"You know very well in your heart that it is not fanaticism, nor loyalty, nor power, but fear that is forcing you to attack! You are afraid of us and cannot face us face-to-face. I guess until now you don’t know what kind of explanation you should give your subordinates. , You can only force us to come to negotiate, pray for a glimpse of our plan, and then use threats and blackmail to win the victory...but you will lose this war, Soshyang, Just because you are eager to steal the petty profits."

Soshyang grinned, as if he had heard a joke.

"Steal? From the moment you betrayed the empire, everything you possessed, including your life, was stolen from the emperor. What qualifications do you have to accuse us? What qualifications do you have to accuse us Coward? In the Maelstrom conflict, who first pushed allies out to face the empire’s anger? Who shrank like a coward in his palace, and was beaten to death, ghosts or ghosts? I? At least dare to stand, you? You didn't even dare to stand before."

"If you are so confident in your own strength, Soshyan Alexei, why not come and try it with me. My battle axe is already hungry and thirsty."

Hearing Huron challenged Soshyang, Vilec's breathing immediately rose.

Originally, she thought that there should be more confrontations, and felt that the next **** duel would follow one after another.

But she guessed wrong.

The soldier behind Huron put his finger on the call button, and Soshyang's voice sounded in her communication headset.

"Sister Anna, leave there now."

At the same time, Soshyang raised the Sacred Yan sword and pointed at Huron:

"What's the trick? You tore up the agreement, traitor!"

Huron held his battle axe tightly to face his opponent, squinting eyes radiating cold.

"What about you, Commander Soshyang!"

Before the words fell silent, neat and heavy footsteps came from the darkness, as if a grand military parade was being held.

Viletz looked back, and saw a turbulent steel jungle emerging from the shadows. They had a sturdy torso, a semi-elliptical head, flexible limbs, and the whole body was painted silver-gray.

On the shoulders of the first row, the helmets of the slaughtered red pirate fighters can be seen pierced by metal spikes, shaking slightly with their steps.

This is the reason for Soshyang's delay. After waiting for Malakin to be fruitless, he summoned the Unbound Soul and the combat robots on the Starfire that had just wiped out the Red Pirate Jumping gang, and transported them in batches. To the inside of Starcastle-Although more than a dozen combat robots were damaged on the Spark, the entire battle group is still intact.

Because of the interference of screaming, he believes that the Red Pirates are currently unable to carry out gang jump operations.

Soshyang believes even more that three hundred combat robots can completely crush frontal enemies!

"Team commander, as you might expect, the Red Pirate launched a sneak attack from the other two entrances."

In the communication channel, Ustad's voice also confirmed Soshyang's guess.

Huron's reason for delaying time should be that he intended to attract Soshyang's attention and the main force of the astral knights to the front, and then launched a surprise attack from the entrances on both sides to seize the opportunity to attack the central hall.

Therefore, before the negotiation, he distributed most of the main force to the entrances on both sides, so he did not let Huron succeed.

Huron, who was opposite him, also received news that the surprise attack troops were frustrated.

He glanced at Soshyang and showed admiration, but he was not surprised.

"You always surprise me, Commander Soshyang."

"To each other."

Soshyang's sword flicked and pointed at Huron.

"My conditions have changed this time, and I don't want anything."


Huron gave a playful smile.

"So generous?"

"Yes, now, I only need one thing—"

As he said, he suddenly launched a charge, and Huron, who was less than twenty meters away from him, immediately swung his battle axe.


In the next second, the two weapons bite each other tightly in the burst of sparks.

Soshyang stared at Huron's face. From this distance, he could clearly see Huron's witchcraft distorted face, as well as a large number of mechanical structures entangled below his neck. The power of darkness was almost a real thing in him. reflect.

"—Your dirty head!"

Huron grinned and exhaled a murky breath.

"Really, countless people have made such a request, but it's a pity--"

With a sudden force, Huron pushed Soshyang away.

"They are all dead."

The moment Soshyang started, the teams on both sides immediately raised their guns and started shooting.

At the same time, not only the combat robots came out of the darkness, but also the Astral Knights guarding the front entrance and Soshyang's Honor Guard.

And a large number of red pirates also appeared one after another.

Entering the shootout, Huron did not pursue, but began to retreat and handed over the battlefield to his subordinates. Since he was severely injured in the face of Thorns Palace, Huron has become very cautious. He is not absolutely sure that he rarely personally personally. Hands on.

Soshyang tried to pursue, but the intensive bullet rain forced him to retreat to the cover of his own fire.

However, there is a combat robot, he is not worried about any problems on his side.

"Notify the center, activate the Void Shield, turn on the defensive firepower, and don't let Huron run away!"

Just as Soshyang was arranging follow-up plans, the upper part of the space they were in suddenly exploded.


The unstoppable shock wave shattered all the structure of the dome, and metal fragments showered on Astarte in the crossfire like a heavy rain. The dazzling and unidentified red light looked strange under the refraction of the metal fragments.

An ominous heart palpitations immediately hit Soshyang's heart, and he immediately put on his helmet.

The Astartes who were fighting did not seem to be aware of the changes in their surroundings, but Soshyang could feel that something was being built, and he could feel its expansion, stretching, expansion, and desire to invade reality.

And Talos beside him also whispered in a slightly trembling voice at this moment:

"Huron...really crazy! Don't you plan to want this Starcastle? He actually—"

Looking out from the broken dome ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Soshyang saw that the fire of **** was burning, red light began to gather, and the red color became thicker and thicker, like a blood mirror.

An already formed subspace channel——

At this time, Soshyang realized what Huron's real purpose was for delaying time.

"——Summoned a Horror Demon Army!"

In the low roar of Talos, they were born.

Soshyang could only watch their acquired entities gushing out of the void, at first there were dozens of them, then hundreds of them, until the entire passage mirror was covered with devil-shaped eggs.

The nightmare that mankind most feared stepped into reality, bathed in the flames of birth, and then the demons broke out of their cocoons, stretching their disgusting bodies.

Their jaws swelled, their backs grew daunting spikes, their dark eyes opened, and their long tongues violently twisted.

The crimson subspace creation staggered out of the flames, the originally slippery skin became extremely hard, and the long sword that was hardened and peeled off from the flesh was waving in his hand, howling with the desire for blood.

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