The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1741: shouting and killing

   Chapter 1741 Shouting, shouting and killing

Fu Qian also shouted angrily: "I was almost killed here, if you don't help me, you will help outsiders! Just because of one Shen Jingyu, you are biased towards him! You don't want us if you have a son. daughter?"

   "He is not my son!" Fu Hongxuan roared.

  Fengling has never admitted that Shen Jingyu is his son, and Shen Jingyu himself has no obsession with it. He only regards Shen Fengshan as his father.

  Fu Hongxuan couldn't go to Fengling to confirm because of his identity.

  Although he wanted such a son in his heart, he couldn't be sure that it was his own son, and Fu Hongxuan had long been depressed.

Fu Meirou hurriedly grabbed his hand: "Dad, don't blame Qianqian, she knows she is wrong, and Shen Muhan and Chu Zhuohang are really too much, they came here to shout and kill, have you taken the Dragon Empire's Do you care about the law? Qianqian is also injured, Dad, don't think about it."

  Fu Hongxuan's anger finally subsided.

   Fu Meirou is sleek and graceful, which is far from Fu Qian's. She just held her head high and refused to admit defeat.

  Fu Hongxuan said: "This is the end of the matter. If someone mentions it in the future, I will never let it go."

   After saying that, he turned and left.

  Fu Qian was so angry that she threw everything on the table to the ground.

  After Fu Hongxuan went out, he arranged for his subordinates to apologize to Shen Jingyu, Shen Muhan and Chu Zhuohang.

   The fault lies with Fu Qian. Fu Qian has not suffered any actual harm now, but has only lost face. He can only appease the victims, especially since they are still the pillars of the country, which is related to the future of the country and the stability of the entire foundation.

  Shen Jingyu had brought Chu Ning home, Liang Yi came over to look at Chu Ning and said, "Jing Yu, Ning Ning is fine. Take a rest and drink more water."

   "Well." Shen Jingyu's eyes were full of distress.

   He didn't bother to find Fu Qian because he was always with Chu Ning.

  Chu Zhuohang has come back and told him about Fu Qian's side, Shen Jingyu doesn't need to go there anymore.

  Liang Yi took some medicine to Shen Jingyu and said, "This is for Ning Ning to adjust her body."

   "Thank you." Shen Jingyu took it.

   Originally, Shen Jingyu always trusted Gu Yunchen.

   But this kind of thing is best for Liang Yilai. She also did a full body check on Chu Ning and knew that everything was fine with Chu Ning.

   She came out and saw that Chu Zhuohang was still waiting outside, and Jaws said hello before leaving.

  Chu Zhuohang stood up and walked to Shen Jingyu's side: "How is Ningning?"

   "It's okay."

   "Fu Qian admitted this matter alone, saying that it has nothing to do with Fu Meirou. But..." Chu Zhuohang obviously didn't believe that it had nothing to do with Fu Meirou.

   It's just that there is no solid evidence, and things can only come to an abrupt end on Fu Qian's side.

  The housekeeper walked in and said, "Master Shen, Young Master Chu, someone from the Presidential Palace has come, and he said he wants to express his sincere apologies."

   "Let them go." Shen Jingyu said, "Just say we have no guests."

   The butler turned to report.

  The apology from the Presidential Palace almost represents what Fu Hongxuan meant.

   He apologized because he hoped that the big things would be reduced to the small ones, and he also hoped that Shen Jingyu and Chu Zhuohang would no longer hold Fu Qian accountable. In principle, there was really nothing to be held accountable, after all, Chu Ning was not actually hurt.

   Even if it is legal proceedings, it will soon become a trivial matter, and Fu Qian cannot be severely punished.

   (end of this chapter)

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