The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 433: The strength of the red pirates

After getting the information he wanted, Soshyan immediately convened a war meeting with core personnel.

In addition to him, Ustad, Luke, Sol, Savita, the old part of the Red Pirate, Valer, and Talos, who had old grudges with the Red Pirates, and of course, Saiwei tower.

Because Brother Said had just fallen asleep, Soshyan didn't intend to disturb him.

"Huron's goal is obvious. He wants to regain the Unbound Soul and the enchanter. If he does not reach this goal, he will never stop."

Soshyan spoke at the long table.

"And the one who leaked the news was the traitor Sarpedon, or someone else among the traitors!"

Hearing the name, Luke's expressionless eyelids lifted slightly, but they immediately drooped again.

"After a period of time, I cannot receive any news from these scouts. Even if Huron is too slow, he knows what will happen. He will definitely be dispatched himself. The war is inevitable."

As he spoke, Soshyan cast his gaze on Valer, who was sitting on the chair with his arms folded.

The former red pirate apothecary has not been fully trusted yet, so he can't wear power armor yet, he can only wear a robe.

There was also no expression on his face.

"Before this, Valer, tell us about Huron's current strength... after all, you are more familiar with them."

Valer stood up and responded in a flat voice:

"After the defeat of the Barbados War, Huron retreated to the demon world of New Badab with the remnants. Although there were only more than two hundred soldiers left after the war, with the huge fleet and solid material foundation, Huron Soon it absorbed a large number of Chaos War Gang, and its scale expanded to the point where it was before the war..."

According to Valler, there are currently more than 3,000 red pirates, and there are also a large number of cult servants. The two largest of them are called the Iron Blood Oath and the Nine Eyes, both of which are composed of apostasy army. Well-equipped and powerful.

In order to gather as many powerful fighters as possible, Huron did not hesitate to organize a competition called "Skull Harvest".

This competition is held on the surface of New Badab. Many alien mercenaries and chaotic war gangs have participated. The form is also very simple-the war gang leader or champion fights to death until the three strongest are left.

These fighters will fight in a free arena until one wins.

The skull of the defeated leader was presented to the Black Heart King and became the decoration on the pegs of his throne. The winner will become the leader of all participating gangs, and at the same time, he will be recognized by the Black Heart King and a temporary fleet.

Relying on this generous encouragement and outrageous reputation, Huron's men quickly gathered a large number of powerful chaos champions.

For example, Adnus, nicknamed "Blood Forest", is a former mantis warrior company commander.

There is also Kopras, nicknamed "Plague Sea Madness". He was originally a squad leader of the Devotee Corps and later became a member of the Nurgle rebels, and he made a lot of fame in the eyes of fear.

In addition, there are wizard lord Garon Sulet, war lord Oneeus Praid and so on.

But the most frightening thing about the Red Pirates is not the mighty fighters, but its fleet!

Before the outbreak of the Badab war, the Star Claws were known for their fleets. For hundreds of years, they were stationed in the Maelstrom area. In order to fight the ubiquitous pirate harassment, Huron resolutely implemented Strategy.

Any warship that can be seized, no matter where it belonged before, he will seize it as much as possible, even if the warship is not strong enough, or has been used by heretics.

After seizing the warships, Huron will make these warships large and small form training formations, constantly compressing the space for pirates in the star area.

The advantage of this is that he solved the pirate problem that has plagued the Maelstrom for thousands of years in a very short time, but the disadvantages are also obvious. The Star Claw broke the rules of the Astarte Scriptures, and its fleet Has expanded to the point of being out of control.

Until the rebellion, Star Claws conservatively estimated that they had more than a thousand warships of various types. Although the quality was not very high, many of them were armed transport ships and small warships, but the number alone was already very scary.

After the rebellion ended, although most of the warships were destroyed and seized, Huron still retained a considerable amount of power, especially the main battleship.

The current Red Pirates have more than 300 warships, including a battle barge of the Astarte regiment, a small number of battleships, a bunch of cruisers, various frigates, and a large number of interceptors and bombers.

The most famous of these is a Ramirez-class star fort called the "Hell Iris".

Ramirez-class star fortresses are movable cosmic fortresses capable of subspace navigation. These magnificent creations have served the human empire since the early days of the M30 expedition. Due to the empire’s provision of such giant space stations Insufficient, its role as the imperial navy fleet base and interstellar strategic point has become more and more important in the past ten millennia, and the deployment of one of them alone is enough to advance the end of the long battle for decades.

The designer of the Ramirez-class star castle is believed to be the inscrutable mechanical teaching sage Leon Ramirez, and its technology comes from the STC template recovered in the purification of "Rock Vision" Usanics. The Ramirez class is equipped with a variety of long guns and short cannons to complete its mission, and can single-handedly repel the invading fleet.

It's almost impossible to rely on battleships to jump to them, because most starships today simply cannot hold the huge number of soldiers who want to occupy the entire Star Fortress.

Sometimes these star castles will stop in the orbit of the fortress world as a permanent artillery array under order, or play an important role in guarding key galaxies-for example, Ellioc, one of the famous fortresses of the Alien Hunter Death Watch, located in The Jericho border of the limit star field.

The Astarte battle group was granted command of one of them for meritorious service, and it is not uncommon to use it as a mobile fortress monastery.

In the casting world, Chipra Monti, the main base of the Imperial Army and Navy in the hazy star field, there are always six to eight Ramirez-class star castles parked on orbit to form a defensive ring of copper walls and iron walls.

Some of these star castles are used as deep-space research facilities by the Mechanical Gods, which carry out projects that are not secret enough in any world, and an unknown number of Ramirez class flows to the court as a powerful secret organization. base.

The star fort in Huron's hands was one of the rewards he received during his service in the Maelstrom.

In addition to Starcastle, the Red Pirates also have a Hegemony-class battlecruiser named Eagle Hook, and a battle barge named Destruction Spectre. This battle barge is said to be taken from the Whisperer and is now the flagship of Huron.

The main force of the cruiser sequence is three large Enforcer-class Solitude, Hope Afterglow, Nightmare Dawn, and more than 20 Slaughter-class cruisers and Vanguard-class strike cruisers.

As for the various types of destroyers and frigates, the number can be described as overwhelming.

It is also because of the size of the fleet that the Red Pirates have developed the tactical characteristics of admiring and proficient in jumping and rebounding gangs, and their combat capabilities against ships are very strong. The chaos army formed into an organizational system, almost invincible.

Moreover, in addition to his own fleet and Astarte power, Huron can also mobilize huge mortal pirates and even alien pirate resources, which also allows his power to penetrate into any star area.

For example, this time the Red Pirates investigation team invaded, if it weren't discovered in advance by Talos's foresight, Soshyan might really not be able to catch them.

"...I personally recommend that you don't fight the Black Heart King in the void. The odds of winning like that are slim."

After saying this, Valle sat back in the chair again blankly.

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