The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1012: Framed Chuning in public (2)

   Chapter 1012 Framed Chuning in Public (2)

   "If you promise me, I can give you this number." He Peishan made a gesture, "In the future, I will always cover you. What do you think?"

   "I promise." He Jiaojiao had to say, part of it was out of profit, and most of it was because she had to do it.

   "I will arrange everything. You can just destroy Chu Ning's reputation, and I will handle the rest." He Peishan was already mad with jealousy, and her eyes turned dark red.

   She gritted her teeth and said, "I don't believe this kind of Chu Ning, Shen Jingyu will still treat her like a treasure. At that time, maybe the first person to dislike her will be Shen Jingyu himself!"

   He Jiaojiao felt relieved when He Peishan said this.

   As long as Shen Jingyu doesn't pursue anything, she dares to let go and do what He Peishan explained.


  In the entire banquet hall, the atmosphere of the birthday party returned to the good beginning.

  Although on the whole, everyone has been attracted by the affairs of Shen Jingyu and He Ning, but on the surface everyone returned to Mrs. He's birthday.

  Many people came forward to congratulate the old lady on her birthday.

   Mrs. He happily greeted everyone while hugging Kangkang and responded.

The existence of   Kangkang made her temporarily accept the unpleasantness of He Peishan being rejected by Shen Jingyu just now.

  The people of the He family regained their confidence and raised their heads.

   Mrs. He even had a look of "I am Kangkang's great-grandmother" and was very proud.

  Speaking of which, in terms of seniority, Kangkang is He Lu's child, so he wanted to call her grandma, but he only called Mrs. He, grandma. She was a generation older than Mrs. He.

   In this banquet, she never wanted to lose.

   Sitting in the side hall, when she sees people she doesn't know, she has to introduce her identity to them.

  He Hongtao and Chen Fufen were not to be outdone, and said to everyone, "We are Kangkang's grandparents."

   Everyone responded with a smile.

   In such a public occasion, no one would take the initiative to sweep their face.

   But deep down, they all despise this family, relying on their daughter to be the third child, and now they still have the face?

  Although among the rich and powerful, there must be such things as taking care of the mistress, and it is not uncommon to have illegitimate children.

   But no matter what others do, on the surface, at least in terms of reputation, they will be impeccable. People like the He family, who keep taking this kind of thing on the table, seem to be a great treasure.

   is the biggest joke of the day!

   Everyone didn’t say anything on the surface, and when they turned their heads, they didn’t know how to treat them with contempt.

  He Jiaojiao came out with He Peishan, and Mrs. He greeted her: "Jiaojiao, come and sit, where are you going?"

   He Jiaojiao ignored her and walked directly towards the main hall.

   Mrs. He is also very envious of those who are in the main hall, but her seat is only arranged here, and she cannot follow.

   In the main hall, Shen Jingyu and He Ning were at the first table, and they were also in the most important positions near the center.

  He Jiaojiao walked over a few steps and said to He Ning, "Chu Ning, so you are here, you made me find it hard!"

   Her voice was high and sharp. At this moment, when everyone was celebrating their birthdays and waiting to eat, there was not much noise everywhere.

   Her voice suddenly attracted many people to look at her.

   (end of this chapter)

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