But even in the mire, Soshyang's inner war is still unabated, and he is about to cut down the strongest inhabitants of this subspace and shake the supreme power of the gods to the mortal world.

  The roaring chain saw record draws a half-circle crescent path, fanning the gust of ether, and the counterattack of the big demon is resolved.

   One person and one demon collided and separated, and the weapon and the claws were separated and separated, turning into an invisible tornado of slashing and stabs at a speed that the naked eye could hardly distinguish.


   The chant screamed, soaking Soshyang in a torrent of molecular vibrations, but he managed to survive.

   At this time, the chanter's claws suddenly stretched out, and across Soshyang's breastplate, the opponent immediately returned the color.

   From the beginning to the end, the halberd was constantly waved, slashing heavily into the muscles and muscles of the etheric matter, causing the great demon to scream wildly.

   "I think you care about your subordinates."

   The chanter said, and withdrew from Soshyang's fierce attack.

   "Do you want me to show you his pain?"

   Facing the challenge, Soshyang could only attack more and more fiercely, his limbs became more vigorous, and his halberd swung so fast that reality seemed to be torn apart by it.

   chuckled, the big demon threw everything within reach to Soshyang.

   He is still alive, his soldiers are still alive, the creatures of the subspace feed on fear, but here, fear has no place.

   "My concert is not suitable for people like you,"

   The Great Demon summoned a new shock, which almost made Soshyang stagger for a while.

   "The reality is not for you either"

Soshyan backhanded the fast-rotating chain saw across his ugly body. The torn sores went from one end to the other. Then the devil's claws ran across his breastplate, almost knocking a piece of him. The meat is torn off.

   The blood has now joined the cycle of war, and the bright red of humanity is intertwined with the purple charm of the great demon.

   "You ruined my perfection!"

   The demon screamed again, took a step away from the star warrior, and dissolved the ground under his feet.

   Then, it swooped over with a clenched paw and grabbed his neck, forcing Soshyang to retreat further.

   "This is my lord's favorite movement!"

   Soshyang hit back immediately, twisted his wrist, and severely cut the big demon's arm with a halberd, then took the big demon's abdomen along the way, and tore another wound on the side of the big demon.

   Burning pus gushes out of the sore made by the sawtooth, and then is doused by the pus.

   But the wound did not recover as quickly as before.

   "You will die for me!"

   The big devil's claws scratched randomly, and Soshyang knocked away all these obstructions, and stroked the big devil's front legs with a halberd, causing his muscles to tremble.

   then swept across the chest of the big demon and cut into its torso.

   The body of the chant flickered between collapse and reunion, and then it used all its power and made an unprecedented neigh.

  WRYYYY————————! ! !

   This scream is something Soshyang has never heard before.

   It swallowed him, almost wiped him out, turned the world into a rain of broken glass, and even the interstellar warriors and demons in the surrounding battle became fragments of sensory impressions, all shattered and plunged into the abyss of pain.

   Only one image remained intact, which made his pain reach the extreme.

   The chanter, like a cat driving a mouse to a corner, paws Soshyang with his paws.

   "Dead! Go dead! Go dead! Go dead! Go dead! Go dead!"

   Through the squally rain-like pain and the raindrops through the glass, crystal darkness appeared.

   The command is comparable to the demon's scream, but the command is stronger.

   It is full of power and hope.

   There were hopeful lies before this scream, those silver-gray illusions, those broken realities scattered all over the place, as if all the places in the world were lost in the night before the scream, the night before the pain.

   This command is so powerful, it will guide him through pain and debris.

   Although the mind is still as cold as iron, the body is no longer controlled.

  The interstellar warriors are still fighting, shouting battle roars in the painful screams of demons, killing the enemies in front of them.

   Soshyang saw the victory from the face of the chant, he understood that this moment was carefully arranged by the devil, and every step was arranged in advance.

   This moment is the pinnacle of its art, its supreme masterpiece.

   The only thing he wonders is, why this demon can still be so powerful under the influence of gray marrow?

   Why? Where is the problem?

   Or did he ignore something?

   "Sir? Are you okay?"

   "I'm fine."

   Thanks to a sharp turn and acceleration by the commander at the last minute, Yarek was not buried in the ruins, but most of his troops were ruined, leaving only five or six Chimeras and hundreds of sparsely populated men.

   He patted his hair, shaking off the gravel and ash layer, and then glanced at the trembling church.

   "The Knight Titans can't solve it."

   He straightforwardly expressed his views on the situation of the battle.

   "Political commissar! Found many enemies."

   Hearing these words, he immediately aimed the heavy bomb at the thugs and calmly executed the thugs.

   The cultists collapsed to the ground under the scouring of the flame, rolling. Similarly, everything contaminated by chaos will be burned.

   He saw other streets burning, chaos was spreading to all the towns, and everywhere he went, he could see an abominable play.

   The demon's command triggered a new offensive.

   It is already evening, the sky has gradually dimmed, and the entire city is currently out of power.

   He commanded the troops to leave the devastated square area, and moved towards the original location of the cathedral, because he thought he might find interstellar warriors there.

   The demons that can be seen from time to time along the way flashed from the edge of the road. Their figures flickered in the fire, and they would catch the infantry who fell behind, but their prey was mostly farther away.

   They screamed in the street while running.

  Arik also heard the singing, mixed in the muddy music.

   The voice is not very far from him.

   After being baptized by magic sound for a while, he can probably distinguish between the voice of subspace and the voice of humans, and this song is undoubtedly made by humans.

   The human singing?

  Arik felt that something was wrong.

   "Turn, turn to the west."

   Soon, the convoy arrived at the original location of the cathedral, and there was no longer a complete flat ground.

   He stopped the team for a while, and he did hear the singing amid the harsh laughter.

   Suddenly, someone called him, it was a communication soldier.

   "Whose communication?"

  Arik asked, slightly unhappy because of interrupted thinking.

   "Astart's communication."

   The signalman sounded surprised that he had the opportunity to talk to such a sacred character.

  Aric returned from the hatch to the cabin of the Chimera. There were other wounded soldiers on this Chimera. They could not run anymore, but they were still able to fight.

   Then he took the communicator from the communicator.

   "This is Yarek~www.wuxiaspot.com~Where is your position?"

   The other person didn't even bother to identify himself, but when the other person spoke, Yarek recognized the low and indifferent voice of the Astarte named Ustad.

   "About one mile west of the original cathedral."

   "We will reach the attack position in a few minutes. The enemy's residual power may try to trap you on the ground, and immediately take your people back to the starting assembly point."

"right now?"

   "If you don't do this, you will only die here."

   After speaking, the other side turned off the communication directly.

  Arik stared at the communicator. , If it was not Astarte but a mortal, he would be furious.

   But he cannot be angry with Ustad, because he will not try to condemn the stubbornness of a mountain.

   But he still feels something is wrong.

   That singing...

   "Political commissar! Discovery!"

   A soldier rushed into the cabin, saluted him, and said:

   "We found an underground bunker."



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