By destroying other tribes within the sphere of influence, the tribe of Bonecrushers became larger and larger. In addition to the death skull clan at the beginning, this young warlord also had several bandits under his hand.

As his deeds spread more and more in the green leather villages and ruined buildings, more and more green leather left their original team and joined the tribe of bonecrushers, hoping to become a part of this organization, for the noble Fighting to smash everything and turn everything into rubble.

  The boys hope to follow this boss who claims to be able to communicate with the second brother Mao, and the Bonebreaker also claims that he will find a bigger and richer goal.

   Soon, the death head tribe was overwhelmed with beasts, and even spitting could not fall to the ground.

   So the Bonebreaker decided to go west.

   He wants to get rid of the Xiami outpost that almost killed him in the past, and also wants to get rid of a large nearby tribe-the evil moon clan.

   For this reason, he specifically pulled two allies, one is the Steelfang tribe, and the other is the raging fire tribe.

But before they could launch an attack, a group of inexplicable bean sprouts came to the door. After the bone crusher suffered a small loss at the beginning, he immediately developed a brand new plan-a plan that can make his power stronger. .

   He used his IQ to crush the boss of the Steelfang tribe, let him replace himself as the vanguard, and ingeniously proposed the method of exchanging flags-the reason is to confuse the enemy.

  Bonebreaker had a hunch from the beginning that this strange wave of enemies was coming to him, so he decisively sold his allies.

   After finishing the Gangfang tribe, the next step is--

   Just as the Bonebreaker was watching from the wall, the waste Vazka waste of the Fury Horde arrived as expected.

   "Hey, bone crusher."

  Vazka yelled as she approached.

   "Why didn't the cannon fire just now?"

   Goguz moved his gaze to the artillery platoons on the hilltops on both sides of him.

   His kid has subdued and killed the kid of the Steelfang tribe, and now the fart gunner is curled up on the wheel of their cannon, afraid of their new owner.

   "I thought you were in charge of those guns."

   The Bonebreaker snorted, even though Vazka had walked up to him.

   "You can tell me."

   The psionic kid uttered a terrible scream and pulled their attention back to the bottom of the hill, and the pointed ears began to withdraw quickly.

But even in the retreat, the tall, slender, white armored, red-crowned and helmeted warriors still stab their long blades at the kid without stopping. Their howls are enough to make the bravest Ouke. Flee in fear.

   "We still have a chance to do a **** thing."

  Vazka said, his eyes returned to the artillery.

"of course."

   Bonebreaker said, putting his power claw on Vazka's shoulder.

   "Let the **** be ready."

After    said, he let go of his paw and backed up a few steps.

   "Ready to fire."

   The next moment, gunfire fell from the sky.

   The first batch of shells roared through the dusty sky without warning, and detonated on the ground with a deafening impact.

  Vazka's eyes widened, but he didn't see a shell falling between the pointed ears.

   Where did they go?

   The answer came from a miserable howl.

   "Boss! They! They are blowing up our boys!"

   The sudden bombardment made the Fury Tribe's position in a mess. While the mud splashed, the ignorant boys were torn to pieces by a series of explosions.

   "What the hell!"

  Vazka's roar overtakes more shells exploding when the shell explodes.

   So he immediately raised his battle axe, pointed at the bone crusher, and shouted:

   "Miscellaneous! Have the ability to fight me!"

   The challenge of the boss echoed in the silence, and the kids around were still looking at the bonecrusher, waiting to see his response to the challenge.

   and measure whether he is really the biggest, strongest, and cruelest Ouke.

   The Bonebreaker did not respond to his "ally" with words. Instead, he snorted mockingly, and then twisted his neck twice.

   The signal was already obvious, and the boys immediately let go to prevent the war boss from turning the rocks into dust and smashing themselves into powder.

  Bonecrusher moved forward slowly, his heavy armor and his skull display rack clicked.

   At that moment, even Vazka's bodyguard just stared.

Unprecedented, Vazka became nervous. Facing the warlord who was gaining fame, he was not sure of winning, but at this time there was no second choice for him. The warlord could only raise his axe and prepare to take the hateful in front of him. The betrayer's head split open.


  His voice is very loud, and his arms are also very hard, but the only flaw is--

   The blow failed.

  Bonebreaker hit Vazka's chest directly before he attacked, and then grabbed the opponent's wrist with his other hand.

  Vazka stopped the attack and shook hard, gritting his teeth and trying to split the bonebreaker's fine gold head with his axe.

  Although the green muscle mass bulges on his arm, it has no effect on the bone crusher.

   Then, under the gaze of the boys, the Bonebreaker slowly, slowly, stretched out his powerful claws.

   He held Vaz Kassa's arm with the axe and held it up high for him to see and the Oukes around him to see.

  Vazka pushed harder and tried to make the axe slash with both hands-it was just shaking, but it still didn't move.

  Bonebreaker suddenly let out a sneer.

   Then, without activating the split force field of the power claw, he began to close the power claw.

   "Hmm, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah -"

  Vazka screamed immediately and kept screaming.

   The claws closed very slowly, and the blood-stained claw blade cut through the thick, tight skin, then the solid muscles, and finally the bones.

  Smelly blood splashed on the ugly faces of the two bosses.

   Finally, with a sound like a broken branch, Vazka's arm was broken.

   Even the axe is still on the broken arm, stuck in the claws of the bonebreaker.


  Bonecrusher then let go of the broken limb and pressed his hand on the opponent's horned helmet, forcing the boss to kneel on both knees.

   Then, his knee jerked up—

   "Uh huh—"

   The scarred armor hit Vazka's dull face, and the boss's wailing stopped when he collapsed on the ground. Not only did his teeth crack, his nose was also broken, and his entire face was bloody.

   "Nathan Tam is dead, right."

   The Bonebreaker bent down and spoke to Vazka who was half unconscious.

   "You also lost, so I am the boss now, don't force me to kill you."

  Vazka mumbled incoherently but did not try.

   "Well, now is not the time for the boys to kill each other."

  Bonecrusher no longer cares about it, but straightens up and makes a loud enough sound for the surrounding Okers to hear.

   "It's time to show other wastes that we are the best! I came here for the real battle, but I haven't found it yet, this—"

   He kicked Vazka who was lying on the ground.

   "This is not a fight."

   The surrounding green skins watched, and the warlord who had integrated the three tribes opened their arms, and dirty blood was flowing from the power claws.

   "Now, is there anyone else to challenge?"

   No kid dared to try, the Bonebreaker nodded.

   "Then, let us really start Waaaagh!"

   The boys glanced at each other, and then they raised their arms and the weapons they were holding in a tacit understanding.


  Ok’s roar shook the world and almost no one could have predicted that this small tribe would form a force that would sweep the galaxy in the future.......


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