The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 217: Mystery cell

After    decided to move along the nearest route, Soshyang and his party entered the passage.

   Then, they found a large elevator at the end of the passage. By comparing the map on the side of the elevator, he roughly inferred that it must descend to an area of ​​about 300 meters.

   After a basic inspection, the Astarts entered the elevator.

   "This thing seems to be too old."

   When trying to enter commands into the rune panel of the elevator, Almin complained:

   "The machine does not respond."

   Soshyang didn't answer yet. The electric lift suddenly shook under their feet, and the helmets and eyepieces of the two fighters even collided.

"Magnetic lock!"

   Thor yelled through the channel, and when the sound of the magnetic lock falling on the boots sounded, the lift fell down.

   There is no doubt that in some details that they did not check, someone moved their hands and feet on the elevator. Soshyang regretted not bringing Rogers here.

   But it was too late to be annoyed at this time. The elevator they carried was turned into a free-falling weight vertically downward, rushing to the undoubted destruction located at the bottom of the mine with a soaring speed.

   Seeing that the situation is critical, Thor threw himself on the operation panel, struggling to hit the rune on it.

   Soon, the vise that constitutes the early warning mechanism slammed closed on the shaft and gravity mechanism, triggering the closed emergency stop device.

   But it's not enough.

   Thor's feet were firmly locked to the ground, and he snapped off a metal rod thick with an adult's arm and inserted it into the rock walls on both sides.

   Immediately, sparks splashed in the entire elevator, and the harsh friction of metal and rock was enough to pierce the eardrums of mortals.

   At an almost imperceptible speed, they began to slow down, the wailing of the tornado of the mechanical mechanism weakened, and the weightlessness of the fall began to fade.

In the process, Saul said nothing. He stood firm in a tight posture while holding the metal rod. The servo system locked his armor, and his teeth closed as he focused every force on stopping the violent Falling and biting together tightly.

   Until the end, the lift finally stopped completely amidst the friction, and Sol managed to squeeze out a word.


   The magnetic locks on the astral knights' boots were unlocked with a sound of impact, and Soshyang took the lead to tear open the elevator door, revealing the corridor bathed in red light behind the door.

   Due to the misalignment between the exit of the elevator and the entrance of the passage, the star warrior can only bend into the tunnel and squeeze the armor-wrapped body through the gap.

   One by one, they left the elevator that was about to be destroyed one after another.

   Thor was the last to leave.

   After trembling and concentrating for a moment, he released the metal rod, leaped into the gap of the floor, and rolled in.

At the moment of losing his power, the elevator fell again, like an airborne capsule that pierced the planet’s atmosphere, falling down with splashing sparks and white-hot brakes, until both disappeared in the depths of the mine. In the darkness.

   Finally, a remote impact came from the abyss.

   "Thank you."

   Soshyang said sincerely, extending his armour-covered hand to Thor.

   The emperor veteran held it and desperately adjusted his breathing. At this moment, every inch of strengthened muscles on his superhuman body was sore, and bursts of dull pain rose and fell in his temples with his pulse.

   Thor took a while to adjust his state, and then looked at the surrounding environment.

   The tunnel they are in is only slightly better than the natural rock fissures. The only artificial trace is a metal walkway laid on the slowly flowing groundwater at the bottom of the tunnel.

   This place has a strong sulphur smell, and the surrounding rocks have condensed a dark shell. His automatic senses show that the temperature of the corridor made of dark rocks is as hot as hell.

   But it stands to reason that there are no volcanoes or magma landscapes nearby.

   "This is not on the map."

   Soshyang compared the map and said regretfully.

   "We don't know where we are now, nor can we reach the ground."

   Thor made a gesture to the curved tunnel after listening.

   "At least our goal now is so clear, there is no other way."


   Soshyang put away the map and talked about it in the communication channel.

   "The battle formation moves forward."

   The star warrior began to march along the aisle, his footsteps on the metal sounded like bells.

  Unprotected human beings cannot survive the high temperature of the tunnel, but the power armor of the interstellar warriors is prepared for more severe conditions, at least the current underground environment cannot pose a threat to them.

   "What broke the elevator?"

  While walking, Soshyang connected to Sol’s personal channel and asked softly:

   "Those aliens?"

   "Not necessarily."

   "You mean those heretics."

   "It's not always so straightforward, commander of the battle group."

   Thor was silent for a while, and then responded.

   "In the dark and bottomless abyss, the enemy and ourselves are sometimes not as simple as they seem to be on the surface, but those aliens undoubtedly want us to go where we are going. What they want is what others don't want."

   "Sol, I find that your way of speaking is more and more like Brother Said, and you always run towards it during this time."

   "You feel uneasy."

   "No, confused."

   "Get the enemy!"

  Almin suddenly interrupted their conversation.

   Soshyang's gaze crossed the team leader and found that after they had passed a corner, a heavy-looking door appeared in front of and a man wrapped in a bloated gray insulated suit.

   As soon as the man saw the star warrior, he ran to the door's wheel-shaped locking device and tried to close the door.

   "Don't let him do anything."

   A second later, the roar of explosive bombs rang in the tunnel, and the man's head was exploded, and he fell heavily on the half-closed door.

   The star warrior walked to the end of the tunnel through the gate, and the blaster was on standby at any time.

   After pushing the door open, they found themselves in a detention area.

   The exposed rock walls are inlaid with cages with energized grids, and the figures gather on the rock protrusions on the inside, wearing the same heavy thermal insulation suits as the people holding them.

   There are dozens of such cages lined up in the dark and long space.

  As soon as the star warriors entered, the inhabitants of the cage stared at them.

  There are guards among them, and they rushed to their heat-insulated automatic weapons. One of them triggered the alarm, and the wailing of the alarm immediately filled the entire underground space.

   The astral knights quickly brought down these people, and a series of quick shots ripped the jailer apart, leaving their remains tossed and steamed in the hot wind.

   "There is a stairwell at the far end of the room."

   Sol’s voice came from the intercom. His discovery changed the situation again. They are now pressing for time and must seize every minute and every second.

   "Move there."

   "Wait a minute."

   A voice yelled through the whine of the alarm, and one of the prisoners stood up, rickety and old.

   Soshyang turned to her silently.

   "We are not ordinary prisoners."

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