The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 526: Martian guest

"The Emperor's Angel of Death (!

As the polarizer on the screen turned green, the adjudicator made a shrill horn.


Loken said briskly.

"May the God of Almighty protect the sacred body of steel."

This castle-class combat robot stepped on its mechanical legs and strode out of the sheltered area.

Loken keeps it in a dreamlike state, and its advanced functions have been disabled to avoid damage to the logic circuit during maintenance.

After leaving the sheltered area, the sub-technicians quickly wiped the holy oil from the whisk on the fighter machine, and then transported it away to join the silent queue of its companions.

The mechanic believers believe that the machine soul floats in the metal shell, but cannot control its actions.

When applying the holy oil, they regarded it as an opportunity to communicate directly with the God of Myriad Machines, and were full of expectations for this, and even welcomed them happily.

Loken had already called the next robot forward and entered the status area.

There are fifty-eight robots here waiting to be inspected, and an inspection takes an average of ten minutes, and he will stay in this long line for at least many more hours.

The work is too boring, and this is precisely the reason why he has never maintained the same role for a long time before.

In the previous battle, 92 combat robots were permanently damaged, which made Loken almost heartbroken, but he could only remove the parts of the 92 robots to repair the remaining 70 severely damaged ones. Robot.

In fact, there are many scrapped combat robots that are not completely unsalvable, but they lack technology and materials.


After completing most of the inspections, he waved his hand to let the next machine pass.

Suddenly, the door of the workshop was opened, and the towering ceramic steel frame of YT-001 stepped forward.

Although it cannot be distinguished from the outside, Loken knew that the things in front of him were not purely mechanical, but were actually transforming people.

The original human being only left the brain and spine, which were kept in an armored amniotic membrane box, and the rest were turned into machines.

He often calls her "she", although one of them may have been a male.

But once someone’s brain is really scooped out and the rest is thrown away, it doesn’t matter what pronouns are used.

YT-001 brought a message. The icon of the digital letter flashed on the artificial display, and Loken opened it immediately.

"Priest Loken, come see me right away."

There is no sound or picture, only Soshyan's signature.

Another technician has come over and started to take over Loken's work. The lower half of this guy's face and limbs have been replaced together-the flesh and blood on his body is not much more than that of the servant.

"Let's go."

Loken handed over the medical polarizer and alcohol shaker, and left to find Soshyang.

Soshyang was at the central data transfer link of the orbital station at this time, and Loken thought that he would need to take two low-pressure high-speed transport cabins there.

This journey took him about twenty minutes.

When he entered that cabin, the room was dark, and several combat robots were standing in the room with their faces facing the center.

Standing in the middle of the room was Soshyan wearing a ceremonial armor, and there was another thing standing beside him.

It was a mechanical priest in a red robe. His gender was undetermined, and his stature had changed drastically to be far from human standards.

The weird angle under the robe shows that the original body is rarely left, and its face is difficult to recognize. The reflection on the lens suggests that there are many heavy bionic fake eyes under the hood.

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing unusual, because there are far more extreme biochemical deformations in mechanical teaching.

But a closer look reveals that the appearance of this priest is more like the arachnids of Mimo Town, and its weirdness has not yet been exhausted.

There is no doubt that this involves very high-level mechanical transformation technology, and those who can get this level of transformation are all extremely high-level mechanical cultists.

Generally speaking, people generally call this kind of believer—


The sages are high-ranking members of the mechanical order and faithful believers in the creed of the mechanical doctrine. These people continue to improve and perfect themselves in their professional fields, making themselves masters of a certain discipline.

Their dedication made them sacrifice most of their bodies to emulate the sacred mechanical form. After decades of service, the sages have replaced many of their organs and limbs with advanced controlled implants.

Like the mechanical gods, these replacement limbs and organs will never fatigue or weaken with age, thus highlighting the greatness of machinery.

The sages in their respective fields have corresponding titles, such as biological sages, source sages, alchemy sages, logical sages, sages sages, etc. Some of them are academic titles, and the other are functional titles.

However, the titles of the sages are not fixed. In fact, their positions and titles are constantly changing and complex, and they will adjust their titles during the war to become the dominating sages, incarnate into the mechanical teaching armed forces. commander.

There is no doubt that the one who appeared next to Soshyang was a sage, and judging from the logo on the opponent's robe, it was a sage sage from Mars.

A long distance away, Loken could even smell the holy oil, incense, and sacred surgical ointment applied to the mechanical part of the opponent's body.

"Master, this is Loken priest, from Ma\'Kande II. He is currently in charge of our combat robot army."

Soshyan first introduced Loken briefly.

"Loken, this is Master Abdullo Bishop of Mars."

Then he gave a brief introduction to Loken.

At the same time, Loken could feel some kind of scanning rays sweep from his feet all the way down the top of his head.

"Hello there."


Whispers and binary signals filled the room.

"You, hello, Master Abdullo Bishop."

Loken's voice was tense and humble.

"Priest Loken, after examining these sacred soldiers, I have a few questions I want to answer."

Hearing this, Loken nodded. In fact, Soshyang had agreed with him a long time ago.

Master Abdullo Bishop subsequently asked several questions in a row, mostly around the origins of these combat robots, their structure, and daily maintenance.

Loken may not have top-notch skills, but his language skills are definitely top-notch. He has solved almost all questions perfectly.

As for the origin of these combat robots, he always insisted that it was obtained from an ancient underground ruin excavated by the astral knights. As for the details of that ruin, he claimed that his memory component was damaged and he couldn't remember it clearly.

So much so that the sage of Mars even used a threatening tone, but he still didn't get in and said nothing.

As Lysander said, because of the Fist of the Empire platform, the representatives of Mars did not go further after all, but expressed that they will stay for a few days, carefully checking each combat robot before making a decision.

In words, they vaguely expressed their desire to recycle these combat robots.

But how could Soshyang agree?

But he didn't say anything to, but said that those combat robots that they could not repair could be handed over to Mars.

After one hour of negotiations, the two sides finally reached a preliminary agreement. Mars can provide technical maintenance personnel and better weapons and parts for those castle-class combat robots that can still fight, and Soshyan will fight the previous battle. The damaged ones are donated to Mars.

In addition, the technical sergeant’s journey to Mars, which had been delayed for a long time, was also put on the agenda.

At this point, the crisis from Mars has come to an end.

Next, is the challenge from Tyra.

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