The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 196: Mullen's power (middle)

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The true God came and said: "Mallen, what are you doing ?! Don't go into trouble!"

As soon as he said this, he found himself worried. Mullen's aura of madness gathered around him, but his breath climbed steadily, showing no signs of disorder and uncontrollability. This shows that he is not about to go into flames, but pure strength has risen, and he has got some kind of breakthrough opportunity!

The true **** is a bit stunned.

Mullen's cultivation has reached the extreme of the realm of the world long ago, and there is no possibility of breaking through it unless he lifts his restrictions! Yes, he helped Malun Xiu to promote, achieve great cause, and open up new territories, but in his eyes, Malun is just one of his chess pieces. He will not let the other party have too much strength.

Just enough.

In addition, the immortal rules of this world also prevent Mullen from having stronger strength. But now, Mullen's gas engine is getting stronger and stronger, and it is about to break the limit.

The true God was surprised. He didn't understand why Mullen had such a change, able to get rid of the change under his control, or even get rid of the constraints of the laws of heaven and earth! And this change is actually caused by witnessing the death of 100,000 wars? Is it because they feel sorry for them?

how can that be!

Those who do great things don't hesitate to tip. All sentient beings are nothing more than sheep. The army is nothing more than a knife. If the warrior is killed, the king will be heartbroken, and then there is no need to be a king. It is more appropriate to be a doctor who heals and saves people.

Avenue is relentless.

In this vast universe, the stars have evolved, everything has been born and destroyed, and they happen all the time.

A group of people on a planet are not even dust in the universe. They are living their lives, but they are trapped in the wrinkles of their parents, wives, children, friends and relatives. Everyday, there is a little bit of sadness, joy, separation, bitterness Laugh, and do your best for life under the squeeze of the nobles.

Mo said that the effect on the universe is not as good as a stardust and the impact on a planet and a country can be ignored.

As a king, as a superior, need to be emotional about these beings? All beings, in the final analysis, are just sheep, providing nutrients for themselves.

In the true world view of the God, the universe is not moved by the destruction of galaxies, the galaxies are not sorrowed by the decline of stars, and the king should not be emotional for the life and death of the people.

This is the avenue. It is big and small, the inherent difference between top and bottom is order. If the universe was shaken and shattered by the demise of a planet, that would be a laugh, and the world would no longer exist.

But now, Mullen really broke through!

Because one hundred thousand soldiers are about to die in battle, he broke through the limits of this world with a mortal body and built it to a higher level! Although his breaking rules are limited and his strength has not reached the fairyland, it is indeed completely different than before!

The true God does not understand or does not understand, but in this situation, he is happy about this scene.

Seeing it come true, even excited!

This will be Li Yan's trouble, not His.

Prior to this, Li Zhi ’s offensive in the mortal army was tide, and the eclipse army was defeated. In particular, Shangguan Qingcheng appeared with the Langfang Army. After attacking 100,000 guards in front of Nasper City, he saw even the defense They have been very reluctant, and the hope to stabilize the situation can only be pinned on the navy.

In Xianyu, the true god, because of his jealousy of Li Zhi's identity, did not fully understand Li Zhi's ties, and did not dare to defeat him easily. As a result, the fairy eater could only put on a defensive posture. But God is very clear, once the war situation in the world is completely broken, the influence of Qi and machine, the situation of Xianyu will be difficult to maintain!

But now, because of Marlen's "inexplicable" breakthrough, all these things have taken a turn for the better and may even change in another day!

At this moment, the true God was surprised and confused, both exhilarated and puzzled. Various emotions were intertwined so that he didn't know what expression to show.

Compared with the complex mind of the true god, Li Zhi's look is much simpler.

He frowned, his face slain.

When the Guards were in critical condition, Malun realized on the spot that he broke through his limitations and greatly increased his strength. This was unexpected by Li Wei! Since walking out of the palace of King An's Mansion and heading to the world to conquer the Quartet, he has faced countless opponents, and has never experienced such a situation.

At this moment, even Li Yan, in the face of such a Mullen, no longer have the heart to win the other's grasp.

This feeling, he has not passed for a long time. Ever since he cultivated to become a great master, he sacrificed the Holy Buddha, cut the immortal emperor, and arrogantly stood out from the crowd. He almost forgot this feeling. But now, facing a monk in the world, he has a sense of crisis again, with the fear that the situation may be uncontrolled.

He didn't take the initiative.

He couldn't take the initiative.

But Mullen shot.

Because the aura emanating from his body was too strong, his long hair turned upside down like a fireman, and he made a punch to the Langfang Army and the Guards.

No one can describe the beauty of this punch.

With one punch, the wind is light and cloudless, and there is no vision at all, as if nothing happened, full of weightlessness. But this punch went out, and the Wolffang Army fighting with the Guards was like smoke and dust blown by the gust, and it disappeared instantly!

The battlefield that disappeared was composed of thousands of people.

