The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 557: Daughter of Isha

Sand and dust rose from the ground again.

  Veronica's robe wrapped tightly around her, letting the wind blow the corners.

Through the thick haze, she could see the scarred walls of the outpost and the constant attacks on the greenskins. There were Ok's corpses and their dilapidated war machines everywhere. Although there were no interstellar warriors stationed in them, there was a very elite team. Mortal soldier.

   But there is no doubt that they will not last long without support.

   As night approaches, the black smoke from the ignited fuel makes the already suffocating air even more suffocating.

   "Sorry, Great Prophet, I failed."

  Beside her, the Great Prophet Alderal Uslan just nodded slightly.

   "Do you understand the nature of your task?"

   he asked, but didn't look at her.

   "Destroy the threat of an Ark world."

   Veronica replied in a low voice, feeling ashamed of her failure.

   "It's not all right."

   Alderal let out a soft laugh.

"The Ark World always presents new threats. Just like those humans say, there are at least a thousand different ways of death in a person’s life. I think this is the same for the Ark World. Sometimes the prophet The council seems to be too nervous, putting our precious strength on the unknowable every time."

   "Isn't this the way Usvi lives?"

"Yes, but in a sense, don't we become the same as the human empire that abandons everything for survival and struggles desperately... Doesn't it mean that we never have what we claim? So noble and wise?"

  Veronica was silent.

   Putting the words of the Great Prophet in public will surely cause a huge public opinion crisis. After all, what has supported the Spirit Race to the present, apart from the fear of death, is only the memory of the glory of the past.

   Most people have no hope for a long time.

   To live to live, this is almost a true portrayal of all spirit races, whether it is the Ark spirit race, the wilderness spirit race, or the fallen compatriots of Comoros, their essential living conditions are the same.

  Because everyone knows that the evil beings who are subspace powers cannot be defeated, the spirit race has already become a candle in the wind, and its destruction is only a matter of time.

   It's just that everyone doesn't want to mention the absolutely dark future.

   Only when they satirize the "lower creatures" can the spirit races get some comfort and anesthesia from the memories of the past.

   Although Veronica didn't say anything, as far as her own feelings were concerned, she could clearly perceive the gradual depression in the Ark-everyone was still fighting, but the goal was becoming more and more at a loss.

  As the population decreases, the Ark may still exist for a long time, but it will eventually come to an end.

   They lost their homeland, and there is no way out for a long time.

   I really want to say despair, the spirit race is far more desperate than human beings, at least they still have a golden sun, but the spirit race only has a cowardly laughing god.

   "But the threat level of this green skin is indeed higher than in the past. This has been recognized by the Prophet Council."

  Veronica tried to bring the topic to her eyes, trying not to let despair surround herself—the spirit races are all emotionally sensitive creatures.

   "I didn't say that it was not a threat, so I proposed that you lead this battle."

   Alderal said while gently stroking the mysterious staff in his hand.

"All the lines of destiny converge here. We try to find our way in the web of illusory destiny, but sometimes the flow of reality will lead us forward... it is death that will surely relieve this crisis. Is it? Or is this crisis not directly caused by it?"

   "It must die. If we can't kill it here, Lord Phoenix will intervene."

   "This is no longer necessary. From the very beginning, it was destined that it would not die here."

  Veronica was surprised for a while.

   "What...then why are you..."

   "Because some guys have to shut up, they don't know to turn back until they hit the wall."

   The prophet said, still staring at the scarred outpost of human beings.

   "Anyway, everything will end today."

"the end?"

  Veronica repeated.

   "The life of that beast, or this action?"

   "Both of them."

   The Great Prophet replied simply.

   For a while, both of them were silent.

   The hillside is full of Ok's corpses. The position of the outpost is dangerous, and the number advantage cannot be expanded. The Okers who failed the first attack have retreated to the depths and surroundings of the canyon, licking their wounds.

   Their psionic murmur seems to be very far away, like a thundercloud in Veronica's mind.

