The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 434: Countermeasure

There is no doubt that Valer's words made the atmosphere of the meeting heavy.

Under the current situation, whether it is personnel or ship power, the current star knights are more than ten times worse than the red pirates.

"Valle told the truth. Of course, we can't defeat the traitor Huron now. If we want to resist his fleet in the void, then the entire battle group will no longer exist."

When he said this, there was no frustrated or disappointed expression on Soshyang's face, only his usual calmness.

For the "traitor" Valle, his heart is still very complicated. From a standpoint, he despises such a person. Even though Valle has outstanding skills, the Star Knights now have more pharmacists.

However, Sol has been persuading him that this person is of great use, and this is also the fundamental reason why Soshyan has not punished or executed Valiel.

Obviously, Saul had foreseen that the astral knights would clash with the red pirates in the future, but he just didn't expect that Valle's role would manifest so quickly.

"But we must not sit still! They have discovered the Nathan 4, and they will definitely launch a raid here. Even if we leave this planet, they will completely destroy it, so Huron must die!"

Soshyan said the next few words decisively, then looked at Saivita and then at Sol.

"Both of them are veterans with long qualifications. They have fought more battles and encountered more difficulties than me, so I hope to consult them."

Savita tilted his head slightly, as if looking at the lamp on the ceiling, while Saul lowered his head, as if staring at his boots.

After about ten minutes, Saul spoke first.

"The contrast between the enemy and ourselves is too wide. It is definitely impossible to head-to-head, but as a warlord of Chaos, Huron has more enemies than us. He can't come out just for a ship and an enchanter, even if that thing is important to him."

Soshyan nodded, and Thor continued:

"I have learned some about Huron during this period. There is no doubt that this is a strong-willed, cunning and suspicious person. This kind of person is like a combination of a wolf and a fox. Stop the temptation and try again, until he is sure that he is foolproof, will he really show his fangs and claws... For a person like him, honor and dignity are secondary, and only the real benefits are obtained. It is important. If he can reach the goal without a single soldier, he will definitely not do it himself."

"what do you mean....."

"I guess his next step must be to put pressure on us and force us to give up what he wants."


Savita then retracted his gaze from the ceiling and joked:

"His old line, don't forget."

Soshyang suddenly realized.

"You mean, he will send pirates?"

Talos also spoke at this time.

"Huron is not only his fleet, but also countless mortal pirates attached to him."

Sol nodded.

"Yes, this is what I am worried about. The Nathan Galaxy is not an important node. The Imperial Navy does not have much power here. If Huron wants to personally lead the fleet to attack, it would be better to say that the Empire will quickly put in corresponding forces to fight. , But if he sends a large number of pirates to harass and attack trade routes, then the empire may not be able to go to war."

"But the people of Nathan 4 will suffer..."

Soshyang murmured to himself:

"...Once the trade routes are disrupted, the planetary economy will immediately collapse."

If this situation occurs, Soshyan will really be helpless, after all, it is not realistic for his fleet to patrol the entire galaxy.

"And you have to be careful all the time. Once you leave this world, Huron will immediately retaliate."

Saivita went on to say a more serious possibility.

He leaned back, folded his hands on the back of his head, and said leisurely:

"Talos, do you remember the old proverb?"

Talos smiled coldly and nodded.

"Of course, remember that it is easy to catch thieves in one day, but it is difficult to prevent thieves in a thousand days."


Saivita tilted her head and squinted at Soshyan.

"To deal with this One Piece, you can't grind with him, you must make a final decision and kill him completely, or beat him so hard that he never dares to face your banner anymore."

Soshyang sighed.

"It's not easy."

"Didn't you just form an alliance? Calling someone."

Soshyang froze for a moment, then frowned again.

"Even with the weepers and ascetics, it is difficult to fight against Huron's fleet."

Saiweta straightened her waist and slammed up from the back of the chair, then put her arms around her chest, and said in an angrily tone:

"Captain Soshyang, why do you always think about fighting with Huron's fleet? You don't know who you are after playing the green skin a few times? You think Huron, who has been in the Maelstrom for a hundred years, and the mentally retarded green skin It’s the same as a pirate."

The words of the crow prince were merciless, and Soshyang was a little blushing for a while.

"I, I didn't mean that..."

After a few mumbles, he recovered his previous calmness, and seeing Talos in the eyes of one scene gave him a true understanding of Soshyan.

Astarte, whether loyal or rebellious, has strong self-esteem and arrogance, which is why it is difficult for most Astarte to accept criticism.

A fighter who can overcome inner pride and self-esteem undoubtedly has the potential of being a good leader.

In this regard, Soshyan is better than Huron.

Since Huron's rebellion and receiving the power of the four gods, it is difficult to listen to the opposition of others. This is also the origin of his title of "tyrant".

Here, Soshyang asked with a humble tone of Savita, who had just mocked him.

"But Huron's fleet is a chasm that we can't cross. Any tactic is true, right?"

"Huron's fleet can't beat him, you can't beat him himself?"

Soshyang was stunned for two seconds.


"If Huron is standing in front of you now, just you and him, you two, do you have the confidence to unscrew his head?"

Soshyang nodded, but new doubts immediately came to his mind.

"But it's impossible, Huron is not so stupid."

Saivita nodded.

"Yes, smart people certainly don't do this kind of thing, but what if the smart person is facing a madman?"

"What do you mean..."

"If you sit and wait to die, you won't be able to defeat Huron even if you rack your brains. He will only crush you one by one like an ant. So my opinion is simple. Let's go find him before he comes!

Soshyang's eyes widened.

"Are you serious, Sai?"

Saivita turned to look at Talos.

"You know how to get to Huron's right?"

Talos nodded.

"Wait, match."

Soshyan waved his hand quickly.

"I'll confirm it again, you mean, let us take the initiative to attack Huron's nest?"

"This is the only way to break the game."

"But it sounds more like suicide..."


Saivita snapped his fingers.

"Dare you try?"

Soshyan was undoubtedly not too dare, but when he thought of Huron's overwhelming fleet and the burning scene of Nathan 4, he felt courage again.

"I need to hear your detailed plan."

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