The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 461: Advanced Enchanted Warrior

"This is an enchanted warrior, or a high-level one. Be careful."

Talos walked to Soshyan's voice and whispered the origin of the other party.

For some Chaos Interstellar warriors, it is not enough to give one's soul to serve the gods. Those who thirst for power and are willing to pay any price for this will give themselves completely to Chaos and become the voluntary host of subspace intangible creatures.

This enchanting process is a long and painful experience, because the demons in their bodies will erode their physical form to shape them and make them more suitable for their weird needs.

Those who devote themselves to enchantment will spend months in the rituals of fall and sacrifice, and they prepare their bodies to contain the demon entities. Although the personality of these semi-crazy supplicants will be included forever, the large-scale enchanting ceremony is still a great celebration of the alliance between mortals and demons. For mortal hosts, they have a shortcut to gaining powerful power; for demons, the flesh and bones of the host also provide a stable anchor that allows them to escape from the subspace-soaked environment and exist in the physical universe; their power will not It weakens over time, on the contrary, the demon and the host will remain as a whole almost permanently.

On the battlefield, everyone can easily distinguish the enchanted warriors through their weird characteristics and mutated bodies.

They may have vicious claws, weird twisted limbs, tentacles, wings, extra mouths and eyes, or sharp claws that can go through ceramic steel and steel.

In battle, they sometimes seem to appear and disappear in and out of reality, and even their body changes from one moment to the next.

These violent assassins jumped and acted in the manner of predating wild beasts. During their actions, they would burst out like a tornado of fangs and claws. They looked more like an extraordinary storm than human beings.

They are excellent trackers, able to perceive the physical realm and the supreme realm at the same time-they can see fear, taste doubts and feel the greasy psychic stains of despair.

If they are willing to condescend to help their allies, they can even use this incredible sense to guide the chaotic star warrior fleet through the ever-moving waves of subspace.

However, their main task-and the thing they enjoy most, is to be violent and creative to show violence and tear up their prey.

The high-level enchanted warrior is one of the best.

Only those warriors who have committed the most conspicuous evil deeds will attract the attention of the most vicious subspace existences called messengers by the dark gods.

Afterwards, these existences will enter the bodies of those fighters. This process is very dangerous. It can be said that there is no one, and if it fails, the soul of the possessed will be swallowed up.

Even so, some people dare to try, because once successful, the benefits will be extremely rich.

The high-level enchanted warriors are far better than their terrifying relatives. Not only are they stronger and more brutal, but they can show the evil charm that even pure subspace creatures can recognize.

A large number of chaotic creations will gather around them, and these low-level demons will look up to these deformed champions with strong reverence, because these high-level enchanted warriors are living evidence waiting for the final upgrade of all of them.

In the field of subspace, such power often means the status of one party's hegemony.

"There may be more than one enchanted warrior here."

"I know."

Soshyang stepped forward slowly, looking around his side, checking for signs of ambush.

"All are on alert."

Under Soshyan's order, Almin stepped forward and walked to the left, while Mark took it to fill the vacancy on the right wing, and the nuns retreated to the back to prevent a sneak attack from behind.

When the figure raised his head, Soshyang squeezed the sword in his hand.

It was a pale face, basically without facial features, only a mouthpart full of small sharp teeth like a snake and eel, which looked very strange.

"Traitor, call out your lackeys and comrades!"

Hearing Soshyang's words, the strange white face immediately laughed sarcastically.

"Aren't they always there?"

As soon as the voice fell, a dozen figures suddenly rushed out in the darkness.

Their swiftness of action is unmatched by any astral knight.

Mark immediately jumped to the side, avoiding the enchanted warrior who rushed forward.

The original color of the power armor on these fighters is already difficult to identify. Now they are surrounded by a layer of darkness, which ripples in the air like a ball of oil slick.

And in the depths of the darkness, only the shadows rise and fall, squeezing the bone plates that separate the reality on both sides.

Strictly speaking, they have no body: only many eyes, a plurality of mouths with long teeth, and curved horns.

Although Mark avoided the blow, the enchanted warrior also broke through the original formation, knocked an astral knight to the ground, and rushed back into the dark corridor like lightning.

Afterwards, another enchanted warrior came over again, skipping the man who fell to the ground, and pointed directly at the other warriors.

The blasting gun immediately began to roar, and the soldiers who were too late to fire also drew out their swords to fight with them.

The high-level enchanted warrior that Soshyang faced began to deform.

Its figure became bigger and stronger, so that the armor could barely cover his body.

First, the nail pierced the fingertips of the hand armor and turned into sharp claws with the length of a dagger, and then the eyes that once shining light were as deep as a cave, glowing with a dark luster, like crude oil gushing at midnight.

For a moment, the courage of all the soldiers present was captured by it.

Until Talos roared.

"Kill this beast!"

He rushed forward with a lightning-like gesture, and cut off one of the opponent's hands from his wrist with a sword, causing the high-level enchanted warrior to let out a painful gasp.

In the next second, blood-like tentacles gush out from the fracture, twitching with an unnatural energy.

Suddenly, a tentacled entangled Talos's outstretched leg and threw him out.

The Prophet slammed into the wall, and the ceramic armor shattered.

"For the emperor!"

The other warrior also rushed up with his chain saw sword high, and the opponent immediately hit his chest with two other tentacles like heavy fists, knocking it to the ground.

Soshyang held the Sacred Yan sword tightly and stepped forward to challenge, his roar echoed in the small prison:

"For the emperor!"

The high-level enchanted warrior laughed wildly, the harsh and ugly sound biting everyone's nerves.

"The pseudo-emperor is dead!!"

The tentacles twisted quickly, and in a blink of an eye they transformed into a heavy hammer made of flesh and blood.

The high-level enchanted warrior waved it like a breaking hammer, smashing the surrounding walls to smash, splashing metal shavings, and whizzing through the smoke.

The opponent's speed was incredible, and Soshyan barely dodged-his head almost passed the hammer.

Then he stabbed out with a sword, and the tip of the sword hit the tough ceramic armor piece, but it was immediately caught by the opponent's claws.

Then the enchanted warrior turned his hammer into claws, and only flew at Soshyang's face.

He stepped back two steps to avoid the sharp claws, stabilized his figure, and stabbed another sword.

During the fierce battle, Soshyang found a gap where the armor piece was overwhelmed by the swelling figure of the high-level enchanted warrior and shifted. He struggled to stand up and pierced the Sacred Yan sword.

When the blade passes, the flesh is divided into two parts, and the blood is like a spring.

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