The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 320: Song of Despair

   In the smoke and dust, Soshyang, holding a halberd and wearing a Terminator armor, strode out, and more soldiers fell behind him one after another.

   Seeing the arrival of Soshyang, the wicked demon gave a weird smile, and the weird sound was like scraping from a bone with glass.

   "Try it then, your withered soul will make the corridor of eternity sweeter and sweeter."

As soon as   's words fell, the big demon launched an offensive, slashing with a scimitar-like crab claw.

   The halberd in Soshyang's hand swung, and the two collided with the sound of a landslide.

   Without thinking about it, Savita's halberd suddenly violent, turning around like a spinning shuttle, blocking the other claw of the great demon, and cutting off a piece of solid armor from the opponent's side.

   But just like before, the devil's injuries healed instantly.

   It backed away and left the attack range of the two halberds.

   "It's too much, I have to call someone."

   The chant laughed playfully, and then the faces on the wall began to change.

   Their screaming decibels began to rise, tormented by unspeakable sensory experiences, screaming for relief, and begging for more.

   Then, the human face changed, the tone became ecstatic slowly, and demons struggled out of the wall.

   Suddenly, the chanting hall was filled with demons.

   The chant turned around gracefully, arrogantly teasing the interstellar warriors, let them attack first-at least it seems that way.

   Soshyan noticed that the power of the subspace was gathering around the chanter, and the demon was constructing its new round of attacks.


   Gorge's voice sounded, and then the soul drinkers began to shoot at the evil monster.

   But the chanter didn't care about such an attack. When it jumped to the right, he threw the chair under him high and threw it toward the line of star warriors.

   Its movements are as fast as thoughts. The chair was shattered by explosive bombs in mid-air, and it fell into a pile of things that only groaned.

   The chant dodges the stormy attack, and the soldiers turned to the target with all their strength, predicting the opponent's trajectory.

   In the end, the demon was hit by the explosive bomb.

   The explosive bomb slammed its right shoulder, and the devil's flesh and blood sprayed on the wall behind.

   But the chanter took the blow and continued to spin without hesitation, every movement was a noble and elegant gesture.

   However, it started roaring because its arrogance was hurt.

  The smaller demons rushed to the star warriors. Although the blaster and assault gun destroyed some of them, there will always be more.

   Soon, the interstellar warriors used various weapons to fight with the demons to form a group.

   The chanting hall was once permeated with the smell of decadent perfume, and now it still exudes the smell of burnt, shattered demonic flesh and blood.

   In the melee, Farzad rushed out from the back of the wedge, he was the closest person to the chanter.

   Staring at Soshyan while taking advantage of the opponent's eyes, Falzad seized the opportunity and rushed to the demon heroically.

   The corner of Sol's eyes, who was dealing with three evil demons at the same time, swept past and saw that moment.

   He wanted to remind him, but it was too late.

   The chance of the devil's distraction was obvious, and Falzad was right to seize it.

   But his mistake is that it is not the time yet.

   Soshyang hasn't exerted enough pressure on the demon yet that his bravery has become a mistake.


  Falzad rushed to the evil evil demon from the side, and his two power axes slashed under the demon's left arm at the same time.

   In less than a second, the blow seemed to hit the target.

   Actually there is not.

   In a blink of an eye, the demon moved another step to the left.

   This movement was so casual, natural and contemptuous, it directly missed Falzad's attack, and then it looked at the reckless star warrior and launched an attack.

   WRYYYYY——————! ! !

   All the flesh on the abominable thing screamed.

   This scream comes from the countless distorted worlds in the subspace. It cuts the soul with the despair of a million murdered worlds.

  At that moment, all the sorrows of time and space became a long-lasting chorus of undulating pain.

   screams filled the chanting hall and spread to the sky, piercing everyone's hearts.

   When the chant screamed at Farzad, he stood in front of the demon.

