The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 414: dialogue

When the door of the cell opened, the prisoner looked up.

An iron chain as thick as a wrist tied him tightly to the bare wall, surrounding him like a rusty snake.

They have removed his power armor-now he is almost naked.

The small cell resembled the lower deck of the echo of the curse, the walls were wet, and the torch in the distance gleamed with the steps of the people who came in.

The firelight caught the prisoner's eyes, and when he looked at the idol, he also saw sparks flickering in the distance.

The shadowy gray robe surrounded the body of the visitor, and the prisoner could see a smile at the corner of his mouth hidden under the cloak.

The iron gate closed and locked as the opponent entered.

Except for the hiss of the torch, everything fell silent again.

"Talos Varkoran."

The figure stopped ten meters in front of him, and then said in a calm tone:

"Since I came to you, you should know very well what it means."

"Then do what you have to do, I am not afraid of your methods."

"For now, I am here to find the answer, not to cut you into pieces."

As the figure paced forward, the prisoner saw the liquid black eyes gleaming behind the mask.

He is a head taller than an ordinary star warrior, and the opponent is not wearing armor.

The prisoner blinked. His eyesight was sharp, but here, he couldn't concentrate his thoughts, nor could he see through some of the man's things.

The interrogator looked at the corner of the prison, as if waiting for something.

Finally, Talos let out a low hum.

"Let's talk about it, what kind of simple question makes you have to tie me here?"

"On the question of loyalty."

The man in the robes took a lighting ball from the wall and brought the lighting ball closer to let the light spread all over the surface of the prisoner's pale skin.

"Have you ever thought that one day you will be judged by the Empire? In the worst case... Since the Great Rebellion, you have been responsible for hundreds of exterminations and massacres. You have killed many loyal fighters, including The noble holy blood angel company commander, the company commander of the ultimate fighter, the champion of the Empire Fist, the countless crimes of you and your comrades are simply untold, and have you ever thought that one day will be escorted to the emperor’s icon accept punishment?"

"Is this an interrogation or a sermon?"

Talos asked with a smile.

"Do you have to distinguish between the two? Interrogation means that we are enemies, which is self-evident, and a sermon means that I try to convince you that I must also do this."

"These chains don't tell me that."

"The end of any traitor being caught is death, thank me for letting you keep your life."

The person in the gown placed the lighting ball in the metal bracket, and the greasy light pushed away from the darkness at the edge of the cell.

"The chain is just a prevention. I have given you all the respect, but you have not improved your shameless behavior in return, and you have not even made a self-introduction in response."

The prisoner leaned his head back, feeling a coolness from the wall coming from his scalp.

"Ha, my name is Talos Varkolan, a non-commissioned officer of the 10th Company of the Eighth Army. I used to be a pharmacist, but not later."

"Ah, an ancient legend, just as you made the choice, I will temporarily respond to you with respect. My name is Soshyan Alexei, the commander of the Astral Knights."

Talos looked carefully at the person in front of him, just as he saw in his dream, the type he hated—hypocrisy, pretending, and disgusting.

"Speaking of the question of loyalty, the noble Commander Soshyan, I am curious, has Savita been pardoned by the imperial emperor?"

"Is this question important to you?"

"Yes, this question will determine how I should curse him."

"Do you care about him? Even though he has been'dead' for ten thousand years.

"If he really surrenders, then this incident will hit the Eighth Army more severely than the death of the original body, which means that we are almost useless, and it also confirms that the imprint engraved on us for ten thousand years is correct. ...We are just a bunch of capricious little people, even the best of them."

"He chose the right path."

Talos laughed, the cell trembling with the sound of laughter.

"What is correct?"

When his laughter stopped for a while, he also asked his own question.

"Savita is the son of the Eighth Legion, and your correctness will never apply to him."

"Then you say, what is correct?"

Soshyan's question silenced Talos.

After a long time, he replied faintly:

"Punishment, revenge, self-seeking."

Soshyang looked at him and suddenly smiled.

"Yes, but this is also ours right."


"We also recognize punishment, revenge, and self-seeking. Talos, you have served a lot longer than me. Can you tell me why you wanted to be Astarte in the first place?"

Talos looked at Soshyan without speaking.

"This is you and me, Savita and I have said a lot about you, but I still want to hear from you."

"Why didn't he come, why are you."

"This is his condition, he said, he will not participate in this matter anymore."


Talos sniffed, raised his head, and said with a mocking expression:

"What ambitious ideal do you think I have? No, all I want is food and clothing. I just don't want to die in the senseless street I just want to be strong. "

Soshyan nodded.

"I recognized."


"I agree with your reasons, and I deeply agree."

"Ha, put away that hypocritical face and leave your sympathy to those who need it more, kid."

"Do you think you are sympathetic?"

Soshyan tilted his head.

"No, I'm just confused. These reasons of yours have nothing to do with the path you will take in the future."

Talos frowned, but did not speak.

"You have no ideals and no ambitions. I can understand that you are drifting with the flow, so the rebellion set off by the original body is only a conditioned reflex of obedience to you? But I heard about it from another person, and you always say Full of hatred, always resentful, always eager for revenge, but where does your hatred come from? Do you really have that much affection for that lunatic? I'm afraid not."

"What nonsense are you talking about."

Soshyan took a step closer and stared at Talos' face.

"I know, what you hate is not the empire, what you hate is the Eighth Legion, what you hate is yourself, just like that crazy Primarch, but your hatred has nowhere to vent, you can only choose the empire that seems to be taken for granted. But no matter how many massacres you cause, no matter how many atrocities you commit, the hatred in your heart can never be filled, because the things of hatred are always by your side, but you must always call them brothers."

Talos gritted his teeth and put on a posture of resistance.

"Admit it, Talos, soul hunter, what you hate most is the Eighth Legion!"

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