The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 415: 4 questions

Talos remained silent in the face of Soshyan's pressing every step of the way.

He just wants to figure out the answer to a simple question: On which side Savita is on? The corpse king on the golden throne? Or something else?

And what is the position of this guy named Soshyang?

Although the question is simple, the answer is not simple.

Years of struggling in the eyes of fear gave Talos the instinct to distinguish the corrosive effects of subspace, but when facing Soshyan, he could not feel the change of subspace energy at all, even the smell of the soul. , This is another incredible thing.

He is not a psionicist, but at this time he felt that somehow he felt something beyond the senses of mortals.

But in any case, he hasn't had a headache since he was caught.

"Talos, I hope you can understand one thing, you are dead."

Soshyang's eyes were fixed on him tightly, without blinking.

Then Talos nodded and stared at the corner of the edge of the cell. He could feel that every word Soshyan said was full of secrets and long-standing choices in the shadows.

He could feel this fact in the dark cell.

"Can I ask a few questions."

Soshyang smiled as if facing an imperceptible joke.

He came closer and took off his hood.

In the shadows, his face was very determined, and without the dullness and dullness of most star warriors—at least in part.

Judging from his appearance, Talos probably speculated that this person has a straightforward character, an aura accompanied by wisdom and self-confidence, and he cares about brotherhood very much.

In other words, this is the face of a person who is willing to trust and follow to the last minute.

If you have to make a comparison, the temperament is very close to the black heart king Huron that Talos has seen, or the predator Abaddon.

Yes, although Soshyang hides well, or he hasn't noticed it himself, he actually already possesses a certain kind of heroic temperament.

Although this person is still an unknown person, only time permits, he is bound to become a force that shook the galaxy.

He is a fulcrum centered on conquest and loyalty. It is this power that allowed Abaddon to unite the many forces of the Eye of Fear and create the Black Legion, and the same power is now hovering over Soshyan's head.

Looking into the opponent's eyes, Talos found that the opponent turned out to have black eyes.

In the blink of an eye, he seemed to feel that he was staring at the former military commander-Horus in a noble time.

When Talos was in a daze, Soshyan turned around, walked to a chair in the corner, and sat down.

"Ask, if it can give you a little peace of mind, but I will only answer you four questions."

Talos stared at the imaginary distance, calculating these various strategies in his heart-about problems and possibilities.

"Who are you?"

"I said, I am the commander of the Astral Knights, Soshyan."

"A war commander under the golden throne will be mixed up with Saivita? Also, I am not blind. The one with the double swords earlier obviously made the way of the third legion. Don’t try to deny it. They have handed over many times."

Soshyang smiled slightly, which looked strangely mysterious in the shadows.

"Then I also warn you that once I answer your question, no matter what happens afterwards, you can't leave anymore."

"It's as if I don't ask, you will let me go."

Talos shrugged indifferently.

"Okay, then I will answer you, my second identity is the acting commander of the Eleventh Army."

For an instant, Talos' body froze.

Afterwards, he slowly vomited a cloud of white mist between his clenched teeth.


"You didn't doubt what I said?"

"In the subspace, I learned a truth, too ridiculous language is often true, I believe what you say."

Talos stared at Soshyan's face.

"I became interested in you. The two disappeared legions. I was curious and thought about it. However, the original body strictly forbids any discussion about the two legions. This is also a rare occurrence for him to obey his father's orders. When... can you tell me more?"

"Will have the opportunity next time."

Soshyang crossed his chest, tilted his head and looked at the Prophet.

"Okay, do you have any questions."

"How did you meet Saivita?"

"At first it was accidental, but now I don't think so."

Afterwards, Soshyan briefly talked about the series of encounters with Saivita.

After listening, Talos frowned and his expression was solemn.

"...It's really a coincidence, so you don't know what happened to him in the past?"

"Is this the third question?"

Talos shook his head.

"Forget it, put this aside in advance."

Then he started to ask the third question.

"Why are you looking for me?"

"Because the flagship of the legion is lost, we must find the weapon of the original body if we want to find it. According to speculation, it may be buried in Ulano, but now we don't know where Ulano is. It has disappeared."


Talos was chewing on the name of the place. Of course he was not unfamiliar with this place. Any soldier who had experienced a great expedition would not be unfamiliar with it.

"You don't have any clues about how it disappeared?"

"There is a part of, we speculate that it still existed during the Second Beast War, and then it disappeared from its original location, perhaps related to the mechanical teaching."

"I understand."

Talos nodded.

"You wish I could see its existence."


"Sevita's idea, right."


Talos snorted coldly, then closed his eyes and raised his head slightly.

And Soshyang was not in a hurry, just waiting for him.

Five minutes later, Talos opened his eyes.

"The last question, what exactly are you going to do."

Soshyang stood up and walked in front of him.

"Complete my mission."

The two looked at each other, both a contest and a temptation.

Finally, Talos retracted his gaze first.

"But why should I help you."

When Talos said this, there was actually a reason to ask, because the other party was holding his life, this was the biggest bargaining chip.

But he still wanted to ask, he wanted to see if this man would threaten him with death.

But Soshyan made a choice that Talos hadn't expected.

"Have you ever dreamed after being brought here? Talos."


"what is it about?"

"I dreamed of them... my brothers."

"Who are they? Your brother, who are they?"

Talos replied, gritting his teeth.

"The dead ones."

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