strength, they wouldn't have to be fooled by the Langfang Army like a monkey. Right now the Guards want to fight but are not available.

If you think about it with your thighs, the power of the true God cannot be infinitely blessed to the Guards. If there were no such restrictions, the Eclipse Army would have been invincible, and the Guards would not have ignored the defeat of the city, and Awen Frustrations of the City of Ross.

"Retreat!" True God threw this order to Mullen. His tone was cold, which was a sign of extreme anger. However, these two words fell in Mullen's ears, but he heard a meaning similar to "incompetent anger".

Obviously, the power of the true **** is not enough to keep up with the government, and fight with the power of her army's many soldiers and generals to reduce the power of this powerful large-scale **** twice. It may have reached the limit of the true god.

This order means that the strategic intention of the Guards to stop the Spike Army has so far failed completely.

This is also the first time Marlen has encountered a mortal war that cannot be solved by the true gods and a mortal army that cannot be dealt with. He couldn't be restless in his heart. The true God is his greatest support, whether it was his personal growth and power in early years, or the subsequent rectification of state affairs and conquest of the Quartet.

But now, the omniscient true God is no longer omniscient. He also has insurmountable opponents, and he has insurmountable difficulties. This is a situation that subverts Mullen's perception. If the **** is not almighty, is he still a god? Even if he is powerful, he is just a strong one.

Can't defeat the Langfang Army, can Da Shi defeat Datang?

For the first time, Mullen had such doubts.

However, Mullen didn't have time to think too much about the question that left him dazed, and the situation he was facing was not optimistic. The Guards must withdraw to Mulu City and stand firm against a solid, complete line of defense elsewhere. But the Wolffang Army will obviously not let them go.

Since the ignorance of the Battle of the City, offense and defense were easy, and Datang had all the initiative. Mullen wanted to turn things around in Naspo City. Until now, because he couldn't solve the problem of the Langfang Army, he had ended in failure.

The fire has inevitably burned to the borders of the Eclipse. In the subsequent battles, except for the Monjitaz navy, the Eclipse army can only be passively beaten. This is an extremely aggrieved situation, whether it is Mullen or the Eclipse army. I haven't experienced this humiliation for years.

"The Guards must be preserved so that they can escape from the Langfang Army's pursuit and return to Mulu City safely!" Only this idea remained in Mullen's mind. But he was very clear that the process would not be easy and whether he could achieve his goals, and at the moment he was completely out of his mind.

Fighting, walking, and covering each other are the only ways to withdraw. Considering the strength of the Wolffang Army, Mullen left half of the soldiers to maintain the formation, allowing the other half to turn into a march and quickly leave Dumo. .

There was no accident. During the withdrawal of the Guards, Mullen saw that the Spikes had returned.

Rao knew that it would be the result, and he couldn't help groaning secretly, and his grievances against Li Zhi and the Langfang Army had reached the point of surging waves.

Malun watched in the Wolffang Army formation with a sun-like dazzling mask. All Qinghui seemed to be swallowed up. They ran into the 100,000 Guards battlefield blessed by the power of the true God. Back, Shangguan Qingcheng chose the center position. Obviously, they intend to completely break through the guard battle.

The Wolffang Army did not bypass the 100,000 Guards in a roundabout way to pursue the part of the Guards that had been withdrawn, but focused all its strength on a fierce blow.

In a short time, Mullen wanted to call back the retired Guards and let them cooperate with the remaining songs to encircle the Wolffang Army-whenever the army formation can entangle the Wolffang Army after the break, Mullan will choose this way.

However, the magic enchantment of 100,000 people is significantly different from the magic enchantment of 200,000 people. The number of disadvantages of the Langfang Army is negligible at this time, and the Shangguan Qingcheng gathered hundreds of soldiers and the formation of the soldiers' battle line obviously surpassed the power of the true god.

Although their tear formation is not as fast as the first time, it is not so slow, at least there is no possibility of being delayed in the formation. Mullen knew that if he let the retreat to the rescue, before the Wolffang Army was surrounded, the opponent would leave.

As before.

"It's over, it's over ..." Mullen closed his eyes in pain.

The tactics of fighting and walking and covering each other have been impossible to achieve. After the break, the 100,000 guards have no possibility of leaving the battlefield. They can only fight with the Langfang Army to the last minute.

Mullen didn't hold back his tears. It was the monks who had their own hands, feet, and robes, and now, they themselves ordered them to leave their lives here.

When the sun rises tomorrow, there will only be one place here.

"You don't have to be sad. The army is used for fighting. The burying ground is their destination. They have played their role. You did not support them in vain."

The voice of the true God sounded again, "You can rest assured that the power of this seat not only greatly increases the monks' combat power, but also controls their minds, so that all of them will not retreat and collapse when they die. They can drag the Langfang army and give The withdrawn part of the guards won the time to return to Mulu City. Before the end of this battle, they will also bite a large piece of meat in the Langfang army. "

Mullen was there.

The voice of the true God is extremely indifferent, as if it is not about 100,000 living people, but 100,000 pawns. It will be gone when it is used. As long as it is used, it can be balanced.

