The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 1393: No one-man show

【You do not know what kind of destruction and disaster you have brought】

When Unicorn said this, a creepy scream pierced the icy air, a single, trembling tone like a tormented soul.

The sound wave was higher and higher, until the painful chorus sounded out of the one-horned mask. Painful memories and painful thoughts immediately filled everyone's minds, and Philo Rona let go for the first time. The opponent holds up a soul shield.

At this moment, a slight throbbing suddenly caused ripples in the hearts of all the psionicists.

The unicorn in mid-air seemed to be attacked by something, and suddenly fell down, and then he said something to the harlequin who helped him up.

For Occam, this is the most dangerous time, and everyone seems to fall into a kind of trance.

A few minutes later, the imaginary attack did not come. On the contrary, when all the Alpha warriors struggled from the pain, they found that the enemy had disappeared, and they even took away the bodies of the dead, all in just a dozen seconds.

"The enemy has left."

In the icy shadows, as Philo Rona knelt softly on the shoulders of the fallen battle brother, a faint starlight burned in the wizard's eyes.

He seemed to check his companion for signs of life, placing his palm on the battered Space Marine's face, as if trying to feel the force of life emanating from his lost mind.

After a while, the kneeling think tank paused, as if noticing a voice on the edge of hearing.

Slowly, he turned his head under the heavy, deeply wrinkled hood and looked at the raid commander with blinking eyes full of patient thought.

[The Harlequin already knew we were coming]

Before he could turn, the consciousness left his mind and poured relentlessly into the warrior waiting for his attention.

Occam showed no sign of surprise, his helmet and heavy visor masking the faintest hints of human emotion, but nodded silently to the wizard.

【I saw this thing】

This time Zhang Si. 【They do not welcome us】

[I didn't expect them to welcome us either]

【Then it will be difficult for us to enter the Comoros again】

【I have other options】

【Can you escape the surveillance of the other party?】

【Maybe you can】

[Then what is the enemy it said just now]

Philo Rhona was still bent over the fallen Alpha Warrior, a hand carefully placed on his bleeding face, the Harlequin's weapons were mostly poisonous, and the warrior's veins had been flooded with alien venom, though the interstellar Soldiers have extremely high resistance to poison, but they cannot be immune to all poisons.

What a wizard can do is to use their own psychic energy to repair the toxin-damaged organization as much as possible. After all, the warp has the power to reshape flesh and blood, although the contact of the power of chaos may not be as friendly as most imagine.

"It doesn't matter, because the Emperor's will does not wait for his servants."

Hearing Occam's words, Philo Rhone turned slowly, away from his fallen brother, to his shadow-shrouded face.

For a moment, there was a primal scarlet flame in his eyes, suspicion and torture.

But he remembered his responsibilities again, and realized that Occam would not remind himself that the other party was not a leader who would always tolerate questioning.

"This brother can still be treated. I temporarily controlled the toxins in him."

After giving up the questioning, Philo Rona pointed to the injured Alpha lying on the ground behind him.

"very good."

Occam simply nodded.

"The Apothecary will heal him and hopefully he will recover before the operation, we have lost six fighters and this has had a slight impact on the operation."

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. Philo Rhona nodded and stepped aside, while the scarlet flames in his eyes gradually turned into unfathomable darkness.

[We'll get our revenge, right, Raid Commander]

【Yes, definitely will】


In the central city of Comoros, in a huge fortress called Tormented Forest, the grand hall only open to VIPs is echoing with piercing laughter and terrified screams. Soshyan and his party stood at the top of the stairs leading to the hall. in the middle, watching condescendingly as the Bloody Woods Cabal fighters taunted their slaves—mostly humans, with a few other races.

Some of these slaves fought each other to please their captors, and they were chained together and armed only with dull knives to prolong the fight.

Other slaves were given special attention by a monster, a haemophile, aided by several remains, who was busy inserting metal flakes into acid-corroded skin at a blood-stained table in the center of the hall , and use the hook to pull every inch of the victim's skin apart.

And the youngest members of the Cabal simply beat and flog their living possessions, creating a groan and wailing with all kinds of tools.

At the end of the stairs, a group of Nightmare stood motionless, ensuring that no intruders could enter the hall at the top of the stairs.

The interior of the entire fortress is very different from the structure of human buildings. Its sense of space is very disordered. A large number of stairs connect up and down and even left and right, and the stairs are also connected to each other. At the same time, it is difficult to judge the actual height from top to bottom. Even things that happen from a distance seem to be close at hand.

If a stranger breaks in, I'm afraid you will be lost immediately.

But Soshyan and his party had a guide, so it was easy to traverse the various areas of the fort.

After the three entered, they saw the Archon of Alcantara sitting on a throne made of bone and black marble to watch the whole favorite courtiers sat on the road leading to his high platform on the steps.

The consul is not wearing armor today, just a dark blue robe with ornaments and jewels of the same material hanging from the throne.

The closest to him are his two daughters, one of them wearing a black dress with supple waist-length hair like Veronica, staring at the brutal scene with a contrived smile, looking rather serene, the other A towering braid was tied at the top of the head, the thin lips were dyed black against the pale skin, and they were laughing happily, and the eyes were inlaid with black eyeshadow.

At this time, Soshyan noticed that Alcantara's two daughters seemed to be twins, and they looked almost the same regardless of the different makeup.

So he suddenly recalled in his mind that Veronica had introduced some customs about the Ark Spirit Race to him.

One of them is that the psionic connection between the Eldar twins is different from other Eldar. They can feel each other's distance, emotions and even thoughts. If one of the twins dies, the surviving other will also fall into eternal sorrow.

When this split occurs, the survivors will sacrifice the rest of their lives to pilot the Ghost Rider, a powerful Eldar war machine, and the souls of the dead will be transferred into the Ghost Rider's Soul Stone, while the living will be in the cockpit Fall into a near-permanent trance state.

Veronica and Soshyan revealed that some high-level leaders of the ark world will deliberately create such a tragedy in order to ensure that the ethnic group has enough armed forces, so no Eldar mother wants to give birth to twins.

Make a big tyrant. Thinking this way, their mothers would rather send them to the Comoros than stay with them, perhaps understandably.

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