"That stupid pig! We wasted our strength for nothing!"

On the central podium, Kerkus flew into a rage, and everyone who was present with the "stupid pig" he was referring to knew who it was.

Before the plague warrior set off, he vowed to take the invader's head and took away the precious shadow symbiote from the armory.

But before long, his remaining remnants brought back the news that he was eliminated by the opponent.

It was less than half an hour before he set off from here.

That ‘plagued sea maggot’ Kopras didn’t hold on for half an hour!

It would be fine if he could cause huge casualties to the opponent, but from the subsequent surveillance images, the number of opponents did not decrease significantly.

But the result is obvious.

"I...I...I'm sorry, my lord, the creators can't stand it anymore..."

Looking at the trembling cult leader in front of him, Kerkus's cheeks turned red.

The veins on his forehead violently violently, and his mouth twisted into a roar like a beast.

In the next second, with this roar, he grabbed the cult leader and twisted it hard.

When the shoulders were crushed in the face of tremendous pressure, the cult leader screamed.

Keeping one hand in a pinched posture, Kerkus grabbed the opponent’s hip with the other hand, then threw the unfortunate person in the air, and stretched out his leg to wear armor when the opponent fell. His knees pressed against his back, discounting the mortal like hitting a wooden stick.

After that, he left the dead man and looked around wildly, as if he could see the solution to his dilemma hidden in the corner, and the light of madness danced behind his eyes.

The hands of the red pirates on the scene held their guns involuntarily, and Kerkus's deputy took a few steps back carefully.

Everyone in front of the podium was dumbfounded, and they had forgotten their mission. Only the machine servant continued to work, mumbling brainlessly about status reports and movement inquiries.

The tension on the scene was almost unbearable, even better than the approaching storm, and everyone seemed to have fallen into a cage with angry beasts.

But thinking of the severe punishment that followed the tyrant, Kerkus's mind became sober.

For a moment, he really wanted to rush into the crowd and kill them all. The rational part he had spent so many years cultivating was on the verge of destruction.

But fortunately, it all resumed.

"Where is the enemy now?"

"The enemy has dispersed its forces, partly invading the void shield array, partly invading the armory, and the rest is still approaching the center."

"Where is the power compartment and engine room?"

"It's safe, Lord Adnus temporarily withstood the attack of the Ranger Warrior."

Kerkus nodded, this was the only good news.

The enemy's sudden attack really caught him by surprise, and what he didn't expect was that it was his own warship that launched the attack.

Although I don't know what happened on the Tyrant's Claw, from the perspective of subsequent development, Nasir Waterk has a high probability of being killed by the empire, or at least he was killed.

He was fine when he died, but the mess was thrown on him!

The enemy attacked swiftly and fiercely, and soon disrupted the orbital fleet, and the Hell’s Eye Fortress was also affected, so it was easily invaded.

Originally speaking, with the original defenders in the fortress, it shouldn't be a problem to defend the Star Fort. After all, the number of the opponents who jumped into the gang was only three or four hundred.

But the ghost knew what was going on with Nasir Waterk, and he said he was going to make a big deal, so he took a company and left!

So, the root of everything lies in those idiots!

Thinking of this, Kerkus couldn't control his anger.

However, the sirens on the tactical display screen was like a basin of cold water, which made him wake up immediately. The mark on it showed that the enemy's vanguard troops had approached the outer area of ​​the center.

Now there are only two hundred defenders in the center, although the number is still more than that of the opponent, but Kerkus does not think this is safe.

At this time, he can only use the last card in his hand, which is also the most uncontrollable card.

"Release that stuff from the prison."


The passage of the center is composed of a series of gates and compartments. These compartments were originally provided for Star Whisperers and technicians, but now due to the power outage, it is shrouded in darkness.

Soshyang and his group opened the way with a hot melt bomb and went all the way to the outer area of ​​the center.

But after passing the second gate, Soshyan found that the communicator began to crackle.

He stopped and let others learn the same.

"It smells of blood."

Then they encountered the first corpse.

This was a member of the Mechanical Cult, lying outside a compartment, the neck of the body was torn apart.

Talos knelt beside the corpse, trying to find some key traces.

Two minutes later, he looked at Soshyan.

"The stench of claws and psychic energy above may be an enchanted soldier."

Soshyang did not speak, but his gaze became more solemn, opening the force field of the Holy Flame Sword.

The next second, the blade hummed.

"Is it a devil?"

Adriana Willets has never encountered an enchanter, she just thinks it is a kind of demon.

Talos shook his head slightly.

"That is the body of Astarte occupied by the devil. In the process, their souls no longer belong to them, but in exchange for powerful power."

"There are more corpses."

Armin suddenly said, he was in front of a compartment at this time, inspecting the situation in it.

"At this."

In the compartment lay another mortal, who was also dead, but like the last deceased, this person's method of death was also terrible-blood and internal organs covered the walls.

Seeing the corpse ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Soshyan's complexion became heavier, he walked to the front of the team and led everyone to move forward.

"Follow up!"

In the meantime, they passed many compartments, and the mortals in them had been slaughtered.

Some were torn into two pieces, like wheat stalks cut by a sickle in a **** harvest, some were hanged by their intestines, and some even left only a pool of blood.

The death of these people made this Shura field more **** and terrifying, and also indirectly explained one thing.

This massacre happened very quickly.

After advancing fifty meters, Soshyan stopped.

In front of the third gate, a giant wearing a scarlet battle armor stood with his head down. His figure was blurred by the shadow, but from the outline, his height was more than three meters, and he was an out-and-out behemoth.

Hearing the sound of someone coming, the giant raised his head, and the whispers that floated under his helmet stopped, as if a conversation had just ended-but there was no one else except himself.

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