They had the strength of the soldiers to bless them, but they were erased lightly. The last moment was still fighting and preparing to fight, and the next moment became blank!

Li Min's heart suddenly jumped.

Too strong.

If Malendo were to hit a few punches, the Spike Army would suffer heavy losses, and only need to give Malun a few breaths. This Tang Dynasty and even the world's most ruthless division will not exist anymore!

Li Yan had no choice, he must win the time to reorganize the battle for Shangguan. He pulled out the Heavenly Sword, and restored the body of Xianyu back to life.

Eyes stared at each other, Li Yan looked like iron.

Mullen didn't rush to make a second punch, but looked at Li Yan with a lot of time and interest.

In the face of this strong opponent, which can even be said to be very easy before, Mullen has no fear at this time. He just felt his new power, so powerful and so unmatched, that he was filled with confidence that he could control everything.

Seeing Li Yan's expression was so calm, he couldn't help but laugh aloud!

Indescribable spirit and full of fighting spirit.

"Li Yan! You're right, you don't have enough external power. People need to overcome the real challenge, but they still have to rely on themselves!" Malun stared directly at Li Yan, without seeing the hatred of the enemies. , There is a kind of heartfelt fun to talk to friends.

He continued: "I finally know today that no one in this world is omnipotent! If there is, it is also because we have not encountered a sufficiently strong opponent! And we, after all, can only rely on ourselves. As kings, we still The only ones who can rely on them are following their own fighters! When they meet an opponent they cannot defeat, the only option is to make themselves stronger! "

These remarks made Li Xun be at a loss.

This is his realization.

Unexpectedly, Mullen also realized this moment.

It seemed that Mullen finally understood what the imperial way was.

"A king without the support of his people is not a true king, a monarch who is not loyal to the warrior, and no one can guarantee it. The king and the people, the master and the minister, are one. When the country is okay, they are shepherds, shepherds, and herds. Relationship, but at the critical moment of defending the common enemy of the monarch and the people, they are fighting together side by side! "

Mullen can't wait to express his understanding, seeing Li Yan's eyes full of enthusiasm, "The road is ruthless, and people are ruthless. If people are ruthless, how can we rely on each other, trust each other, fight side by side, and defeat strong enemies? Relentless let us rule our country Love, let us work hard for our compatriots, never let it go!

"Today, you are going to kill me with your robes, and pass me first! I, the caliphate caliph, Mullen Hinard, have the mission to protect the fighters, and live and die with the fighters in honor and disgrace. Duty! Come on, Li Wei, let us win again! "

Li Yan heard these words clearly.

The true God also understood the mind of Mullen.

They have different minds.

Li Ye knew that the biggest challenge for unifying the world came.

The first reaction of the true God is much simpler. He immediately ordered the new moon in Xianyu to teach the immortals and start wars against the immortals of Tang Dynasty! And He himself was the first soldier to take the body of Li Yu from Xianyu!

Li Xun's cultivation is not in the immortal realm, and he has no resistance to the true God.

And if he dies, can the army of Immortals of the Tang Dynasty still be able to please him? But if he feeds back the power of Xiu Wei to the body of Xianyu, how can he face Mullen's challenge now? What if the Spikes couldn't stop Mullen? What about the war in the world?

Relying on the means of one person and two persons, Li Yan has obtained countless conveniences and achievements, but now he has encountered unprecedented difficulties! Time is running out and the situation is about to endure. Li Zhi has a dilemma, but the reality does not give him room to think and change!

Li Yan looked at Marron and suddenly said, "The ruthless lover is affectionate. Since the two contradict each other, how can one pursue the avenue and intend to obtain the supreme power of the avenue? If one cannot find the avenue, how can he change his life against the sky, Really control your own destiny? "

With this remark, Mullen froze.

This is indeed a contradiction.

"He's going to mess with you, don't talk nonsense with him, kill him first!" The voice of the true **** was like a bell in the morning bell and trumpet, and it blew loudly in Mullen's heart, so that his spirit instantly refreshed.

Mullen's eyes were like a sword, and there were no thoughts in his heart.

"What a boulevard can be explored by only alive people, Li Ye, pick it up!" Marlen yelled, the sword in his hand was a masterpiece, and he chopped out sharply at Li Ye! The sky and the earth faded in time, and the four fields were dim. Only the sword was dazzling, as if the sunset fell on the sea surface, which stained the line where the sea and the sky intersect.

If Malun was still seriously injured, Li Yan could block him with his guardian monk. But now, he made a breakthrough, his breath soared, and his injuries are gone. He is even stronger than ever!

At the same time, above the Immortal Realm, the true **** who no longer cares about Li Zhi, walked in front of Li Yi, and made a sword with his hand, and waved heavily to Li Yi! An aura that was not visible to the naked eye, and in a blink of an eye, reached Li Yan's eyebrow, and seemed to split him in half!

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