The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1011: Framed Chuning in public (1)

   Chapter 1011 Framed Chuning in Public (1)

   Afraid that things would be unresolved, He Boyuan hurriedly changed the subject and talked about birthday wishes.

   Shen Jingyu didn't want to stay in that position any longer, holding He Ning's hand and returning to their own position.

   Their position is at the first table of the main table, which is the best position.

   Shen Fengshan and Ding Qinen were also at this table.

   Seeing Shen Jingyu and He Ning, Shen Fengshan did not speak with a stern face, Ding Qinen hesitated, and in the end it was hard to say anything, so everyone had to be silent.

  He Peishan lost all face.

   She rushed into the hotel room angrily.

   Shen Jingyu slapped her in the face in public, making her the laughing stock of the audience.

He Jiaojiao followed behind her to comfort: "Miss, I don't think Master Shen and Chu Ning will last long. You can also see how good Master Shen was to He Ning in the past. Are you afraid that it will melt in your mouth? How long has it been since he used these affectionate feelings on another person?"

"What do you think, Miss, how can a man's relationship last for a long time? It's nothing more than liking this one today, and that one tomorrow, just make it fresh. Whether it's He Ning or Chu Ning, it's just plain porridge and side dishes. It's the type that Master Shen usually doesn't see easily, so it will win his favor."

   "Only a young lady like you, who is in the right household and a lady, is a good match for Lord Shen, and someone who can spend the rest of his life with him."

  He Peishan was in a better mood after being told by He Jiaojiao's three-inch tongue.

   She thought for a while and said, "You said last time that Chu Ning almost raped you?"

  He Jiaojiao was a little embarrassed all of a sudden.

  Last time, she wanted to do something wrong, but He Ning couldn't make it right.

   She had no face herself, so she put all the responsibility on He Ning to the outside world, saying how she was interested and how she intended to treat herself.

   He Peishan had no interest at all when he heard this.

   Shen Jingyu was with He Ning today, and she only remembered this matter, so she asked this question.

   "Fortunately, I didn't let her succeed, so it turned into a trivial matter later. But she did have a bad character and had a problem with her personality. I don't know why Master Shen likes her. Maybe it's because she can cheat."

  He Peishan whispered something in her ear.

  He Jiaojiao was stunned: "Framed Chu Ning?"

   "You don't want to?" He Peishan looked at her very proudly and asked.

"Miss, it's not that I don't want to. But you can see that now, Lord Shen is very fond of Chu Ning. If I go to frame her, if it doesn't work, I can't eat and walk away, then I will be miserable. ..." He Jiaojiao really didn't dare.

   She must have had such a brain trouble to dare to provoke Lord Shen at such a time.

  He Peishan folded her arms and hooked her gorgeous red lips coldly: "Since you don't want to, then forget it. He Jiaojiao, you are thought that I can't do without you."

   "Miss, don't drive me away..." He Jiaojiao said hurriedly, the more she knew that she was insignificant, the more she didn't want to lose He Peishan's backer.

   She has always been used to enjoying it, and what her parents can provide her has long been very limited.

   And now, Xiao Yao's TV station has also abandoned her outside the gate.

  Especially by He Peishan's side, after enjoying a splendid life, how can he still have the courage to go back to an ordinary life?

   (end of this chapter)

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