Chapter 1579 Blood for Blood

   They should all pay for it.

  Yan Junhao approached her and whispered, "Aunt, I heard that Shen Jingyu was here?"

   Duke Phoenix picked up his coffee and sipped slowly, without answering.

"Aunt, Shen Fengshan has not done anything this time, and he has never seen any international bodyguard leader. Why do you lie like this?" Yan Junhao's tone was a little unkind, "You always taught me to treat people with integrity, and now But he deliberately fabricated forgery, why?"

  The Duke threw the coffee on the table heavily, a trace of anger and sadness appeared on his ordinary face, and said, "Jun Hao, sit down."

  Yan Junhao sat down. He was very disapproving of this incident. For this reason, he had talked to the duke several times, but it never came to fruition each time.

   "You have grown up, and you should know a lot of things. Shen Fengshan is your father's enemy, and I have a hatred for killing my son. So, should you say my revenge?"

   Yan Junhao was dumbfounded.

   These words, aunt had never mentioned to him before.

   All he knew was that his aunt had always been a self-disciplined person, and she was a very capable woman who was able to prop up the huge consortium by herself.

   However, he didn't know that there was such a story behind it...

   Yan Junhao felt his tongue dry out. He knew he had no parents since he was a child, but he didn't know why he didn't.

   It can be said that his previous life was smooth and magnanimous.

The duke's voice was calm and low: "Your father was killed by Shen Fengshan, and your father did nothing wrong. My son was also... At that time, he was only a few years old, so young, and he didn't have anything at all. I have time to experience the world. I thought I had no chance, but after so many years, I know I can. Shen Fengshan should be damned, so should his son..."

   Yan Junhao's heart was full of waves.

   He lowered his voice: "But Shen Jingyu is not his biological son, and Chu Ning is not a member of the Shen family..."

   "If they help Shen Fengshan, they will naturally be damned." The Duke said calmly.

   One by one, take your time.

   "Aunt, what's going on? I want to know the details of what happened."

The duke waved his hand and said lazily, "I don't want to talk about it, in short, your father is a good man. Jun Hao, he is a man who stands above the ground. If it weren't for Shen Fengshan, he would not have an accident, and your mother would not follow. Passed away. Our whole family has been destroyed, and Shen Fengshan must take this responsibility and return blood for blood."

   Yan Junhao squeezed his fist tightly.

  What aunt said, made his blood surge up in his body.


   Shen Jingyu did not see Duke Phoenix, and the clues to verify Shen Sihai were also cut off.

  Shen Sihai was a cunning and cunning man, and he had already erased the evidence in advance. Anyone who might have revealed his words was also silenced by him.

  He is ruthless, which is evident.

  He Yiming and Chu Zhuohang also knew the current situation of Shen Fengshan.

   seems to be stuck in an unsolvable puzzle now.

Chu Zhuohang said: "I'll go see Yan Junhao. When I was in the United States, I had some contacts with him. Maybe starting from him, I can know what Duke Phoenix thinks. Breaking through the Duke, this The matter was solved.”

   (end of this chapter)

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