But for Mullen, that was his compatriot.

When he was young, he was once humble and insignificant, just an ordinary person in the court. He had experienced ordinary people and experienced ordinary people, so he also had feelings for ordinary people. Seeing that 100,000 people were about to die here, he felt heartbroken.

However, in the eyes of the true god, 100,000 living beings are no different from 100,000 plants and trees, and 100,000 people have died. To the true god, it seems that only 100,000 sheep have been slaughtered.

This made Mullen particularly uncomfortable.

He knew what the true God said was the fact that the 100,000 people after the break was a great force, enough for the mace to bite for a period of time, so that the retreat could escape the birth.

If there are not enough people left, even if they are all killed, they will not be able to stop the Wolffang Army for too long. With the strength of the Wolffang Army, they can still catch up with the evacuated people. For the overall situation of the war, then It was a real disaster.

At this moment, Mullen knew what was the pain of the weak and what the helplessness of the loser was, and his tears couldn't stop falling.

So he didn't leave. He watched quietly as the 100,000 guards fought against the Wolffang Army, as if watching his friends go through the last journey of their lives.

He didn't know why he made this decision, nor did he know what he wanted to see, or what he would face, and he didn't even have enough mental preparation.

The Spike Force ’s onslaught is invincible. The first time they charged, they spent a lot of energy. The light of the battle line ’s power consumed a lot and became much bleak, but when they first killed After the Guard's battle formation, disrupted the Guard formation, subsequent battles became much easier.

The Wolffang Army is divided into several strands and cooperates with each other, tearing the Guards formation, killing the Guards battle formations, and dividing the Guards generals, coming and going like the wind, as powerful as a dragon.

They cut the battlefield into small areas, surrounded by elite horses. Some soldiers used strong crossbows to kill and disturb the guards, and some soldiers were responsible for frontal assaults.

Under such a blow, the guard generals roared, roared, and shouted with red eyes, still blasting out the magic, still waving the sword, even the soldier in front was hit by the beast and the horse and kept flying. The monks did not have half fear, and they still rushed forward like a bull.

They were constantly wounded, pierced through their chests by the long fang holes of the General of the Langfang Army, and shot and killed on the spot by the powerful crossbow. They continued to fly towards the General of the Langfang Army and hug the opponent from the horse; they kept running Out and constantly fell, crushed by war horses.

But even if they fell down, they clutched the arm of the Langfang Army general and kept the other's thigh open.

Mullen's tears had not dried up, and his hands were shaking more and more, and then he was shaking all over.

He knew that the Guardian monks were so brave and not afraid of death because the true gods controlled their intellect and made them all beasts that only knew how to fight. They would not retreat when they died, nor would they be afraid of breaking. . But looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't convince himself to be as hard as a stone.

What he saw was his people, his fighters, and his friends, who, for his great cause, and for the food of this country, ignored his body and poured blood on his head.

Perhaps in the eyes of the true God, these ordinary people whose spirit is controlled by him and who will not fear even death are just a group of stupid, self-conscious sheep and shepherd dogs, which will not let his mind be at all murky. It's like people don't feel sad because their swords are broken and their arrows are damaged.

But in the eyes of Mullen, those Guard monks were himself.

He could not tolerate such slaughter, he could not tolerate his incompetence, he enjoyed a superior sense of superiority, but at the same time, he also felt sorry for his fellow robes. He was the king of this group of people, and he was right in the other day, trusting and admiring him And loyal eyes.

They also have the same spirit of fighting spirit as they do. They want to make achievements in the battlefield and return with honor. They are respected and proving that they have strength before the prominent people! They also have mothers like themselves. They are not so noble, they are not so conscientious, but they have the deepest love for their children. They expect them to triumph from the battlefield and live in peace.

When Maron remembered the previous expeditions, there were always white-haired old men and old widows who were emaciated. They wiped tears along the road, hoping that he would bring their daughters back intact. And each time they told them that their daughter would follow their own, and would only regain glory and wealth without losing their lives.

But now?

I don't know when, Malun Khan's hair turned upright, his skin became red like a soldering iron, and his long hair floated straight into the night sky without wind. His tears had turned red, and that was no longer ordinary tears, but blood tears of his unwillingness!

Around his body, a thick spiritual air flow gradually swirled and became extremely violent in an instant. He was like a vortex, letting the square-shaped spirits madly converge towards him. He was like a burning fireman who lit this side Everything in the world.

With him as the center, a huge hurricane formed slowly, with great weather and mighty power!

The yellow sand beneath his feet curled up, the lingering wind whimpered, screaming like a ghost, and fiercely as howling, and above his head, the night sky screamed without thunder, without electricity and light, and the blast of explosive sounds seemed to explode. Firecrackers in a city!

The real **** above the immortal realises this scene.

Li Yan, who is beside the water, saw this scene.

Whether it was the true **** or Li Yan, his face changed significantly.

They felt a majestic force, extraordinary, extraordinary, like a volcanic eruption, like a dragon turning over. Such a powerful force, they have never found it on Mullen!

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