The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1580: Don't rely on me to like you

   Chapter 1580 Don't rely on me to like you

   "Then I'll go with you." Chu Ning said.

   Afraid of overturning Shen Jingyu's vinegar jar, Chu Zhuohang said, "Why don't I go by myself?"

   "I saved him once, anyway, I believe he couldn't refuse me." Chu Ning said, "Let's stay together."

   Shen Jingyu nodded in agreement, now it seems that Yan Junhao is the easiest breakthrough.

   In order to completely solve this matter, he had a hunch in his heart that he must start with the Duke.

  Chuning did not leave any contact information for Yan Junhao.

   Fortunately, Chu Zhuohang has it.

   He immediately called Yan Junhao.

Opposite   , Yan Junhao was obviously hesitant.

The words of the Duke    touched him very much. At present, he is not willing to meet anyone who wants to talk about Shen Fengshan's affairs.

   "Young Master, let's talk."

   Yan Junhao finally let go: "Okay, then you can find a place."

   Hearing that Yan Junhao finally agreed to meet, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

  Chuning turned around and kissed Shen Jingyu's face.

   "Huh?" Shen Jingyu lowered her head and looked at her deeply.

"I went to see Yan Junhao with my brother. I will protect myself and come back safely. I won't stay for too long. Also, I will miss you, and so will you." Chu Ning said in a low voice .

   Knowing that he can easily overturn the vinegar jar, even He Yiming and Chu Zhuohang will eat the vinegar, so Chu Ning will naturally dispel all these before it happens.

   And she also cares about his feelings very much and will not ignore his emotions.

   Shen Jingyu's eyebrows stretched: "Well."

  The cuteness of the little woman made him very useful. In fact, he always knew her feelings for him, but the jealousy was an emotion that he could not restrain.

   Chu Ning pushed Chu Zhuohang's wheelchair and made an appointment with Yan Junhao to meet at a high-end club.

   Yan Junhao arrived as scheduled and sat down in front of Chu Ning and Chu Zhuohang.

   When he saw Chu Ning, his eyes stopped for a while.

   "Master Chu, Chu Ning, if it's about reminiscing about the old days, I can chat with you for as long as you want. But if it's about Shen Fengshan, I don't want to hear a word."

   Chu Ning frowned slightly: "Young Master Jun, in fact, we are looking for you because of Shen Fengshan..."

   Yan Junhao suddenly stood up: "Then don't talk about it."

   After he finished speaking, he strode out, turned around and left.

Chu Ning ran over to stop him: "Young Master, no matter if there is any misunderstanding, or if we have different positions, why can't we talk frankly and honestly? Maybe we both have information that the other party doesn't know? Maybe What we know is not entirely the truth, or maybe everyone knows only part of the truth?"

  Yan Junhao paused: "Chuning, don't rely on me to like you, you have to make an inch!"

   After he finished speaking, he opened Chuning's hand and walked over her.

  Chuning's mind is confused, he likes her?

   No, now is not the time to talk about this.

She quickly caught up with Yan Junhao's footsteps: "Jing Yu and my dad are already investigating the matter of the hired bodyguard leader, and now it is basically certain that it is impossible for him to meet Shen Fengshan! Because they don't have that kind of opportunity. Yan Junhao, do you know how serious it would be if the Duke was found to have given false testimony to frame Shen Fengshan? Even if you are an American consortium, you will still be governed by the law!"

   (end of this chapter)

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