The Garden of Remembrance is located on the east side of the Avenue of Heroes. Sorge watched the brightly-dressed Nest City Law Enforcement Team pass by and walked towards the gate along the extremely wide road. It can be clearly seen from kilometers away.

The environment of    garden is very elegant. The oval pool surrounded by the inscription wall is full of white water lilies, and the flowerbed next to it is clumps of rushes and vine flowers.

   Here, you can't see any trace of war, as if the dark galaxy is countless light years away.

   But Sorge has seen countless such small worlds that he considers to be independent, and are eventually ravaged by ruthless violence.

  The Milky Way is just a **** Colosseum. Anyone who wants to be safe will pay the most tragic price.

   But the people here really respect the dead.

   They engraved those names on the stone bricks of the avenue, in this garden, and in the black marble walls of the memorial hall.

  The remains of the dead are placed in this garden, and the tombs built in advance are located under the pool and flowerbeds.

   Sorge can imagine a scenario. After countless years of war, the stone bricks of the avenue can no longer bear more names, the tombs are filled, and the walls of the memorial hall are completely covered.

   Then how will they remember the dead?

   Then he blinked, dispelling the weird idea.

The funeral carrier landed smoothly on the stone apron in the garden. Eight spaceships were parked side by side with their wings closed like butterfly wings. The coffins they transported were not unloaded until later.

   As a funeral attendant, he has been here long enough, about thirty minutes, this time is enough to arouse suspicion.

   It's time to get out and find a new identity.

   Sorge picked up his package and carried it on his shoulders, and walked away quietly along the lawn.

   The dark funeral uniform is solemn and tidy. At the same time, because there is nothing on this plain clothing except the golden emblem of the funeral guard, he appears to be of high status out of thin air.

   In a city where people wear uniforms everywhere, he can pretend to be any identity without being exposed unless someone knows all the uniforms of all institutions.

   But all eyes are on bigger things.

   Sorge walked up the path north of the garden as if entering an uninhabited land, passing through huge angular arches, and walking along the road lined with flags under the shade of majestic yew trees.

The designers of    Garden planned this place into an elegant, quiet and sad place.

   The gray canopy of the tree is enough to turn the light of the noon sun into the twilight, and the floor tiles, memorial wall and tomb arch are all made of lapis lazuli.

   The oval-shaped pond is full of plants, and the pool of still water is as dark as a curtain.

   Under the smooth, mirror-like water surface, ghost-like fish are swimming around, and the plants floating on the pool water are gray, just like a handkerchief soaked in tears, smooth as a mirror——

   A breeze swept across the trees around him, and Sorge tightened his body.

  The ripples spread on the surface of the pond.

   Suddenly, Sorge's eyelids began to beat.

   He has a dry mouth and feels the pain pulsating in his head.

   "Please, not now."

   He whispered softly but firmly, knowing that his master was trying to summon him.

   The man was trying to establish psionic communication, and not surprisingly, he planned to use a nearby pond as a projection surface.

   There is no doubt that he has been in control of his whereabouts, confirming that he has not deviated from the direction of the mission.

   Sorge swallowed hard, and the breeze neighed again, disturbing the gray leaves.

   At this time, the heavy object in his backpack began to tremble slightly, as if he had sensed the subspace disturbance around him.

  【Please, master】

   This time he spoke with his heart.

   [This place is very dangerous, let me find a safe place, otherwise I may be exposed, there are psionicists on the tower in the middle of the nest]

   Then, the breeze slowly passed.

   The pain disappeared.

   He turned around and continued walking, but there was still a tingling pain on his skin.

   The distant voice became so dull that Sorge felt like he was underwater.

   He involuntarily glanced at the pond beside him, and found that the water surface had become still, like a black mirror-a divination mirror.

   And the fish in the pool were suspended in the water, and the fins stopped in the process of swinging.

   A shadow fell on the projection surface, but not his shadow.

   He was horrified to see the dark golden eye pattern, the cat-shaped creatures walking around, and the giant-like body.

   The figure quickly occupied the entire pond.

   [Really not, master]

   He turned around, pulled his gaze away from the shadow, and strode along the stone-paved road, with a buzzing behind his head.

   In the end, the psychic tentacles disappeared.

   He quickly left the garden and came to an exceptionally quiet street.

   The unopened communication gave him a splitting headache and his hands trembled.

   But now he must be cautious. He has inspected the security system of Soms Nest Capital and knows that the owner of Nest Capital has activated the power of psychic surveillance.

   And there is also a large number of Astral Whisperers stationed in this world. The defense system must integrate psionic technology. If you establish uncovered communication in the garden, it is very likely to be noticed.

   Being noticed by a psionicist will make his job more difficult and may cost him his life.

   Sorge was tired of fleeing life and death.

   Shaking all over, he found a rather magnificent tavern on the corner of an empty street with bright lights.

   This luxuriously decorated place is for House officials and politicians. The entire area adjacent to the Memorial Garden is quite elegant and wealthy.

   So he walked in.

   The magnificent hall is full of gilded decorations and candlesticks, and the frescoed ceiling overlooks the rows of tables and chairs and the boxes by the wall.

   Now it is very empty, with only a few idle waiters and some servants, and he was immediately seen.

   Sorge sat down in the nearest box and immediately fell into that relatively private environment.

   These high-back chairs are covered with leather upholstery, and the entire box is surrounded by pieces of stained glass to isolate it from the outside world.

   Behind the box, the wall above the seat is made of a large piece of crystal glass, allowing Sorge to observe people entering and leaving the tavern without attracting attention.

  His hands are still The waiter wearing an apron brought him a can of water and an open cup, as well as a large glass of cognac he ordered when he entered the door.

   "Do you want to eat, sir?"

   the waiter asked softly.

   Food is a good idea. Sufficient carbohydrates and protein can help eliminate the headache caused by psionic communication.

   "Bread, salted butter, and a fried Glocks steak."

  Glocks is a large, fast-moving and aggressive reptile that originated in the Solomon Galaxy.

   When this galaxy was incorporated into the territory of the empire, it was discovered that this animal possesses many useful properties, such as being able to survive in almost any environment and even feed on the most indigestible food.

   Glocks meat itself is also very delicious and nutritious. Because of their value as domestic animals, they have been introduced to other planets in the entire galaxy, so Glocks is currently the most common domestic animal in the entire empire.

   "We still have some fresh apple peaches."

Apple peach is a very expensive fruit, only part of the agricultural world can be grown, this thing has a big drawback-if their storage temperature can not be accurately controlled below 18.5 degrees, they will rot in a few minutes .

   But it is also famous for its sweetness and juiciness. Generally, only the upper-middle layer of the nest has the chance to eat it.

   "Okay, let's have a portion with some root vegetables."

   The waiter nodded, then turned and walked into the back kitchen.

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