Chapter 1597 The real phoenix

In the mirror, a woman who is over fifty years old still has a breathtakingly beautiful face. The traces of the years engraved on her face are not obvious. She is still incredibly beautiful, and her bright eyes seem to be filled with stars. .

   After changing his clothes, the people who were originally dull suddenly became brighter.

   is no longer young, but her beauty has not changed with the passage of time.

   From then on, she was both the Duke of Phoenix and Feng Ling.

She has come back.

   When Feng Ling came out, Yan Junhao was stunned, the woman in front of him was completely different from the aunt he usually saw, it was simply the difference between clouds and mud.

   If it weren't for the clothes on her body and her familiar movements and postures, Yan Junhao would hardly recognize her appearance.

   "Aunt?" There was still a hint of hesitation in Yan Junhao's voice, but when he looked closely at Feng Ling, her eyebrows were somewhat similar to his, and the natural resemblance brought about by blood.

   Yan Junhao has three-dimensional facial features, wide eyebrows and full of three-dimensional sense, even in places like the United States, he is a beautiful man in everyone's mouth.

  The people of Feng's family have extraordinary looks, and now Feng Ling is standing in front of him, making him feel that this strange aunt is the right one.

   Feng Ling usually said: "Let's eat, I'll go see Jing Yu later."

  Her voice has also become different. It used to be the voice of an ordinary middle-aged woman, but now, she is mature and unique.

   She regained her usual sanity and restraint.

   Butlers and servants came up with silver dining carts.

   When he saw Feng Ling, the butler was stunned for a moment, and then he bowed down. He had seen such a duke's face many years ago, but he would never see it again.

   Now I see that his acceptance is higher than that of Yan Junhao, and he agrees with the current duke in almost a second.

   As for the other servants, the housekeeper will make adjustments by himself, which has no effect on Feng Ling.

   Those people outside also have their own secretaries and assistants to carry out various tasks.

  The Duke's Mansion, you don't need to worry about such trivial matters.

   Feng Ling, who had regained her original makeup, came to meet at the high-end club that she had made an appointment with Shen Jingyu.

  When Feng Ling appeared, everyone's eyes lit up, such a graceful woman, even if they were used to seeing all kinds of beauties in high-end clubs, they couldn't help but be attracted by the one in front of them.

   Her beauty is noble and dignified, and she is very fierce and imposing, which makes people attracted but dare not approach.

   Shen Jingyu had already arrived and sat down in the corner by the window. When Feng Ling came over, he didn't understand for a while that this was Duke Phoenix.

   It wasn't until Duke Phoenix sat down and Shen Jingyu saw his shadow between her eyebrows that he realized that the person in front of him was Feng Ling.

   To be precise, it was the real phoenix ling that was replaced by a disguise.

   is the phoenix ling, the head of the four golden flowers in Jingyuan, which he had heard from Ding Qinen.

   "Jing Yu, I'm sorry, I never showed up with a real face before." Feng Ling, who woke up from yesterday's madness, spoke and behaved completely differently.

   Shen Jing bowed his head: "What to drink?"

   "Coffee." Feng Ling reached out and found the waiter.

   When the coffee was placed in front of her, she looked at Shen Jingyu's eyes, which had become loving and affectionate, "Jingyu, tell me how you came here all these years."

   (end of this chapter)

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