   It's still far away, but it's accumulating strength and anger.

   It will be stronger than the previous one.

   She can especially feel that one of the Ouke is gathering the psionic power of the other Ouke. She guessed the identity of this Ouke, and she hopes to liquidate the Ouke who has played with herself.

   "Go back first. The battle is over. I will propose a new plan to the Prophet Council. If we can't solve it with our own hands, then we will change it and take it to the place where it is destined to die."

   After saying this, the big prophet stopped speaking.

  Veronica stood in the wind for a while, then bowed to the opponent, and then floated away.

   One minute after she left, Alderal Uslan suddenly opened up to the sound of the wind.

   "Is that news important enough for you?"

   As soon as he finished speaking, the space behind him was suddenly distorted.

   Then amidst the strange ballads, a figure wearing a clown mask and a fancy figure fell to the ground with somersaults.

   "Very important, dear prophet."

   Alderal Uslan glanced at the harlequin expressionlessly, and then snorted.

   "Laughing Maker of the Path of the Veil, then what funny joke did you bring to me this time."

   "This trip I will be a microphone, threading needles and threads to make frequent sutures. Every day and night, we will make troubles and blessings, and we will go in time for good days and auspicious days."

   Laughing craftsman answered the prophet’s question in a weird tone, as if singing.

   Alderal closed his eyes and rubbed his head.

   "Asu Yan, is it really that difficult for you guys to speak well?"

   So he took the most direct method, directly penetrating his mental tentacles into the opponent's brain.

   At first, the opponent was resistant, but the laughter was obviously not the opponent of the big prophet, so they successfully completed the spiritual dialogue.

   "We can speak well this time."

   "Great Prophet, you should respect our tradition."

   "Ah, of course I respect you and your troupe. It's just that I have a migraine recently, and I don't have the energy to think about your motto. Just tell the truth. Who do you pass the message to."

   "The Veilwalker wants to be with you."

   "Oh? It's actually that. It's been two thousand years since I heard the news from her last time, right? It seems that the news is really explosive, and even she was shocked."

   "Xingzhe values ​​the news you bring."

   "Alright, she will decide the time and place, and I haven't seen this old friend for a long time."

   But the laughter did not leave, but glanced at the camps built by green leather.

"Big Prophet, you should be aware of the huge threat there, which may put several Ark worlds in danger. Although I know you used to have special... views on the greenskins race, they are now different from the past. It’s just some mindless beasts."

   "Look, you are in a paradox again. If it is a brainless beast, how can it become a huge threat?"

   "Yes....The Veilwalker also asked me not to leave the broken bones."

"Then go back and tell her that this place is not the burial place of the bonebreakers, and no one can kill it when its fate promises. After all...the aftermath of the It hasn't calmed down completely."

   Laughing craftsman was silent for a moment, and finally gave up the idea of ​​killing the bonecrusher immediately.

   "I will tell you the truth."

   For a time, there was no movement except dust.

   As the sun sets, the night appears, and the jagged towers and mountains of the human outpost are stained with blood.

   Soon, the humans inside will be finished, and the outpost will be reduced to rubble. The signal they sent before they died will never be received——

   The last chance to contain the bonebreakers will disappear

   Xiaojiang turned around to leave, but finally stopped again.

   "Big Prophet, about Veronica...I still hope you can send her to the theater, she is the safest in the network."

   Elderal Uslan didn't reply, just shook his head slightly.

   "You can't protect her all the time."

   Laughing Carpenter stared at the back of the Great Prophet, his pale mask reflecting the blood of the setting sun.

"One day, the **** of decay and its minions will find her. The fallen humans have already begun to move around. As Veronica grows older, you can't cover her power forever, after all, she is. .... The last daughter of Isha."

  Usvi’s Great Prophet still did not respond, and he also severed the connection.

   Laughing craftsman sighed, then turned back and disappeared into the original body, leaving only the lonely figure to continue looking at the blood-colored sunset...

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