The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 538: The first training of recruits (part 2)

"The Emperor's Angel of Death (!

Outside the water station, Robin scanned the horizon, looking intently at the place where the gray earth meets the sky.

"I think he is in love with that pair of telescopes."

Homo whispered, everyone else in the team laughed.

"Shut up, Scout."

Armin immediately spoke to teach him.

"Let him concentrate on his work."

"They are here."

Robin spoke up suddenly, but did not put down the telescope.

"Dust appears in the distance."

"Speaking of numbers, boy."

Armin growled sternly.

"When you speak, tell all the information you have. Information is the key to life and death."

"There may be a hundred, not too many, but not too many."

"So what do you do now? Don't be so surprised, this is your plan."

Robin nodded and activated the communicator he was wearing in his ear.

"Bahram, Homo, are you ready?"


Bachram replied immediately, and Homo responded later, although they didn't particularly know this friend who couldn't talk about a friend, but they were still very confident in his ability.

At this moment, Almin on the side turned his head to look at Sol, who had never spoken.

"Instructor Thor, what do you think?"

"I have been observing on the water tower before."

Sol calmly responded.

"Robin is not mistaken. I counted thirty-two combat motorcycles and hundreds of green skins in three transport vehicles."

As the company commander and mentor of the scouts, Armin and Thor have the highest level of control over the communicators of all new believers, and they can hear all the words of these new star warriors at any time.

Then Saul cut into the channel of Robin's team.

"Robin, what's your order now?"

Robin was silent for a few seconds. Although his grades were very good and they had done command and control exercises before, he really hadn’t given instructions in a combat situation. The biggest difference between him and Bachram was that he I have been a bounty hunter and killed many people.

"Be quiet before they approach, fire at mid-range, and when they see us, they will rush over regardless...We need to provoke them to make them ignore their injuries, is that right, instructor?"

Armin also heard this answer, and he folded his arms on his chest and shrugged.

"You are the only one giving orders this afternoon, recruit."

Sol responded in the communicator:

"Recruit, give you a suggestion: Don't use interrogative sentences to give orders, over."

Hao Mo was already riding on the motorcycle, with his arms crossed, staring at Robin.

"Shall we do it now?"

"We proceed along this route, keep a slow pace, and draw them in. We will then separate them closer to the water tower, not far away."


"For our snipers, the denser their formation, the easier it is to kill them, and in this way they are more likely to rush directly into the canal."

Bachram nodded in agreement.

"It's a good plan, so what are you waiting for?"

Robin squeezed out a smile, then stepped onto his motorcycle.

"Then we will set off."

The engine roared and started, exhaling white exhaust gas.

Robin led the two towards the smoke and dust ahead, feeling the pride and tension of being the team leader.

Almin and Sol have been watching his every move from a distance.

"You also managed to raise some dust, attract their attention and draw them back."

Robin glanced at the other side of the pumping station. Four hundred meters away, the other squad began to move in the other direction, lying in ambush near the canal.

Upon receiving instructions, Haomo and Bahram began to swing the motorcycle heads left and right, raising a cloud of dust.

Soon, a large cloud of dust rose up behind them.

"You have attracted the enemy's attention."

Armin's voice came from the communicator.

"A lot of green is moving in your direction."

"Received, we will move forward half a mile, and then return the same way, luring them to chase us."

Sure enough, after seeing them, Greenskin started chasing them, making their line even more sparse.

Robin's team continued to move forward and gradually approached the wall made of dust and oil fume. They vaguely saw the figure in the smoke: large and savage creatures arched their waists and rode crude machines.

All three swallowed so nervously.


The explosive gun mounted on the motorcycle fired, pouring a string of explosive bombs into the enemy's front.

The red tracer bullets are particularly conspicuous in the dusty air. The green skins exploded together with their vehicles. Due to the long-term blockade and attack, the technical level of Gages's green skins is relatively backward.

But even so, the greenskins fired back angrily, but their weapon range was far inferior to the explosive guns on motorcycles, and the bullets shot out were flying everywhere.

The battlefield was suddenly filled with engine noise and flying dust.


After the two sides approached a distance of half a kilometer, Robin issued an order.

All three of them stepped on the brakes at the same time, put their left foot on the ground, made a sharp turn, and turned to the direction of the pumping station.

While accelerating, they turned around again and fired with their handguns.

"This should be enough to irritate them."

Haomo smiled and said that his face flushed a little with excitement, because he saw his bullet tear apart dozens of green skin.

That feeling is unparalleled!

"Go in the direction of the water tower and come back from behind!"

The three-person team started to move towards the starting point, and Greenskin shot randomly in their direction from behind.

Soon, Bachram heard a noise coming from above his head, the sound was only a little louder than the sound of the engine and the weapon.

The sniper on the water tower opened fire, and Bahram took a risk and looked back and saw green skins continuously falling from their machines.

The pumping station is getting closer.

"Single column forward!"

Robin ordered, and the three motorcycles leaned together and proceeded along a narrow route towards the pumping station.

The greenskin convoy continued to advance in a row, and their distance decreased as the scouts decelerated and lined up.

The ground trembles with the crushing of the machinery.


Robin shouted loudly, and the three of them used their memory to pull the front of the car suddenly when they approached the canal, and jumped straight over it.

After a few seconds, a warm, pleasant fire glowed behind them.

In short, Robin's plan was very successful.

When the Star Warrior's motorcycle jumped up, the chasing green-skinned mobsters suddenly felt something was wrong, but they didn't have the habit of braking.

With the sound of "Waaaaaargh!" that shook the bones, they flooded into the canal like a tide, and then fell head-on, hitting the hard ramp.

Accompanied by the screaming sound of the engine and the sound of being crushed into slag, those crude mechanical momentary steps are somewhat weird to the scene of a broken toy.

Before the greenskins planted in the ditch got up, they fell to the bottom of the pit together with the burning parts, and their bodies were bombarded with gut piercings-this is obviously a masterpiece of blasting guns.

The soldiers in the ambush began to violently shoot at the greenskins trapped at the bottom of the slope, while those greenskin vehicles that did not fall into the pit were stopped by the snipers high above the water tower.

In the end, with disappointment, dissatisfaction and their common purpose of being united by their bloodthirsty nature, the remaining greenskins turned and withdrew from the battlefield, leaving only a corpse still twitching slightly.

Robin team back to the starting point, UU reading www. saw Armin who was smiling.

"Good job, boys."

Sol on the side glanced at the time, and then whispered softly:

"Everyone, gather in five minutes and retreat to a safe area."

On the third day after the reconnaissance operation, under the command of Ustad, the second company commander of the Star Knights, a company of interstellar warriors coordinated with a large number of auxiliary forces to rush to the still gathering greenskin tribe with lightning speed. It only took less than half a day to destroy the largest green-skinned group on the planet Gages and kill the green-skinned boss.

But the training of recruits has just begun—

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