The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 218: Make a choice

"We are not ordinary criminals."

The thermal insulation made her voice ambiguous, but she could tell that she was an elderly woman.

"The angels of the Emperor's mercy, we are all family members of the spaceport officials, and we implore you to help."

"She said they are family members of spaceport officials?"

Soshyang asked Saul, with surprise in his voice.

"She wants to be released."

Thor walked out of the darkness and stripped off the heat-insulating suits of the corpses on the ground, and the soldiers found that these were all aliens.

"It seems that what she said is true."

Thor turned to the man in the cage and asked:

"Do you know why they kidnapped you."

"Know, they want to use this to coerce our husbands and children into betraying the Empire."

"What kind of conspiracy?"

"We don't know, they just imprison us here and provide basic food every day."

"who are you?"

Sol pay attention, besides this old man, there is another person in the cell, a boy.

He winced backwards, his eyes widened behind the dim observation window of the thermal insulation suit.

"I'm Marita, the former station master of the airport transfer station."

The woman said, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"And this is my grandson, Nick. His father is the current stationmaster."

The boy looked up and looked directly at the angel's dark eyepiece and the indifferent look.

"Those monsters ran into the house at night and caught my grandma and me in this hot place. The food was not delicious at all, and the water smelled bad."

Then, the boy complained slightly awkwardly.

"Grandma keeps saying that the emperor will save us, Uncle Big Ironskin, are you sent by the emperor?"

In the communication channel, I don’t know who laughed. Soshyang guessed it was Armin.

Saul did not respond, but walked away from the cage in silence.

They then had a brief discussion.

"This is unreasonable."

Sol took the lead in expressing his opinion.

"They can directly use infection to control these people, there is no need to kidnap them to such a deep underground."

"Maybe another purpose?"

Soshyang tried to analyze.

"These are the families of the airport officials, maybe they are preparing for themselves, is true that they can be infected directly."

With that said, he glanced back at these prisoners.

"Are they already infected."


Sol nodded slightly.

"The best solution is to wait until the matter here is understood, and then let the Legal Department take over the inspection."

"But if they are not infected, leaving them alone is not..."

Suddenly, Armin's voice came in.

"Even so, we have no spare capacity to bring them, but it is safer here."

Armin fell silent afterwards.

After making the decision, Soshyang walked to the prison? He said in a deep voice:

"We are on an urgent mission? Can't take you, you stay here for now? Someone will come to rescue you after the mission is completed."

"Angels! Don't abandon us!"

There are dozens of prisoners in the nearby cell? They started shouting and clamoring and approaching the cell's grid as far as the courage permitted.

"I understand your difficulties..."

The old man pushed the child forward.

"At least Nick him—"

"very sorry."

Before Soshyang could finish speaking? A crackling sound came, and the alarm ceased.

The silence lasted only a moment.

With a burst of rock bed collapse? Part of the stone chamber wall fell down? Lava rushed through the cracks, and the hot and dazzling jet hit the bare ground and spread quickly.

At this time, Soshyang realized the true source of the scorching heat.

The alien led magma into the vicinity, forming a self-destructing system.

"Anti-jailbreak device."

Saul started running? And said calmly.

"Someone triggered it."


Soshyang gave orders through the squad channel? He has no time to convince people with reason.

The prisoner found that he was abandoned and started screaming and howling, but the star warrior turned a deaf ear.

The magma spread rapidly here, and more and more rock walls on both sides began to collapse, merging into the shining high heat and lava flow.

When the magma flow arrived, the scream reached its peak? Even the thermal insulation suits began to burn.

Soshyang was at the end. He could hear those crying, praying and cursing very clearly. Armin also wanted to connect to private communications several times, but he refused.

Suddenly, he still stopped? Turned around? Stepped through the hot current.

The current in the cage has been extinguished due to a short circuit? Soshyang tore open the net door with his bare hands, and reached out to the boy crying in his grandmother's arms.

"I won't go anywhere without grandma!"

The boy shrank up screaming, but the old man pushed him out.

"Blessed by the emperor, thank you for your mercy."

Soshyang silently grabbed the boy with one hand, then turned around and started running.

The rest of the team had already marched towards the stairs. The prison quickly became a hell. Everything was burning, including the people in the cage, turned into screaming candles.

Soshyang didn't look back at this scene. He clamped the boy under his arm with one hand and started climbing with the other hand.

Soon, they were out of this hell.

Saul didn't ask Soshyang why he did this, and no one else questioned it.

Almin was relieved a lot, and now he was also responsible for protecting the boy until he returned to the ground.

The team is gradually ascending, as if all the dim tunnels passing by have been abandoned, and then climbed one by one narrow stairwells, passing through the increasingly low and crowded tunnels and railroad locomotive lines.

Afterwards, they returned to the familiar mining area and found that the target was close at hand.

The mines here are cold and humid, which is in line with the characteristics of underground rivers.

Just as Soshyang breathed a sigh of relief for returning to the right road, the tunnel they were in suddenly exploded violently.

The turbulent wave of mud and rocks hit ten star warriors while hitting the armor, and at the same time smashed them into the wall on the other side.

Almin reacted in an instant. He grabbed Nick and pulled to his left, covering the boy with his body.

Fortunately, the power of the explosion was not particularly strong and did not cause substantial damage, but when Soshyang stood firm, the ambushers came to cover up and kill.

Wearing breathing masks and miner costumes, they rushed towards the star warrior with sick enthusiasm, and their eyes widened after the respirator got the eyepieces.

Laser cutters, impact drills and even simple one-handed mining picks waved in their hands.

But what Soshyang cared more about was the battle cry of their call sign.

"For the shadow! For the Lord of the Crow!!"

Most ordinary opponents can only fall to the ground and wait for death under the impact of the explosion, but they are facing the interstellar warriors, even if they are in the center of the explosion, they have not been shocked at all.

Soshyang drew out his holy flames and only said one word.


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