When Faith Freddy tried to break free of the chains that fastened to his neck, wrists, and ankles, Talos hit his temple with a heavy blow, causing him to hit the wall.

"Did I hit your sore spot?"

Talos continued to pace around the prisoner.

Faith Freddy vomited blood violently.

"I don't think you can hold it anymore."

Faith Freddy stared at Talos within the range allowed by the chains.

The son of the Eighth Legion also narrowed his eyes and met Faith Freddy's gaze.

"Huron's dog, do you want to hear what I think of you?"

"Whether you want to or not, you will say, the bereaved dog of the Eighth Army."

Talos smiled, with incomparable cruelty.

"I'm telling you, I have seen many things, including this one... Huron will die as lowly as a dog, I swear, but you don't have enough clear mind to witness."

As he said, an object with spikes and flashing electric arc flashed through Talos' hands.

"Of course, I will try to show you..."

After half an hour of torture, torture, electric shock and burning, Talos released the unconscious prisoner and went to the second cell.

"stand up."

He backhanded the face of Bonnie, who was hung on the wall, with the palm of his armoured hand, and the soldier of the red pirate suddenly opened his eyes in surprise.

"Where did we just talk about?"

Talos opened the pliers inserted in the wound on the opponent's shoulder and tore through the blood scab that had formed within a few hours after the last interrogation.

Bonnie replied with a scream, and just as he seemed to faint from pain again, Talos immediately plunged a syringe into the side of his neck and depressed the piston.

"What are you doing to me...what?"

Bonnie's eyes seemed to be staring at the top of the cell, as if there were other people in this room, all his fingernails had been pulled out, and his skin had been stripped by a third.

The face that was originally handsome, is now as hideous as an evil spirit.

"I'm making sure you stay awake during the next stage of interrogation. If you faint from the pain, I will be very troubled... and I assure you that it will hurt you enough next time."

Bonnie smiled, and the blood came to his lips again.

"Get me down here, bastard, I will tell you the true meaning of the pain."

He rattled the chains that tied him to the wall of the interrogation room, but even if he was not weakened by the torture of the past few days, he would still be firmly bound by these fine gold chains.

Talos smiled contemptuously, and continued to ask questions.

"Old question, what is Huron going to do next? Don't try to signal other people. All the communication devices implanted under the skin have been stripped from your body when you get down. The reason why I know about this, It’s because I removed them with my own hands."

Talos walked to the table at the back of the interrogation room and picked up a saw blade.

"Don't force me to use violence, I don't like violence."

Holding the knife, he slowly approached the captive.

But Bonnie said nothing, just stared at Talos.

"The last time, answer?"

Silence lasted for a few seconds, then Talos slid the saw blade sharply into the base of Bonnie's chest, and pulled it up, cutting to the lower end of the opponent's third lung.

Then he pierced a powerful electric shock device into the wound and released a strong electric current.

Bonnie made a sound that was half screaming and half gasping, because the internal organs were burned by the electric current, and blood poured out of his nostrils.

Just when Talos was about to increase the current intensity, he spoke.

"The tyrant, the tyrant intends to retake the vicious divine power and Goliath."

"Goliath? What is Goliath?"

Talos grabbed the knife harder. The meaning of this move was obvious. If the next answer was not what he wanted, then he would twist the knife.

"Enchanter, an enchanter!"

Bonnie said in a voice that was not his own, and then his body relaxed, as if saying it alleviated his pain.


Talos released the knife, clamped Bonnie's chin with his hand, and pulled his head up so that the opponent faced him.

Bonnie rolled his eyeballs in his eye sockets, revealing bloodshot whites.

"What's the use of this enchanter?"

"He is a monster created by the tyrant at a great price for wizards to accurately locate and search for targets in subspace."

Talos frowned. Saivita hadn't told him about this.

"The next question, who told you that the vicious divine power is here."

"I, I don't know."

The captive's eyes rolled up again, revealing his pupils and iris.

Talos grabbed the handle of the saw blade knife and turned it slowly.

Bonnie's eyes widened suddenly and he was about to open his mouth to yell, but before he could make any noise, Talos pushed the forearm between the opponent's palate and smashed a few teeth.

"When I move my arm, the only sound you can make is to tell me the answer, do you understand?"

Bonnie nodded frantically, blood and sweat dripping from his smooth head.

Talos then slowly moved his forearm out of the opponent's mouth, and then a few broken teeth fell to the ground.

"I only know.... I know it is a group of soul drinkers, I really don't know anything else."

At the end of the interrogation, Talos walked out of the cell and closed the door.

In this dim corridor at the deepest part of the battle group monastery fortress, a tall figure was waiting for him.

"Have you got anything of value?"

Soshyan asked in a low voice.

"Get it."

Talos made a lazy sound, then walked to the pool and washed the blood from his hands with clean water.

"In addition to the Voice of Canaan, Huron's other target is an enchanter named Goliath."

Soshyang thought for a moment, then asked:

"anything else?"

"The one who told them the Voice of Canaan was here was a group of soul drinkers."

"It turned out to be them!"

Soshyang suddenly made a voice mixed with anger and surprise.

Talos glanced at him.

"The enemy?"

"That's it."

Soshyang shook his head and talked to Talos about the events of the Soul Drinker.

"I can't tell, I'm quite honest, so courageous in private."

Talos looked at Soshyang from head to toe again in surprise, then Soshyang smiled and asked knowingly:

"are you talking about me?"

"Is there a third person here?"

Soshyan decided to discontinue this topic~www.wuxiaspot.com~Talos, thank you for your assistance, it is not easy to find a torture expert...Although I still cannot accept your position. "

Talos chuckled softly and wiped the water stains off his hands with a white towel.

"I'm not helping you, just for revenge."

"Vengeance? To Huron?"


"For whom?"

"Van Jode."

Soshyan had heard of the name Van Drode from Saivita.

"He was killed by the Red Pirate?"

"He and the Blood Alliance were destroyed in order to regain the Echo of the Curse, but in the end the Echo of the Curse was also destroyed. Maybe this is our sad fate..."

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