The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1598: Then why don't you believe me first?

   Chapter 1598 Then why didn't you believe me first?

   "I don't even remember anything before the age of eight." Shen Jingyu said frankly, "After I was eight years old, I lived in the Shen family."

   "You have suffered a lot when you were a child, and it is a good thing that your brain protects you so that you don't remember it."

  Shen Jingyu said calmly, "Let's discuss my father's affairs."

   "Shen Fengshan is not your father!" When it came to Shen Fengshan, Feng Ling's beautiful face had a trace of hatred.

  Especially Shen Fengshan has regarded Shen Jingyu as his own son for so many years. The anger of such a beloved being stolen and stolen makes Feng Ling unacceptable.

"He brought me up. Now that this kind of thing happened to him, I hope you drop the accusation, and I hope you take away your so-called evidence. This is my advice as a son, and I don't want to see you lose both. "

Feng Ling's beautiful lips hooked: "Jing Yu, do you think that Shen Fengshan really doesn't know that you are my son? He must know. He deliberately stole you, raised him with him, and then grew up. Afterwards, you will be grateful for his upbringing and never pursue those things. Jingyu, Shen Fengshan is not worth your efforts."

   Shen Jingyu's attitude is very calm and pertinent: "I believe in the feeling. For so many years, he has played the role of a father."

   "Jingyu!" Feng Ling was very distressed, and Shen Jingyu, who knew the truth, still had to stand by Shen Fengshan.

   This is Shen Fengshan's conspiracy, raising her son to be completely on his side and against herself.

Feng Ling couldn't suppress the desolation in her heart: "In the beginning, you were almost killed by him, for this reason, every time I dreamed back at midnight, it was your voice calling for help and your helpless appearance... I endured it because of this. Half a lifetime of pain. Jing Yu, please see Shen Fengshan clearly, okay?"

   She almost hummed.

  Because she didn't want to hurt her son's feelings, she had given up her previous pride and superiority.

   This is a mother's plea.

Shen Jingyu looked at her calmly, looked her in the eye, and said, "I can accompany you to check the exact evidence for the previous incident. But this time, Shen Sihai did it, and it has nothing to do with my father. Please believe me. ."

   "Then why didn't you believe me first? You are my son, I won't lie to you."

  Shen Jingyu pinched the center of his eyebrows, and didn't let go until he pinched the center of his eyebrows pale: "If you do something to my father, we can't talk..."

   "Jing Yu." Feng Ling's voice was full of disappointment, her son had completely stood by Shen Fengshan, which was a result she was unwilling to accept no matter what.

   She looked at him with unparalleled pain. The last thing she wanted to hurt was her relationship with her son. When she knew that he was still alive, she was ecstatic to the point of madness.

   And now, a heart has fallen to a low point, her son, refused to stand by her side.

  Shen Jingyu said softly, "You thought I was dead, but I'm still alive. This incident alone can overturn some of your previous thoughts, right?"

  Feng Ling was silent.

"At the beginning, under your instruction, my wife and son were separated, and the family was almost destroyed. Have you ever thought about it? If you investigate more, it will not be like this at all." When Shen Jingyu mentioned this matter, his voice became hoarse and hurt. The pain is vivid and unforgettable.

   (end of this chapter)

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