The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 537: Recruit's first training (middle)

"The Emperor's Angel of Death (!

"The ** tribe is preparing to attack the No. 9 stronghold. They have already annexed five nearby small tribes, reaching a scale of 500,000."

Bachram said in a low voice that he knew that his brothers all had enhanced hearing.

"The Ustad company commander hopes that we will rendezvous with the main force. He will take the initiative to attack before the greenskin tribe initiates an attack. Our covert operation phase ends immediately, and the radio silence can be stopped at any time."

With that, he took out a messenger tube from the battle net pocket and handed it to his superior.

"It's all written here."

"He told you personally?"

"Yes, sir."


Armin nodded, opened the messenger tube and took out the scroll inside.

He glanced at the contents, then rolled it up again.

"Indeed, the same as you said."

"One more thing, sir, there are green-skinned scouts everywhere on my way back. I should have been spotted."

Armin raised the corner of his eye.

"Presumably this is unavoidable, isn't it?"

Bachram nodded, but Armin's eyes penetrated him, as if waiting for him to give an excuse.

"That's true this time, sir, I have to leave at full speed. Although I get rid of them, they will definitely find me."

Almin was not satisfied with this.

"Be careful in the future, your mission is only considered two-thirds success."

"I will remember."

When Almin and Bahram returned to the hall again, the whispers among the scouts stopped, and all eyes were on the two of them.

"The scouts of the tenth company!"

Armin shouted in a deep voice.

"Ready to fight! Greenskins are most likely approaching our position. We have been ordered to rendezvous with the main force and will completely destroy the orc threats soon."

The scouts all smiled.

They have long been tired of eating tasteless food, and tired of hiding for days at a time.

Everyone is eager for the glory of war, but so far this operation has been too boring for them, and many people have not even seen blood.

Some people even started talking excitedly.

"be quiet!"

Armin rebuked:

"I haven't finished yet! For many of you, this will be your first actual combat. Only if you live, you will have the opportunity to wear armor that symbolizes the responsibility and power of each official monk in the future. Here The greenskins may be savage, but they are by no means simple. They have also caused huge troubles to the empire. I dealt with them ten years ago and it was not easy."

The scouts' eyes were filled with excitement, and they started talking again.

Armin raised his hand impatiently and motioned for them to keep quiet.

"You give me five minutes of silence first! If you want to be honored, you must first learn to be humble! More importantly, you must satisfy me. This is your most difficult task! Bahram, tell me your opinion. "

Bachram opened his eyes in surprise.

"Company commander?"

"Yes, recruits, I'm asking you to give a combat plan. One of my tasks is to evaluate what role you will play in the battle group after training, so I'm confirming my opinion of you now! It's best to hurry up, or even if you officially serve, your duty is likely to be just to watch the door."

Bachram's face froze immediately. Although his academic performance was not bad, he was still a blank paper when it came to actual combat.

When Almin was not paying attention, Hamore smiled at Bachram, and Oscar nodded slightly to show encouragement.

Bachram can only bite the bullet.

"Uh... the greenskins are approaching, the number may not be too much, but it must be a high-mobility unit. The order we received was to rendezvous with the Ustad company commander, but first we have to stand out from the enemy's siege, so We first...are ready to get in the car?"

Hearing it, Armin looked at him incredulously.


"Why, is this teaching me? If you only have this leadership, then you can only be a private soldier in your life!"

Bachram's face flushed.

"I... sorry... the first time..."

Armin closed his eyes and pressed his fingers on his temples, squeezing out many wrinkles on his face.

"The emperor is on, then your second step is to let us step on the gas pedal?"

The scouts all laughed.

"I do not know what to say...."

Bachram replied with a slight embarrassment that even if he was really capable of making a battle plan, the situation on the scene made him nervous and could only make mistakes.

This is probably the gap between theory and practice.

"Greenskin reconnaissance troops often use their numerical advantages to attack, deploying a large number of motorcycles in front of light vehicles. Their equipment and firepower may be worse than ours, but contacting them from the front will not produce good results."

Suddenly, a cold voice spoke, and everyone turned around and found that it was Robin who was dumb in everyone's impression.

His theoretical courses have always been the best among all recruits, and his swordsmanship training scores are also the best among all, but few people can establish friendship with him. He generally only talks about Bachram and Hamo.

Hearing what he said, Armin raised his eyebrows. Soshyan once asked him to pay attention to this recruit, and he also knew the identity of this man from the commander of the battle group.

However, the identity of a mortal is the least worth mentioning in the Astarte Order. The only thing that can be respected is ability.

"Robin, you are telling me something I know, say something I don't know."

"We should be divided into multiple groups, about three groups, and then spread out. There is a canal here. If we arrange a group of people on the water tower to sniper, use a group of people to deploy to both sides of the canal, and then use a group of people to sniper. When the enemy is attracted, you can use the channel to separate them, avoid head-on encounters with them and..."

Robin stopped suddenly, and Almin was watching him carefully.

"and then?"

"Then we can break them up and rush out. We don't have the ability to wipe them out."

Almin nodded, pointing his finger to Robin.

"Did you see it, lads, this is a serious plan, just do it! Robin, you will assign the staff."

Robin nodded, beckoning Bachram and Hammer to look at him.

"This time the project was used by the three of us as bait, and the others were in charge of ambushes."

Haomo and Bahram were a little surprised, but didn't say anything.

Almin nodded.

"Then what material support do you need."

"Three motorcycles will do."

"Okay, it's so decided."

He patted Robin's shoulder pad hard.

"Now, get ready for battle."

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