The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 525: Feast invitation

"Yes, our strength and Huron are too far apart. If there is a head-on conflict, we will undoubtedly lose. But Huron also has his weaknesses. His groups are united because of their interests. Once they are threatened beyond their limits, this The group is easy to fall into chaos and fall apart, so we decided to bet that the red pirates who stay behind will be in disorder under surprise attacks, and that they will break out of civil unrest. This is also true. During the offensive, the red pirates A rebellion broke out in the Star Castle, which is also the key to our ability to easily take the Star Castle."


   Lysander stroked the beard of his chin, as if thinking about Soshyan's words.

   Suddenly, he showed a smile.

   "I'm afraid it's more than that. I heard that you have a large army of combat robots here?"

   Soshyang's face stiffened, and then he picked up the wine glass and tried to cover it up.


   In the end, he still admitted.

   Lysander couldn't help laughing.

"It's a seedling I think! It's not bad. It was so difficult when I left the home planet fortress, but I still broke into a world. Good! Good! The empire needs you, a young hero who can rise up even in desperate situations. !"

   Speaking of excitement, Lysander took a long sip of wine.

   "This time, it's mainly Vladimir Pew, the commander of our battle group, who asked me to bring you a few words."

   "What is it?"

"Tara's discussion about you should have come to fruition. The high lords will no longer pursue your private formation of alliances, but they will definitely send monitors. You must be psychologically prepared, not to be too angry, and not to be too angry. Too much suspicion, just need to find a few experienced bureaucrats to deal with this matter, it will not cause too much hindrance to your career."

   Hearing this, a hanging boulder in Soshyang's heart finally fell.

   What he is most afraid of now is that the Tyra Council sanctions him with the reasons for sanctioning Huron. Then something really happened.

   Seeing a relaxed look on Soshyang’s face, Lysander immediately guessed what he was thinking, so he smiled:

   "Don't worry, Captain Vladimir also values ​​you very much. With him, Tyra's bureaucrats will not do anything excessive to you."

   When Soshyang heard it, he immediately put down his cup, stood up and bowed deeply to Lysander.

   "Thank you two seniors."

   "Hey, don't do this, it's just a small matter."

   Lysander waved his hand.

   "Also, Vladimir personally invited the Astral Knights to participate in the blade feast five years later."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Blade Feast——"

   Soshyang is no stranger to this word, and no sub-group of the Fist of the Empire would be strange to this word.

This is an ancient tradition. Since the second army was founded, every century, the descendants of the Fist of the Empire will gather together to carry out a ceremonial duel called "Blade Feast" to select a champion and accept everyone. Blessings and an ancient medal.

   Although this ceremony has been interrupted occasionally due to war or other factors for a long time, it will not be long before the sons of Donne will pick up this tradition again, which has lasted for tens of thousands of years.

   Astral Knights have also sent people to the Blade Feast on many occasions. According to practice, the representatives are usually the champions in the team.

   But the problem now is that the Astral Knights don’t have a fighter worthy of the title of champion-at least not on the surface. Can't you let Sol go?

   So Soshyang sighed.

   "Commander Lysander, we have no suitable candidates."

  The commander of the Imperial Fist was silent for a moment, and then spoke in a slow tone.

   "Soshyan, I have no intention to ask you what happened in the past 15 years...According to the battle report, the strength of the Astral Knights in the Battle of New Badab is not weak."

   Soshyang nodded.

   "Everyone has made a lot of progress compared to the past, but I think it's still far from the championship standard."

   "Well, let's talk about this later."

   Lysander chose to expose the matter temporarily.

   "Before we set off, Captain Vladimir asked me to ask you whether there were any difficulties in the reconstruction of the clan in terms of surgery and genetic seeds?"

   If it were fifteen years ago, Soshyan would definitely say yes.

   But since knowing that they are the blood of the Eleventh Legion, he has no idea what kind of assistance he can get from the Fist of the Empire, so he shook his head.

   Follow the official account to read books every day and get cash/points!

   "Thank you for the kindness of Captain Vladimir. At present, there is not much difficulty in this aspect of the team, not to mention that we have just seized a batch of genetic seeds from Huron."

"That's good."

   Lysander sighed.

   "The last thing, I should have notified you in advance, but the time is too late, and we can only make our own decisions."

"what's up?"

   "This time the representative of Mars also came with me."

   As soon as he heard Mars, Soshyang's heart jumped, but there was nothing strange on his face.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "What is the purpose of their trip?"

   "I heard that during your attack on Huron, a large number of advanced combat robots appeared. Mars is very interested in this batch of combat robots and wants to know how they came from."

   Hearing that the opponent was running towards the combat robot, Soshyang breathed a sigh of relief, but his brows squeezed together again.

   Even if it is a combat robot, he is not easy to explain.

   Perhaps seeing his embarrassed expression, Lysander smiled.

   "Don't worry too much. The Astarte Order is not obliged to explain everything clearly to the Mechanical Teaching. We have the right to keep our secrets."

   Lysander’s words made Soshyang suddenly clear.

Yes, the Astarte Order is an organization independent of the empire's bureaucracy. In principle, it is not subject to any organization's control. As long as the other party has no evidence to prove that they have betrayed the then they can ignore it completely. Any organization or individual.

   "Of course, getting a good relationship with Mars is also helpful to your future. It all depends on how you choose. Don's heirs will always stand together."

   "Yes, Soshyang understands."

   After the conversation, Soshyan invited Lysander and the accompanying Imperial Fists to station in the Warband Monastery, where they will stay here until the end of the talks between the Astral Knights and the representatives of Mars.

Just when Soshjan and Lysander left the meeting room, Soshjan saw Ustad also coming from one end of the corridor. There was a cross of bruises and wounds on his face, and one eye was swollen. Closed, cracked lips.

   Soshyang was stunned for a moment, and then found that Lysander’s team leader, Klief Kurz, was following Ustad and was still lame, he immediately realized what had happened.

   Lysander beside him grinned.

   "Clif Kurz, how about this young man."

  Clif Kurz responded with a big laugh.

   "He is great, he is fully qualified to participate in the Blade Feast."

   Ustad came to Soshyan and showed an awkward smile.

   "This...invite me."

"I know."

   Soshyang smiled bitterly and shook his head.

   "Ustad, you will represent the team in the Blade Feast in five years."

   The second company commander of the astral knight was immediately stunned, completely unaware of what was going on——

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