   The screams pierced into the body of the star warrior like a dagger, making him immobile.

   A star warrior may be fearless, but he is not completely immune to sadness and despair.

   This scream stung Farzad's emotional core, it was a call to despair, as powerful as a curse.

   It tore through all the questions, no matter how deep these questions are, it becomes a spiritual fragment.

   This made him feel that he was bleeding, and the wound was getting bigger and bigger, trying to drown him in an overwhelming feeling of nothingness.

   But Falzad refused to be swallowed.

   Even though this shows that he is not worthy to fight here, it cannot change his duties.

   "You can't stop me from fighting!"

   he shouted, and hurled the axe in his right hand at the demon.

   The chanter crossed the flight path of the axe and landed in front of the immobile Falzad.

   It knocked the star warrior to the ground and slammed his breastplate with sharp pliers.

   The blow was as rapid as a pile driver, shattering everything in front of him.

   In the blink of an eye, the pliers pierced the armor. It pierced the power armor and sank into Farzad's chest.

   Blood spattered from the wound immediately.

   "Damn it!"

   Soshyang smashed away the demons who had entangled him, and drew out the Sacred Yan sword to directly hit the demons.

  The burning long sword plunged into the chanter's waist, its flesh exploded, and the juice splashed.

   But the chanter ignored the wound. Instead, it drew strength and joy from the pain caused by the wound.

   At this time, Thor rushed to the chanter, he hit the pliers with a long sword, and the demon's arm flew into the air.

   The chanter turned around and tried to grab Saul with his other arm.

   Thor fended off the claw-like limbs and took a step back. Soshyang arrived in time, and the demon then left Farzad.

   "Take care of him."

   Thor nodded and brought out the fallen Falzadella.

   Soshyang faced the demon again.

   The demon's bone spurs blocked his first attack, and then sang.

  Hundreds of abominations continue to gush out from the walls in all directions, and seem to be endless,

   All the demons rushed toward the star warrior. There were too many of them, and they didn't care about life or death, so that they couldn't stop them.

   Those who fell will only become a temporary barrier to other demons behind him.

   A whip caught Soshyang’s halberd and stopped his blow, followed by the second and third.

   His arm was grabbed, and the evil chains pulled in three directions at the same time.


   Soshyang roared, and yanked to the right with all his strength.

   Those wicked female demons were immediately drawn to him.

   The whip was loose, and he slashed the halberd at the three demons and cut off their arms and necks, which allowed him to regain his freedom.

   But this skirmish cost him a few seconds.

   The chant stretched out a hand and slammed him to one side. Soshyang staggered a few steps to stabilize his body. Just about to fight back, the smaller demons began to surround him again.

   Soshyang became annoyed. He chopped them up and exploded them, but he was also deep in the filth of corruption.

   The demon's body turned into sludge before it evaporated, and the sludge slowed his pace.

   His brothers fell into the same trap.

   And Soshyang didn't realize that during this period of time the chant attracted him further and further and isolated him.

   WRYYYYY——————! ! !

   The chant screamed again, and the scream was echoed and amplified by the demons-screams everywhere.

   The voice rises higher and higher, accumulating a powerful force, presenting the shape of an absolute truth.

   The screaming demon's singing interrupted and distorted any attempt to fight the desperate thoughts in the scream. There was nowhere to hide in front of this voice. It hit Soshyang with the weight of the entire world.

   Mourning suffocated him, his limbs were tightly bound by the subspace, subtle and countless.

   In the center of the chanting hall, Savita became the focus of despair.

   His fighting was magnificent and cruel, and his screams were constantly fluctuating. As his fighting became more perfect, the screams became more and more intense.

   The chant suddenly laughed, and the dancing of its legs and paws showed a new mocking expression, and even its attacks were the same as laughter.

   "I'm teasing you."

   It announced while dancing.

   "I have been playing with you since that ship! Look, pain is your reward, and I will get my reward."


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