The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 487: Destroy the army

They are a heavily hierarchical army from hell, and their master has only one——

It is known as the **** of war, the **** of slaughter, and the **** of blood by believers.

In the galaxy, countless believers will howl its name when they kill.

Fear of abuse!

It is the most brutal and destruction-loving of the four chaotic evil gods.

What it represents is the unstoppable combat, the madness of losing the mind, and the sea of ​​blood that drowns the battlefield.

It has an unstoppable thirst for blood, and those who kill in its name will surely be favored by it, and its cruelty and anger will not change due to the differences between friends and enemies.

It always gazed at every scene of massacre and atrocities with joy. It is said that when the horn of war is sounded on the chaotic wasteland, its heart will burst with crazier anger.

At the height of destruction and killing, the roar of terrorism would even reverberate throughout the wasteland. Any creation that heard these roars would fall into eternal madness.

It is the Cthulhu who is the most enthusiastic and inciting war among all the Chaos Gods, constantly urging his followers and instigating them to launch a siege again and again against every planet, city, town, and village in the galaxy.

All races that worship terrorism have traditionally portrayed him as a huge human **** with blood-red skin, standing high on a huge brass throne, underneath the throne is a blood-stained corpse and piles. A pedestal on which the skulls are piled up. These bones are either its trophies or come from the killings performed by believers in its name.

According to legend, the horror is wearing a brass armor, on which tumbling runes and various screaming faces deformed by pain and suffering are carved and painted on this armor. A huge winged brass helmet is worn on the armor. The head is used to cover the non-human, roaring and twisted face.

For this reason, Horror is also called the Lord of Brass.

Regardless of the epee, battle axe, or other weapons with huge blades, all weapons that can cause a surge of blood are its favorites.

This evil **** believes in activism, and its followers also firmly believe that even if a soldier has not devoted himself to a war, he should always be prepared for another war.

Although Fear of Abuse itself despises witchcraft, it often shows miracles to believers to teach them how to build powerful weapons of war. Among them, the Lord of the Demon Engine Skull is the most famous in the world. (Kalgar, don't come here ah ah ah ah -)

The devastating believers include pirates, raiders, madmen, and chaotic interstellar warriors. Some of them just follow them because of the promise of letting the world flow into a river, looting and slaughtering in the galaxy day and night.

Sometimes, when a warrior falls into madness due to fierce warfare, a low voice of fear and abuse will sound in his ears. In the end, he will fall into complete madness, covering his whole body with the blood of the ghost under the knife. A vow of eternal loyalty to the blood god.

But the real power of fear of abuse does not lie in these ordinary people, nor even the apostate interstellar warriors.

Just like the power that every evil **** possesses, horror has its own realm, in which the most bloodthirsty and most combative creatures inhabit the subspace.

The power of chaos has always been known for disorder and chaos, but once the horn of war blows, those disorderly and bloodthirsty creatures will quickly become an orderly army under the strong and powerful iron fist of fear and abuse.

This also confirms the authority of fear and abuse-the **** of war.

Those subspace creations that have been summoned are also called the Horror Demon Army.

What appeared in front of Soshyan and others was such a terrorist army that shouldn't appear in the physical universe.

Under his astonished gaze, the Terrorist Demon Army stepped into reality from the kingdom behind the mirror, one army after another, and the soldiers of the Blood God kept appearing, growing, and becoming a complete army. Most of them are demons such as bloodletters and terrifying hounds, steel bulls, and blood millers.

Soon, Soshyang couldn't measure their number. This was an army of inanimate people, transcending the barriers of space and invading reality, clamoring for the desecration of the light of the star torch.

Following the army of low-level demons, those demonic engines, monsters that are unimaginable for mortals, appeared.

They are the manifestation of the oldest fear of mankind, the embodiment of the fury of war and **** desire, and the monsters representing destruction in mythology.

When the giant feet of their tracks ran over, the entire Star Castle was trembling.

The fire of **** wraps around their bodies and is enveloped by thunder and black fire. These mechanical and demonic creations can even utter an earth-shaking roar, just like an ancient war horn.

The only good news is that the demon engines that appear here are all relatively low-level Defilers and Bloodslayers, and there are no high-level war machines such as Skull Masters or Soul Grinders.

With their roar, the demons swarmed up like a scarlet red tide.

The inanimate army screamed and waved the long sword in its hand, like a group of wild beasts being freed from the shackles for a long time, rushing to the blood and death that they have always longed for.

Blood donation blood god, skull donation skull seat, by no means empty slogans.

Soshyan's body has already taken steps before the brain is aware of it.

He ran along the steps, driving his body to its limit, holding the long sword tightly in his hand, turning into a ball of silver and red flames dancing together, rushing to his battlefield.

The enemy is a widow, but he has no retreat, only fighting to the end.

All the defensive astral knights followed him closely, like silver cavalry, the weapons in their hands spit out divine tongues of fire, the swords in their hands were raised high, and they were about to slash the flesh and blood of these subspace creations.

But while Soshyan was running, an idea kept echoing in his mind, spurring him, and driving him to hell.

Soul, destroy these dirty souls.

He didn't realize it himself, he had never moved so quickly, and his faith had never been so firm.

His muscles seem to have been strengthened at the genetic level. This sacred body has never been so perfect in responding to the commands of his He wants to growl, but his face has solidified into cold metal, hair Without a sound, he could only freeze his expression at the moment he roared.

The demons also snarled frantically at Soshyan. Many of them were taller than this Astarte wearing a terminator. These individuals were better developed than ordinary demons. They stretched disgustingly longer, their claws and limbs were longer, and the infighting and victories within the clan made them stronger.

The small demons surrounded these big men to form small gangs, and the air was filled with an overwhelming smell of blood, which made Soshyang feel a little excited in the cold.

He was the first person to collide with the demon army.

The moment he met the first bloodletter, he pierced the tip of the sword into the opponent's mouth, then quickly pulled out and turned the tip of the sword to cut the other demon's throat.

They haven't left even a trace of scars on Soshyang's body, but their numbers are increasing, and demons are constantly born from the flames, from the void to reality.

"Although it is only a small army of demons, there are still too many! We must retreat!"

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