The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 1392: death and dance

"No! Those corpses are fake!"

Occam was the first to discover the anomaly. The bodies of the dead harlequins were unrealistically complete, only one or two were beaten to pieces.

As if to confirm his statement, the fallen harlequins suddenly exploded one by one like fireworks, and threw a large amount of sparkling smoke, blocking the Alphas' vision and even interfering with their helmet aiming system.

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by some kind of terrifying scream, behind the flashing smoke, purple light spots swept over a certain bunker, causing the two Alpha warriors behind the bunker to be engulfed before they could move.

Their armor seemed to be torn apart by the strong wind, and then the flesh inside expanded and burst at an extremely fast speed, creating a tragic death scene.

"It's the dead jester of the harlequin!"

On the battlefield where the war was raging, the fluttering coat was accompanied by the terrible echo of the bell, symbolizing that the laughing god's vicious and mocking death jester appeared at the edge of the Alpha's line of sight.

They are armed with a vicious weapon called the Screech Cannon, whose ammunition is quenched with genotoxin, causing the person hit to become metabolically unbalanced, swollen, and become a living bomb of flesh and bone. That's exactly what death jesters like to see - their frenzied quest for novel ways to make the death of their victim black and humorous.

As actors who specialize in playing "death" in the troupe, death jesters exude absurdity and morbidity everywhere. Their terrible uniforms are made of the bones of their predecessors, and their bones will be left to the next after death. successors, and on the battlefield, they can sometimes be heard humming softly or just laughing, bowing to those who are about to suffer, and applauding those who amuse themselves with warm and sarcastic applause.

All in all, not many people can compete with the death jester in composing the tragicomedy of war, and the battlefield is also a treasure trove of inspiration for their infinite mischief.

And in the Comoros, the grotesque sense of humour of the jesters of death is popular, because they are as vicious as the darkest people in the city of darkness, and because of their morbid talent, the jesters are cautious of the jesters of death. Attitude, but the devotion of the dead jester to the Laughing God is unquestionable, and they cover and protect other troupe members from the hail of bullets time and time again.

The five dead jesters organized a dense line of fire, which immediately suppressed the Alphas' positions. At the same time, the other harlequins also drilled out of the corner again, trying to attack these warriors from the side or the dead end of the fire. Their numbers are experiencing Almost nothing changed after the firefight.

But there were several casualties on Alpha's side.

"The determination is not small, but it is not enough."

Occam narrowed his eyes with a sneer, and then conveyed the order.

"Hugh, you are responsible for covering the left side, Loben, you take someone to cover the right side, Yuris, activate the bridge's defense system."

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. Under the operation of the dimensional blacksmith, the dome and walls of the bridge suddenly made a sound of kaka, and then a large number of automatic turrets and flamethrowers appeared.

The next moment, the entire battlefield turned into a **** of flames and metal weaving.

The buffoons were caught off guard, and they were a little confused for a while, and their blindness couldn't deceive the firepower that covered all-round coverage, so they fell several people in a row.

At the same time, the former Emperor's Son swordsman Zago Ayala bent down, dashed out of cover, stepped on a scrapped meditator array, and kicked a graceful arc with his right foot, directly kicking a harlequin. fly.

Then he sticks out the blade, and with extreme speed, he approaches a dead jester.

The death jester shrank back quickly, screeching cannon still spewing deadly rounds as he struggled to stand between his fallen compatriots.

But the Emperor's Son Swordsman was faster, and his blade cut straight through the Eldar's weapon, splitting the barrel in two and turning it into a chain of useless sparks.

Before Zago Ayala turned again and drove his blade to kiss the faltering Eldar flesh, a blast of energy slammed into the side of his body, tossing him up, and crashing against the wall.

As the Emperor's Son slid down the wall, he screamed in frustration, blinking his twinkling eyes and glaring at the alien who had dared to interrupt his killing dance.

It was a film and television actor, whose face was hidden in a faceless mask, which was sprayed with a layer of silver mirror paint, one hand was holding a staff of mist, and the fingers of the other hand were crackling with the flash of psionic energy, keeping the With the rapid flow of psychic energy, he lifted himself slightly off the ground.

Filmmakers are powerful psionicists in the Harlequin troupe, known as "Yin Sidan" in the Eldar language, and they pay special attention to their ability to spread fear and chaos on the battlefield and in performances.

As the spiritual leaders of the harlequins, film and television actors are a very mysterious group. Although they are not affiliated with the troupe themselves, they will still participate in the performance with a group of other harlequins, using their subtle psychic energy to enhance the performance.

"Alien bastard!"

Zago Ayala narrowed his eyes with hatred, and got up to regain his balance.

Then he was immediately pushed over again.

On the psionic curtain visible to the naked eye, peakless waves rippled across its surface.

This time 17BxWx.*com Zhang Si. But before the filmmaker could release new power, another psychic energy suddenly hit the filmmaker's body, causing her head to fall back, and her body was tormented by pain and burning pain.

In the distance, Philo Rona's gloomy eyes under the shroud hood were now flashing with a dazzling psionic halo like a searchlight. middle.

His cloak tumbled behind him to dramatic effect, the jagged twisting energy emanating from his fingers even distorting the surrounding air.

At this moment a slender human figure suddenly burst out from the edge of everyone's sight, plunged into the battlefield at an extremely fast speed, and even the rapid-fire bombs like a storm could not catch up with it. pace.

In the smoke splashed by the firepower network, the rapidly approaching alien turned into a dark color block, approaching Occam.

Seeing that the other party was coming towards him, Occam silently took out a power flail from his waist and activated the weapon.

With a flick of his arm, the kinetic flail began to spin above his head, and several long bladed whips twisted and collided with each other.

The next second, the dazzling electric light burst, and the flail was entangled with something, and then the power system above it instantly failed.

Occam took a closer look and found that the attacker was a harlequin with a silver horned mask, and it was the silver mesh fired from the opponent's arm that bound his weapon.


Lord Alpha recognized the identity of the enemy, and was fortunate that he used the weapon to take the blow. The weapon called the Harlequin's Kiss in the unicorn's hand is very vicious, and the sharp tube can spray high-strength single fibers. The metal wire, if it can penetrate the flesh, the metal wire will spread the whip in it, liquefy the bones and internal organs, and finally grant the dead a heroic death.

【Why are you standing in the way of destiny? 】

An indifferent voice sounded in Occam's mind, and he responded contemptuously.

【Do you think cheap juggling can stop future trends? 】

【You should not bring the ancient enemy here】

【We do not need to explain to you】


Make a big tyrant. The single horn turned around, the flashing short blade spun in his hand, and the figure moved in mid-air with a morbid grace.

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