The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 322: Mingmen (thanks to the leader of the book friend [Final Battle]!!!...

   The way to the underground bunker is not difficult to find, just go back along the monster’s destruction.

   As the buildings collapsed and many were still burning, the convoy’s speed had to slow down.

   They were hardly attacked, and there did not seem to be any demons left in the destroyed area, only cultists, and some scattered cultists.

   Where did they go?

   He still remembered not long ago, in the flames of the muzzle and the beating flames, the outlines of the monsters were shadowy—some abominable things took pleasure in their prey.

   But now I can't see any of them.

   The road to the destination is clear. Those cultists with broken will try to escape the battlefield and raging terror. They meet the convoy on the narrow road.

   People screamed, argued, and tore each other to pieces.

   "Clear a way!"

  Arek ordered, aiming the heavy explosive projectile forward.

   Then, Chimera's rapid-fire guns began to violently bombard the mob, and behind them, the other two Chimera drove to the sides and burned them to death with lasers.

   This path between the ruins leads to the threshold of a charred morgue.

   Chimera roared at the corpse and the crawling survivors, and Yarek could feel the vibration and rustle of the caterpillar hitting the bone, and he also heard crackling and screaming.

   The voice of the dying poor creature made him feel relieved. This emotion was neither anger nor victory, nor contempt nor hatred, but something he dared not say.

   The wind replied with laughter. The endless laughter is the laughter that has victoriously leveled the world.

   Along the way, Arrick killed anything he saw emerging from the wreckage.

   His army followed his example and opened fire into the darkness.

  As we got closer and closer to the target, there were more and more unarmed people on the street, but Yarek fired at them unscrupulously.

   At this moment, his heart has been completely numb. In his eyes, people are no longer divided between men and women, old and young, only dead and imminent deaths.

  Although Yarik’s troops suffered heavy losses, they still passed through a large area of ​​death.

   After arriving at the destination, he asked people to stop by the foundation of the cathedral, climbed out of the car, and approached the huge gap.

   In fact, he already guessed what he would see.

   The pit is deep, and the pillars of the cathedral are left in it, like a broken tooth.

   The stairs spiraled in from nowhere, and descended to the hall full of rubble. Thousands of charred corpses lay in the rubble. The way they were dismembered was not only crushed, but also the placement of the corpses had some rules.

   These scenes made Yarek more painful, he instinctively diverted his eyes, and did not intend to clarify the meaning.

   The surrounding facilities were destroyed long ago, and the iron gate was also destroyed, and heavy smoke came out of the gate, so Yarik took his men down the stairs.

   It was a long climb, but their speed was faster than expected.

   The stairs are spiral, five meters wide, going down from the inside of the outer wall.

   The inner wall on the right is a smooth rock building with some tapestries hanging from the past, and each floor has arched doorways. floor

  The bend of the ladder means that Arek can only see a short distance ahead. Driven by those songs, he gave up caution.

   The singing that could be heard at first came from the lowest stairs, but it was not heard soon.

   Singing retreats faster than he advances.

   However, there are some fallen ones here.

   The civilians and priests seeking refuge hid here. Although they did not show hostility at the beginning, in the eyes of Yarik, these people are now depraved.

   Their faith has been replaced by their fear, and they have become apostles to the source of fear.

   But when the soldiers started shooting at the crowd, the people started crying and screaming.

   A few people started to fight back.

   Most of these people’s weapons are self-made, and the number is not small, but they have no combat training.

   They rushed to Yarik and his troops, screaming, and shot in panic.

   It's easy to kill them, and it's a cruel satisfaction.

After Yarik's pistol fired, the stench of burnt meat was left behind. The soldiers built a wall on the stairs and fired with laser guns angrily.

   Although they were also panicked, their accuracy was much higher.

   Yaruiwa took the lead with righteous anger. He rushed up and down the stairs to annihilate the fallen ones.

   He kept firing, and pierced the howling face of the heretics with a sword. He was such a big killer that he cut through his throat with enough power to behead, and almost cut the enemy in half with a single knife.

   Soon, the political commissar’s coat was covered with blood, and the blood sticking to his skin made him feel good.

   This tastes good, warm, salty.

   If he can, he wants to use more violence to destroy these poor bugs.

   They deserve more cruel retribution, and their treachery must pay more.

   Every dismemberment here, every scorched face, is a proof of their sins.

  Arik doesn't think he is intoxicated in **** joy, he thinks this is the experience of justice being done.

  Before the queue of hundreds of people, he was the first to reach the lowest level.

At the end of the stairs is a hall. It seems that it used to be a place to receive guests. For visitors, this is a huge space with a large number of famous paintings and tapestries. They can gather together and pay homage to the emperor while waiting. The emperor's glory thus felt humble.

   There is a wall in the front separating the front hall from the back space, and the front hall is full of corpses of honor guards who were slaughtered.

  Arik glanced at the face of the and turned around.

   Their expressions were full of fear, and then he stared straight ahead, shot while running, and ran behind the door.

   But he was greeted by a crazy sight, and the political commissar couldn't help standing unsteady.

   Sixty-six girls, with their limbs cut off, surrounded by a metal pillar full of runes, stitched together, their ears and eyes were blocked, and the only free mouth was still singing.

   At the top of the metal pillar, a huge purple eye is staring in the direction of the cathedral.

  Arik immediately noticed from the huge pressure around him that these girls were probably all illegal psionicists.

   But why are there so many psionics in Valledo?

   This problem may only be known to the owner of this place, the former archbishop, but now they have become the source of demonic power.

   If it is an ordinary person, perhaps it has already fallen here.

   But Yarek's anger and faith enabled him to keep his sense. Although he didn't know where to attack first, he knew the source must be in the room.

   "The emperor bless..."

   Slowly, his hand touched the grenade on his waist——


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